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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Time for U.S Attorney General to be elected position.



The U.S. Attorney General is now an appointed position. It is now imperative that this position become an elected position. The status of the FBI and the Attorney General's office has now been irreparably diminished. The assumption now is that the Attorney General is a surrogate of the President. The Attorney General should be representing the people of the United States. In this administration this office has become no more than a political hack of the President. It is a precedent that will now be used by every president in the future.

The first instance was when Attorney General Eric Holder refused to release information on the         " Fast and Furious " scandal , which involved the running of over 1000 guns into Mexico with the aid of ATF. Holder was charged by a federal judge to release all pertinent information to congress, He refused and was then censored by congress, which is no more than a scolding. Impeachment charges should have then been brought, but congress was fearful of taking the media and political heat and put politics over principal. This sent the message that congress would not stand up to corruption.

The next issue was the long drawn out investigation into the Clinton illegal server and the destruction of evidence by Clinton and her surrogates. The investigation was drawn out till her nomination was secure, then the Attorney General, Lorretta Lynch declared she would follow the recommendation of the FBI. Then there is the secret meeting in Arizona by Bill Clinton and the Attorney General,  a quick interview with Hillary Clinton, then a press Conference by FBI director Comey which states all the reasons Clinton is guilty, then claims that no prosecutor would prosecute the case. It is then revealed that the FBI gave immunity to Cheryl Mills, Clintons State department chief of staff, Paul Combtta. Platte river Networks , who handled the secret server, Heather Samuelson, Clinton aid, John Bentel, state department information resource management and Brian Pagliano, who set up the original private server. The above persons were all involved with destroying emails, servers, and communication devices, 13 cell phones. All this destruction was done after the state department and Clinton were served with subpoenas for the information and an order to preserve all information. This is a perfect example of an Obstruction of Justice charge. All the above took the 5 th.  amendment when brought before congress, Pagliano refused to appear even after being subpoenaed, he should have been immediately been arrested as any other citizen would have been. It is apparent that the immunity was given so that the obstruction of justice charge could not be brought. This is no more than a cover up by the Attorney General and the FBI. If this kind of corruption is now continued, it will undermine our entire legal system. We are well on our way to becoming like most third world countries. It will set the precedent for the Attorney Generals's of the future, It has diminished the image of the FBI. This along with the fact that many of the terrorists in this country have previously been interviewed by the FBI and released and not surveilled. You have to wonder what is going on with the top law enforcement officer of the country.

The old saying, by Sir Walter Scott," Oh what a tangled web we weave, When  first we practice  to deceive" could not be more appropriate in these cases. This all started with Clinton's desire to hide her dealings from the American people and congress, it was an intentional act to deceive and has now resulted in diminishing of the whole Federal Legal system. It will most likely never recover without serious changes being made.

Congress should now take action to put forth an Amendment to make the Attorney General's office an elected position. This should be a four year term, with elections in the non presidential election years. This Attorney General should be able to appoint, with the consent of the senate, the FBI director. Congress should have the power to impeach the Attorney General for a list of causes. The Federal legal system needs to be made independent of the executive branch. All state Attorney Generals are elected. We have made many changes, such as the election of senators, women's suffrage, and voting age. I do believe if something like this is not done, the corruption will continue and grow in future administrations.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Rioting and looting in Charlotte



We hear that the democrats are concerned that African American voters are not sufficiently motivated to come out strongly for Hillary Clinton. Is their strategy now to gin up unrest and controversy in the states needed to win the November election. This was first questioned in 2012 when the George Zimmerman,Trayvon Martin incident was blown up by the administration and the media into a racist incident. NBC news went as far as to alter the 911 tape to make Zimmerman appear to be motivated by race. Florida of course was a pivotal state in the 2012 election.  After all the hoopla and goings on Zimmerman was acquitted by a multiracial Jury.

