Blog Archive

Monday, July 31, 2023

For many areas, Life would be impossible without air conditioning.



Air conditioning was invented in 1902. It was huge, expensive and just an idea, but not available for consumers. This began to change in the early 1930's as technology began to make units smaller and soon affordable for the mass market. In 1947 43,000 units were sold, but it was in the 1970's that air conditioning began to become part of everyday life for everyone.

We see high temperatures in places like Phoenix and Houston that would be deadly without air conditioning. In fact, much of the south was not a comfortable place to live in the past, particularly in the summer. The native Americans often migrated south in the winter and north in the summer. Most did not live in place like Phoenix, if in Arizona, it was in the higher elevations. 

The history of these places is revealing, Phoenix had a population of 221,000 in 1950, some years after air conditioning became available, now 4.7 million. Houston 1950, 709,000, today 6.7 million. Tampa 1950, 300,000 today 3 million. Las Vegas 1950, 35,000, today 2.8 million. Miami 1950, 622,000 today 6.2 million. Then compare it with Chicago 1950, 5 million, today 8.9 million. I suspect the population in these southern areas was much lower in the 1930's.

Florida was a place were the wealthy spent the winter in the 1940's and 50s, but not too many retired there permanently. It was just too hot.  I remember in the 1950's when they sold lots in Florida through the mail, very low cost and often filled in swamp land. Without air conditioning the world would be a different place.

Today even large buildings in the north are now dependent on air conditioning as they often do not have windows that open. They would be deadly without electric and air conditioning.

Like many things today, most people just take it for granted that these inventions have always been available and will always be in the future. I sometimes suspect that nature will always revert back to its power sooner or later.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Russia shifts from defense to offense in Ukraine.



Almost 2 months into the Ukrainian counter-offensive there is still no major breakthrough of the Russian defenses. While the Ukrainians have made some gains in the southern area, they have been at great cost and have not resulted in any major breakthrough. It is believed the Ukrainians have lost at least 30% of their tanks, artillery and other equipment and possibly the same percent of their personnel.

In recent days Russia, who has been massing large numbers of troops and equipment in the northern area has made significant advances. It seems this offensive is measured and calculated to advance, then set up defenses and then advance again. A tactic that may insure that they will not overextend and then be damaged. We will see if this Russia's real offensive or just an attempt to force Ukraine to make decisions to call troops from other areas. It does appear that Russia is now ready to take more area moving west.

There are reports that Poland and Latvia are being encouraged to take part in this crisis in support of Ukraine. It would be a major escalation that would place those counties troops in serious jeopardy. 

This conflict has without a doubt exceeded the casualties of any conflict since WW2. Both Ukraine and Russia have paid a high price and that investment in blood will not be easily negotiated away.

At present, there does not look like any solution is available to rescue Ukraine from serious defeat. It is expected that Russia will advance at least until they control completely those 4 districts that have been incorporated into Russia. Those areas will not be part of any negotiations.

After that is accomplished, Russia will probably extend their occupation to the distance of the longest range weapons that are provided to Ukraine. The longer range, the smaller Ukraine will become.

So far, Russia has not engaged in all out war with Ukraine, while they have recently embargoed traffic out of and into Odessa, they still have not taken out the bridges over the Dnieper river or destroyed government buildings in Kiev. Other than the front lines, they have continued to strike ammo supplies, air defenses and equipment. Most of the damage to civilian infrastructure have been the result of air defense rockets of Ukraine, that if not hitting incoming target, have to land somewhere and no one can control where.

There is dissent and pressure within Russia to up the intensity of this conflict and get it concluded.  It seems the present strategy is attrition of the Ukrainian defenses and the pressure that is being experienced both economically and politically in western Europe. Russia may feel that a long extended conflict will in the end benefit it both politically and in the strategic long game. 

It appears this conflict will continue into the fall, unless there is a major development, it will then see problem's with food and energy particularly in western Europe.  This conflict will have major consequences for the world for a long time. It could have been avoided, if not for hubris and delusion by the architects of this crisis. Everyone will suffer from the consequences.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Hunter Biden drama, smoke to cover real crimes.



Much is made of the holding up of the plea deal of Hunter Biden to misdemeanor charges in return for immunity for unnamed crimes. A misdemeanor charge of failure to file taxes, when in effect it was failure to report millions of dollars of money from foreign governments. Money that his father and cohorts would not want to explain why they were paid. Hunter Biden, sadly, was just a incompetent money launderer who was being used by his father as the bag man from money from Ukraine, China and others. Money that was just a percentage of the U.S. money they have received or other profitable policies.

Biden's predecessor, Bill Clinton used his Clinton global initiative to funnel foreign money into his charitable foundation. It then allowed them to hire influential family members and pay them well. It also allowed them to fly around the world to give speeches and influence policies. It also allowed them to funnel money into democrat political campaigns, that in effect were paid by foreigners who just kick-backed U.S. money gifted by politicians. I suspect this has been going on for decades and explains much of the money that has allowed the funding of many political campaigns. Of course, no one is going to complain about a system that is making their elite life possible.

Barack Obama also used the Justice department to bring charges against many big banks, blaming them for the housing crisis, then they allowed them to pay half the billions in fines to select, unnamed non-profits that funneled money to insure re-election and influence. Again, money that no one in government wants to stop. Money that no one in the Justice department or election regulators is willing to stop.

