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Friday, July 28, 2017

Lots of voting, no results



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Every attempt of the Federal government to improve health care has made it worse. Now we see that they have become gridlocked on making any changes. They voted all day yesterday, with amendments by both democrats and republicans and it all came up NO. Maybe it is time for the states to step up and set rules for insurance companies and health care in their states and tell the federal government to take a walk.
John McCain came back to vote no. He showed how out of touch he is with the realities of  todays politics when he suggested it was time to compromise with Democrats to pass some health care reform. He believes they should all be friends and just get along. Obviously he does not see that this is not 30 years ago when he came to the Senate. The two parties are now diametrically opposite in their view of the role of the Federal government. The Democrats no longer believe in free markets and a limited government. They are now, with just a few exceptions, for the all out control of every aspect of life to be regulated and controlled by the federal government. Sadly this also applies to a good number of Republicans as well.

The democrats will never vote for any health care reform that does not increase the role and control of the federal government.
The media is now salivating that this is a defeat for President Trump. This is a defeat for the American people who continue to be saddled with Obama care. The media is more than happy to destroy lives of Americans in the quest to take down Trump. This failure of the Senate to pass meaningful reform will ultimately be placed where it belongs, on the Senate.
We see that many Senators are concerned that their states will not get as big an increase in Federal dollars. We hear mayors of cities claim they need more illegal immigrants so that they can claim more federal dollars for their cities.  No one cares about the unaffordability of health insurance for the self employed and small business. Everyone wants more federal money from a government that has not balanced a budget in 50 years and incurred debt that can never be repaid. What we see is the failure of elected representatives to look to the future well being of the country. This is the kind of behavior that will devour the prosperity of the nation. Are we on the road to mimic the results of these policies in places like Venezuela?

Monday, July 24, 2017

Should we fear Russia?



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Russia is being portrayed as the biggest threat to the well being of the United States. It has eclipsed North Korea, ISIS, and a nuclear armed Iran as the ultimate enemy of America. Is this really a realistic view of the world? What exactly is Russia accused of doing? We do know that emails from the Democratic National committee were captured, transferred to Wikileaks and made public. This may have discouraged  former Bernie Sanders supporters from voting for Hillary Clinton. Where the emails altered? NO. Where they fake? NO. Should the Bernie Sanders supporters have been made aware of the favoritism of the DNC? YES. If these emails were revealed by the New York times or the Washington Post would anyone have right to complain.? Probably not. But the story is that the Russians captured the emails and gave them to Wikileaks and this is supposed to make it a serious crime. If this information was sent to the New York times or the Washington Post would they have published it? NO. If it was emails from the Trump campaign, would they have published it? YES, in a heart beat, because the of the Public's right to know. The hypocrisy is just too much to comprehend.
Did the Russians have an AXE to grind with Hillary Clinton and Obama? Yes they did. The Obama administration directly interfered in foreign elections, by actually paying for and having people on the ground, in Egypt, Israel, Ukraine and Russia and probably many more places. Not one word of this has been mentioned by the mainstream media. Is it not ironic, that they have failed to compare the possible actions of Russia with our own countries actions in foreign elections. Have they become the willing accomplices of not only the democratic party but of its foreign policy as well?
The using of Russia as a prop to damage President Trump and his administration may have lasting consequences for our foreign policy, with not only Russia, but the rest of the world as well. They may have a much more objective view of American politics from afar and may come to understand that policy is now set by the media and the behind the scenes players, who believe they can use Russia as a weapon to weaken and hinder the Trump administration's agenda and all else is irrelevant. In their zeal to destroy Trump they are willing to put the country and the world in a much more dangerous place.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Make them vote!