The Michael Brown incident was in the 2014 election, in which the democratic Senator from Missouri was in a close race for re-election. Every African-American voter was needed for success. Eventually we found out that, except for the death of Brown, most of the rest was made up and hyped by the media and the Administration.

No one is suggesting that the incidents are created, but it is not beyond politicians to use any means to enhance their chances of success. It would be plausible that the democratic operatives are on the alert for any incident in swing states that could be used to their advantage.  Once an incident is detected, send in their people. It has been reported that in many of these riots people show up from other states within hours. Who pays for their transportation and expenses?

In watching interviews of local protesters, they are often very reasonable and good law-abiding citizens who just want to express their concern for these incidents. Many times you see these local people try to stop the others from looting and rioting, often placing themselves in danger from the professional protesters and rioters.  These poor people are often hurt, and their cities and livelihoods destroyed. We hope this is not just an effort to energize these people to vote for their candidates without any concern for the damage being done.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Northwestern Lehigh school board meeting


The September 21st  meeting of the Northwestern Lehigh school board approved the renewal of the Circle of seasons Charter School charter. It was a 7-2 vote with Willard Dellicker and Todd Hernandez voting not to renew the charter. The Charter renewal was several months in the making, with some discrepancies in the charter Schools administration. Having addressed the issues it has now been renewed for 5 years.

The school has received a donation of school supplies from the Pennsylvania State Police. These supplies will be distributed to needy students.

The school also thanked Nestle North America for the purchase of the new score board at the stadium.

The board also announced that they have set a goal of enhanced communication with the citizens of the district.

The school also thanked Michael Taras DMD for the donation of 1600 dental kits to be distributed to the elementary schools and the middle school. The kits contain everything needed and more for good dental care.

There will be a drug awareness academy sponsored by the Penna. State Police and LCCC, it will be 4 sessions as follows all at 7 Pm at LCCC
Oct. 25,
Nov. 2, 
Nov. 9
Nov. 16

The next workshop meeting is Oct. 5 at 6.30 pm.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Dems and media now in full panic mode




As polls came out in the middle of the week, full scale panic set in for the Clinton campaign and the media. Obviously they were shocked to find that Trump has increased his support among African-American voters. You could tell by the way they coordinated their strategy with the Obama birth certificate issue. This staged drama could be made into a movie, as the media relentlessly brought up the issue, attempting to force a response from Trump, Trump cooperated and after celebrating the opening of his new hotel in Washington D.C. and accepting the endorsement from numerous generals, admirals and medal of honor holders, he stated in one line that Obama was born in the USA. He also stated that the Clinton campaign started the birthplace questions and he had finished it. He then proceeded to take guests, without the press, on a tour of the new hotel. The press was outraged, that he did not take questions and waited until the end of the event to address this issue. Within minutes the congressional black caucus, about 10 people, had a press conference showing their outrage, and that Trump was racist, had diminished the president and that black voters needed to vote for Hillary. Also they were all outraged that this issue was started in 2008 by the Clinton campaign. Then Obama came out and appealed to black voters to vote for Clinton to preserve his legacy. This appeared to be the ultimate in desperation. This went on for most of Friday, then they tried to shift to new attack's, when Trump stated in Florida that Hillary should disarm her secret service bodyguards, like she would like to disarm everyday Americans. This resulted in more media and democratic outrage, stating that Trump has now advocated an assassination attempt on Clinton, put her at risk, and that he was advocating violence. They then introduced a new attack that Trump could not be president because of his International business holdings. They claim that he could not be unbiased in his decisions as president. In effect they are stating that only professional politicians can be president, because only they have no conflicts of interest and are pure in all their dealings. I have yet to see the Clinton campaign attempt to compare their positions to Trump, because their positions seem to be 4 more years of the last. So their whole strategy is to demonize Trump, so that he will be  unacceptable.

