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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Democrats promise more of the same



Image result for democratic convention 2016

While watching the Democratic Convention it was clear that their proposals are basically the same policies of the last 40 years. On one hand Hillary has promised to continue the policies of Barack Obama in actually stating that they are proposing an Obama 3rd term. On the other hand, Bill Clinton claims she will bring change to those issues that Americans are concerned about. It looks to me from the rhetoric that the former will be the case. As for the economy, they state how great everything is, but that they will get the economy growing by "INVESTING IN INFRASTRUCTURE,"  which sounds much more like another stimulus package. It is going to be paid for by raising taxes? Does anyone really believe that they will be able to raise enough taxes from the 1% to pay for all this? This is another transfer of wealth from the private sector to the public sector. There is no talk of tax reform, no talk of regulatory relief, no talk of encouraging manufacturing in the United States. Under pressure from Bernie's supporters and Trump, Hillary now says she is against TTP, which has set aside funds to assist workers displaced by this treaty. She will pass this trade bill in a minute if elected, as her best friend Terry McCauliffe let it be known in order ease the concerns of supporters of TTP. In last few days it has been reported that home ownership is now at the lowest point in 50 years. Employment is now at 63% of eligible workers and nearly 50% of households are getting food stamps. New jobs are mostly in the retail sector or food services where the prospects of advancement are limited. ALl this and they are talking about free college education for all; again where will this money come from and will there be good  jobs available when these people graduate? The whole plan is government control of all aspects of the economy. If these policies are continued, we will one day look like Venezuela. The democrats seem to only have one track when it comes to economics: transfer all wealth to the state and they will distribute to whom they think is deserving or who will best serve their political purposes.

Image result for bill clinton sleeping at convention 
Poor Bill, he's heard it all before

As for foreign policy, it is all more of the same, I did not hear any proposals to change or even reevaluate our foreign policy. I guess they believe all is well and stay the present course.

As for immigration, again all is well, we need to open the borders and let in anyone that should want to come, something like the EU immigration policy. This in itself has hurt the most vulnerable in this country, by depressing wages of the lower and middle class. Is it the plan to have a large poverty class dependent on government, who feel they need to vote for democrats to insure their basic necessities rather than opportunity to become self sufficient and prosper? 

This convention could have been called the,"Convention of Malcontents", who believe that their problems can all be solved by some government intervention. It was focused on emotional appeals to gain votes, without any real logical solutions. While government is necessary for common defense, enforcing contracts, and public safety, it now has become the god of the new age. Those that put their trust in government will be sorely disappointed.

We did not see anyone praise the results of total democratic control in cities like Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago or most all big cities, with unsustainable debt, violence and declining private sector opportunities.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Report from Convention




Cruz could not bring himself to be a man last night to his own destruction. A shame. I was speaking to people who put in countless hours on his campaign in Texas who said they are furious he didn't endorse and that he was supposed to. These two volunteers said they were done with him for this. What a sniveling selfish person who would want to put us under the control of Hillary Clinton so that he would have another chance in 4 years. As far as I am concerned at this point, Ted Cruz's manners shows himself to be far below the New York values of party loyalty and how about just being a man about it. Look how Trump is surrounding himself with good people like Reagan did. Mike Pence is everything a Christian could want. Who chose him? Donald Trump. Look at the list of Supreme Court nominations Trump put out. Look at how Trump has grown our party. Stop being so damned selfish Cruz, this isn't about you, it's about the movement. It's about America. You had the chance to bring us together, but instead you chose the selfish route. How is anyone going to be able to forget that? What were you and Heidi thinking? Forget green eggs and ham, you're toast.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Report from Cleveland



Mike and Lee Snover from Northampton County have agreed to send the Observer a daily report of what's happening in Cleveland. Lee is a delegate to the Republican Convention from the 17th Congressional District. They arrived there today and are amazed at the security. Authorities are stopping cars as they take the exits to Cleveland and checking both occupants and cars. Everything around the convention site is shut down, including parking garages, etc. There seems to be one policeman for every 20 people, and many heavily armed police, Coast Guard and Secret Service. The delegates are shuttled by bus, with each bus having armed security on board.  There are helicopters circling over the area. The Snovers seemed to be somewhat relieved, as I know they were concerned as to what might happen there. Some are concerned the protesters may attempt to shut down the convention, but it sounds as though they have provided overwhelming force up to now. They will be providing the Observer with daily reports about what takes place this week from Cleveland.  Let's wish them well and look forward to their reports. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Obama commences third term campaign



Image result for clinton Obama in North carolina

 The political deal of the century is now being revealed piece by piece. In the coming days it may very well be obvious to all except those who love to live in complete denial. We have watched as the orchestrated event of the year unfolded, go back to April when you hear Obama on national television explain how Hillary's transgressions were not intentional and that she has done an outstanding job. If you look at Comey's explanation yesterday it matches Obamas prophetic words so well that it could have been written by Obama, and probably was.  This long drawn out investigation was nothing more than a negotiation between Obama and the Clinton campaign. It climaxed last week when Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch in Phoenix and agreed to the final details of the deal. Obama has stated recently that if he could run for a third term he would win hands down, he has repeated this several times. No sooner had the deal been agreed to that Lynch stated she would follow the FBI's recommendation. It was also reported by the New York Times, that Hillary expected to keep Lynch on as Attorney General if elected.  Then on Saturday Comey commences the  FBI interview with Clinton. Tuesday he proceeds to state that while Hillary is guilty of all the complaints against her, she will not be charged because it was unintentional. While Comey is making his statement, Obama and Clinton are about to board Air force 1 for a rally in North Carolina, of course they had no way of knowing what Comey's conclusion was to be.
When this rally starts it is soon obvious that Obama is in charge, Hillary is a figurehead that he will direct as a continuation of his term as President. It is openly stated by Obama and Hillary that if elected this will be the third Obama term and a continuation of his policies. Is this the price that the Clintons had to accept to possibly be the next president? Do the Clintons think that if elected they will be able to get rid of Obama? I expect that Obama will demand that the Clinton administration will be staffed with people acceptable to Obama, and if it is the Attorney general and Court members, he will hold the hammer on the Clinton  Presidency. 
While no documented proof of this deal will ever be revealed, just watch and listen as it all unfolds.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

FBI, Clinton extremely careless, but not intentional.



Image result for hillary celebration 
FBI director James Comey held a press conference this morning to announce that no recommendation of criminal charges would be sent to the Department of Justice concerning
Hillary Clinton's private server. This finishes off a week of build up to this conclusion. It started with the secret meeting in Phoenix between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, followed by the announcement by Lynch that the DOJ would follow the recommendation's of the FBI. Then today the recommendations of the FBI. It will not take long to put this matter to rest.

Comey explained that Clintons private server had been used to email 7 top secret messages, 36 Secret messages, and over 100 classified messages, but that this was all unintentional. He did not explain if the private server was also unintentional. He declared that the security culture at the State department was lacking. He also stated that while it could not be proved that this server was hacked, it had less security than  a G-Mail account.  He also stated that they found over 7000 emails that were government related that had not been turned over to the state department, but this was because they had a faulty way of sorting which emails were relevant. This seems to have been the best way that the Democrats, Obama and Clinton could put this behind them.

As far as the politics of this matter, It should be good news for Trump. The Dems are now fully committed to Clinton. It will not be Biden or Sanders, who probably would be tougher opponents. The scandal or incompetence of this matter will continue to be relevant as to the suitability of Clinton as President. In some ways it is just another indication of the corruption of all government institutions. It is more obvious than ever that people in power can pretty much get away with anything, as long as the voters are distracted and complacent.