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Ever since the candidacy of Donald Trump began, there has been a parade of people and institutions exposed as frauds. First was the media, who always claimed to be non-partisan and objective, but it quickly became clear that they were mostly an extension of the Democratic party and the Washington establishment. Then there was the government officials and institutions, the leaders of the Intelligence community and the FBI and State department leakers, who are more concerned with protecting and expanding their personal power and fortune than the best interests of the country. Of course, we saw Republican fakers who always preached support the republican candidate until it was not an establishment type. We saw the Dents and Kasich's who all have future political ambitions believe their best hope for future success is to oppose and obstruct the Republican President.
The republican members of the house and senate should not be protected any longer, make them vote, and vote and vote some more. Make their positions clear for all to see.
If you want to see who wants to oppose Trump in the 2020 primary, just watch the headliners on the news. Kasich seems to be the most out there, of course the news media will give him all the time he needs to trash the policies of Trump. Rand Paul seems to also be a favorite of the media, while he has been restrained in his opposition to Trump personally, does anyone not believe he is planning another run. Both are living in an illusion, neither could break 10% in 2016, and they will not likely be able to do any better in the future.
Then of course there are the other Never-Trumpers in the house and senate who really are representatives of  the Washington establishment, whose policies have driven the country to where it stands today. They like the status quo,  they like things as they are, they want to preserve their power and fortune at the expense of the well being of the country. These are the people who have guided are disastrous foreign policy for decades,  have not balanced a budget for 50 years and still believe they are the smarter than the average American or an elected President..  Its time that people in government look to do what is in the best interest of the country, not be torn in 10 different directions be special interests, whether rich or poor. We have a $20 Trillion debt and growing, we have $100 Trillion in unfunded liabilities, and yet we cannot bring our selves to make any reforms. We have the results of these policies right in front of us. We have seen the decline of  the great cities of America, now the States like Illinois are in similar straits. Will the whole country be next?
Trump won the presidency because he vowed to drain the corrupt swamp. He was the outsider. He was not elected because of his personality but because of the policies he espoused. We now have been able to see clearly who are the keepers of the swamp. If they believe they can win in the future by promising the status-quo I believe they are delusional.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Charlie Gard and national healthcare



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The decision by a hospital panel in the United Kingdom has given us a glimpse into the workings of National Health Care. The decision by the court to force 11 month old Charlie Gard to remain under the care of the hospital and to be removed from life support has caused outrage by many. His parents have asked that he either be allowed to come home or possibly receive treatment in another country. The Hospital and the court has refused, concluding that his condition is terminal. Charlie has been diagnosed with Mitochondrial disease which is a genetic condition, that at present, does not have a  known cure.
Charlie is going to be examined by a U.S. doctor who has been working on this disease and claims there has been success in treating some of these cases. The family hopes Charlie will be allowed to leave and travel to the U.S. for experimental treatment.
National healthcare is the norm in the European community. Many tout that it is free healthcare for all, but the downside is almost never discussed. It is a fact that panels decide by statistics who should receive care and who should not. If over a certain age you may be denied for knee replacements and other treatments. Belgium has recently allowed euthanasia for terminally ill children. There is also a movement in Europe to allow euthanasia for under 3 year old children whose parents have second thought about being parents. Their thinking is that these children have not reached the age of reason so do not have the same rights as older children.
Those who espouse national healthcare should think long and hard about what kind of control over our lives we are willing to give to the government. Why can't the parents be allowed to bring their baby home and do the best they can for as long as they can? What other decisions are we willing to give over to some bureaucracy? Once those rights are given up they will never be restored. Again, the problem with our healthcare system is the cost, much of which has been exasperated by government meddling. Do we really believe that more government meddling and control will remedy the problem?

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Is recievership the only way to save failed states



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While we are living in a relatively stable economic period, the fate of state finances is deteriorating steadily. While Illinois has been in the news it is not the only state in trouble. Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey are considered in worse condition. Most are in danger of having their bond rating lowered to junk status. Pennsylvania is now rated 39th in the country for fiscal health and has had its bond rating lowered. Most of the states that are in trouble have extremely high pension costs and little return on investments. It is an unsustainable situation. While efforts to reform these costs have been attempted there is just not enough will to get it done. That and liberal judges who rule that there can never be cuts to pension programs, of course all those judges are on the same program for retirement.

Most states choose the Detroit Finance Plan of raising taxes to keep the lid on. This is followed by population declining, business relocating, revenues decreasing, followed by, of course, more tax raises.