This is just a recap of the last few days, we have over 50 days to go, and it appears more voters are just numb from the hysteria, polls, and attacks and are tuning out. This is similar to what happened toward the end of the Republican primary. If the democrats believe that the strategy of Rand Paul, Mitt Romney or Marco Rubio, will work, only time will tell. There seems to be a point where excess negative attack's are much like an immunization. The attacks are so many and so severe that they no longer have much effect. The credibility of the media has been severely damaged and I doubt that it will be healed in the near future. Hillary has yet to define why she wants to be president, "fighting for you", against who exactly, or to "preserve the Obama legacy". Trump has her beat with, " Make America Great Again"

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Northwestern lehigh performance audit


Discussion at the August 7th Workshop meeting;  The review of the policy relating to Nepotism was postponed until the October Workshop meeting.  It was announced that Nestle North America Corporation had contributed the funding for the new score board at the stadium. The state performance audit has been completed with only 1 minor discrepancy that had to do with the enrollment numbers and the reimbursement  for busing non-public school students. This amounted to $5004.00 underpayment by the state. The graphs from this audit are below. The complete audit is available at the Pa. auditor general website.


Monday, September 12, 2016

Democrats near panic mode



The crucial part of the 2016 presidential campaign has begun. While Trump and his campaign are looking confident, the Clinton campaign and the media are on the verge of panicking. Though Clinton has remained in the lead in most polls, her lead is mostly confined to the margin for error. This will not be acceptable for a win by Clinton. Most serious analysts believe Trump will have a built-in 2% result over his polling numbers. This is due to most polls focusing on likely voters, who vote in every election. Many of likely Trump voters have not voted in years and are not on those lists. Below you can see that Clinton has outspent Trump by $235,000,000, but has not been able to push him out of the race. In fact Trump has been gaining a little every week. Clinton and her surrogates have raised and spent $338,696,000 to Trump's $97,107,570.

The Clinton campaign has a large staff and has been running negative ads on most major media;  they are shocked that Trump is still contending. Their strategy to label Trump and his supporters as racist and xenophobic bigots has mostly been ineffective. Clinton has gone as far as to label Trump supporters as a "Basket of  Deplorables". This has been part of the democratic strategy to label Trump supporters as uneducated, trailer park whites. Only trouble with this is many of the Trump supporters have relatives, spouses, and friends who are fence-sitting Hillary supporters. This is not a good strategy. They have also tried to connect Trump as an ally of Vladimir Putin because he has not disavowed positive things that Putin has said about him. He has also objectively called Putin a decisive and strong leader. These attacks are all a symptom of desperation. Interestingly, while the the Clinton campaign has been on the personal attack on Trump, Trump has shifted to focus on policy and outreach to the black and Hispanic communities. He has questioned her honesty, connections to the Clinton Foundation, and record as Secretary of State, but has not attacked her supporters. He has definitely attempted to appeal to Clinton supporters. The other strategy of the media and Clinton is to label Trump unqualified, intemperate and not suitable to be president. Trump has been on good behavior and has 58 days to dispel those questions. Clinton is supposed to have the best organized ground game. The ground game for Trump has not been managed by the campaign, but is more of a spontaneous grassroots movement, much like what happened with the Obama campaign. Most all of the Trump signs have been bought by the individuals who display the signs, not by the republican party or the Trump campaign. 

The Clinton campaign and the media have protected Clinton until now. She has not had a major news conference since December 2015, all her events are heavily orchestrated, and her speeches are scripted by others. This policy now has to come to an end. She will need to pick up the pace and challenge Trump on the campaign trail, become more accessible to the media, and ready herself for a face-to-face debate with Trump. She has been handicapped in that she has many excuses for her email and Clinton Foundation problems and really has no adequate answer. And now here health has become a real, legitimate issue in the campaign, all eyes will now be on her. With the first debate due in two weeks, it will be much like a sports event... the most confident and self assured candidate will probably win. If Hillary Clinton has the ability to regain her footing and look strong, it will keep her campaign in the game. If she continues with the desperate attacks she will be toast.