So it looks like the solution will only come when these states will loose their ability to borrow money, which may be soon in some cases, and these states are declared failed states. Then an administrator is placed in charge by the Federal government. Then all contracts can be renegotiated, the pension may be placed under government control and pay-outs determined by what is left in the pension fund. When this happens, and it seems only then, will real fiscal reform begin.

Monday, July 10, 2017

What does the media and deep state want from Russia?



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With President Trump's meeting with Vladimir Putin, which lasted for over 2 hours, the hysteria over any conversation or possible lessening of tensions continues. It seems that there is a foreordained policy of the U.S. deep state to contain Russia and push for regime change in Russia. We are now told that Russia is the enemy we need to fear the most. That North Korea, ISIS, Iran and our mounting debt at home pale in significance when compared to the threat from Russia. I just don't buy it. While Putin may well not be a good person and has used his position to take on more power, he certainly is no worse than many leaders who we call allies or have worked with in the past. 
Trump has repeatedly stated that he hoped to lessen tensions with Moscow, hoped to work together to defeat ISIS, and possibly reach a political solution in Syria.  These statements are taken as giving in to Russia and Putin. Improved relations with Russia could also lead to some solutions concerning Iran. Is it in the best interest of Russia to have a nuclear weapon capable Iran on their southern border? There are many place where Russia and the U.S. have parallel interests and also points of conflict. Is it reasonable to take advantage of the points of common interest while standing our ground on those things detrimental to the U.S.?
Everyone has been fixated on the Russian hacking of emails during the U.S. election, but not a word about the U.S. interference in the elections in Egypt, Israel, Ukraine, and Russia.
While no one wants to talk about it, there have been talks with Russia going on for months. Much of this has been conducted by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger who has been an adviser to the President. It appears Trump is going to continue to talk to Putin and move forward in the hope of solving problems in the interest of the U.S.
Again , no one believes Putin is some angelic leader, but to assume we will be better off by orchestrating some regime change in Russia will be in the best interest of the U.S. is bordering on insanity. Every U.S. involvement in regime change in the last decades have ended badly. The U.S. popularity in Russia has deteriorated badly due to our foreign policy. It can only get worse if we attempt to overthrow Putin, who is popular in his country.
It is obvious that the agenda of the deep state is to increase sanctions, increase hostility to Russia, make life harder for the average Russian and hope Putin is overthrown. If this is successful, we most likely will end up with another Stalin or someone worse.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Thoughts on July, 4th.



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When America was founded, it was all about freedom and liberty for individuals to pursue whatever it was that they could accomplish with the god given talents with which they were blessed. Also freedom from the King, the British aristocracy, the cronies or bureaucrats of the King who controlled and regulated everything that they could. Many prospered, some did not, all were equal in that they had the right to pursue their dreams. It was a tough land, it took perseverance and steadfastness and the respect of your neighbors. It was a land of tough love. Neighbors would help anyone in true need, but not those who choose to not put forth the effort. Immigrants came to pursue their dreams, often not readily accepted by the established population. Much had to do with gaining respect by hard work and fair play. There was no other option. It was a melting pot, heated and simmered by the struggles of individuals and communities to improve their lot. America grew and prospered and became the most powerful country in the world. Always able to come together because they had the same tough experience.
Today we see America more divided than at any time in my life. Probably not since the Civil war. What is the root of this division? Is it a quest for liberty and freedom? Most Americans really don't care what others do in their homes or in private. They do object to others attempts to force them to accept things they would not do or encourage their children to do.  I believe the biggest source of division is forced socialism, where one group uses the power of the state to force others to support them in one fashion or the other. Often at a level much above those who are paying the bill. We have replaced the King with the elected government, who is mostly focused on staying in power by supporting those that vote for them at the expense of others. The answer to all problems is " the government needs to do something". There has been a slow steady evolution since the founding of the nation, some for the good, no one can deny that America has never been perfect, it has made many positive changes over the years. Most people just want to live their lives and be left free to pursue their dreams. If everyone would recognize some of those basic facts, maybe we could lessen the tensions and become more united in our pursuit of happiness. The famous quote of John F. Kennedy, a democrat, has never been more relevant than today. Lets all think a little about our country and pray for it today as we celebrate our history.