The Clinton global initiative closed up within one year of Hillary Clintons defeat, It no longer could deliver the money. 

Joe Biden is a third rate corrupt politician, but he still has many enjoying the largress made available by his being in office. It is no longer amazing as to what lengths government institutions will go to insure the money and influence gravy chain endures. It is now expected, just as this plea deal and immunity may be temporarily on hold,  one would expect it will be resurrected and save them all in the end.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Israel needs consistent judiciary and constitution.



We see that Israel has finally passed judicial reform legislation. It has now resulted in more rioting and threats of unrest. It is a sad display for a modern democracy that they they have not yet been able to provide a written constitution, a body of law for the government, even when promised when the country was founded, over 70 years ago. Maybe the population has too many former western lawyers, who would rather have an ambiguous and flexible judiciary the can make things up as they go along.

Israel has a panel of judges that appoint their judges and they have a list of guidelines that are not law, but a list of good intentions. The judiciary is separate branch, but not appointed by elected official and not subject to any written law. I really don't understand how any such arrangement would work to ensure, rights, consistency or a stable environment.

So, while the reform measures have made it harder for the judiciary to overturn decisions made be the elected officials, it is not a real answer to this delima. They need a written constitution and an accountable judiciary to enforce the written law.

Maybe this reform will now encourage the country to actually provide a written constitution. This would provide more consistency and stability and hopefully remove much of the emotional decisions.

The legislator should take that step, come up with negotiations on forming a real constitution and make it the law of the land with a 2/3 majority. Make it also amendable with a similar 2/3 majority. Then real judicial reform could be made that would make judges accountable for their decisions.

They have put the future of their country at risk, by not doing what was promised 70 years ago.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Why Ukraine grain deal ended.



In July 2022, Erdogan of Turkey helped negotiate a deal between the UN,Turkey, Russia and Ukraine that would provide for a humanitarian shipping corridor that would insure the safe export of grain from Ukraine. This deal also allowed Russia to also export grain and fertilizer through the Black sea. This deal was not extended last week because the west failed to implement the necessary provisions that would allow Russian grain and fertilizer to be exported, most of it to the middle east and Africa.

Besides not allowing Russian grain and fertilizer, Ukraine used the port area of Odessa, where this grain is stored and loaded, as as a staging area to attack Crimea. These are undisputed facts.

The other accusations are that Ukraine also used these ships to transport military supplies into Ukraine.

It is also suspected that the latest attack on the Kerch bridge was assisted by one of these ships.

While the accusations of  the use of the ships for military purposes may not at this time be proven, the fact that the west never intended to live up to their part of the deal to allow Russian export of grain and fertilizer is clear.

Most of the Ukrainian grain in processed in Turkey and then exported to Europe. Most of the Russian grain and essential fertilizer was destined for the middle east and Africa. The loss of these grain exports will have serious consequences for food prices and political stability in many parts of the world.

Of course, the western press has made their coordinated statement that it is Russia, now using food as a weapon, just as when the U.S. insisted on stopping the European import of energy from Russia and then blamed Russia for using energy as a weapon.

So, it is clear again that political advantage and narrative is more important than the lives and well being of those not part of this conflict. The real losers will be the people of Europe, the middle east and Africa, just collateral damage in the global political conflict. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

Taliban ends opium production, West complains.



The Taliban in Afghanistan have begun the elimination of the cultivation of Opium poppies in the country. When the Taliban was previously in power they had all but ended the cultivation and production of opium. All natural opioids, heroin, morphine etc. are produced from opium.

Afghanistan, now under Islamic rule, forbids drug use and enforces these rules with severe penalties. It is expected they will essentially end opium production in their country. Afghanistan also has a drug problem with an estimated 10% of the population addicted to opium. 

During the 20 year occupation of the country by the United States, opium production became very prevalent. It will now be a severe economic reality by ending the production quickly.

Western countries have all voiced their objections, claiming that a shortage of opiates will encourage users to use more Fentanyl and cause more overdose deaths. They also voice their concern about economic hardship placed on the poor farmers of Afghanistan.

While this may be a cyncial argument, the reality is this will cause serious repercussions in the western world, were opiate addiction is now at a high level. The rates of crime have been relatively low since the low priced availability of opiates. The availability will now decrease and the price will soar, this will lead to the increase in crime to maintain their drug use. It is also true that there seems to be an unlimited availability of fentanyl which is a cheap and powerful alterative.

Criticizing the Taliban for acting in the best interest of their country and population is not the remedy to western drug addiction. Maybe it is time that western leaders take another look at their own problem and begin dealing with the causes of drug addiction and consider what the future drug repercussions will be of the governments new policies of encouraging drug use. Drug use has been encouraged by Hollywood and other social media. Government now believes they can reap revenue by legalizing many drugs. It is an unproven experiment, and the danger to legalization, is in effect government endorsement. We no longer see much government action and messaging against drug use. No more, "just say no" or "this is your brain on drugs" adds. 

While the war on drugs has been a failure, much of it to do, I suspect, with the corruption of many officials with cartel money. The encouragement and lack of real science in the long term mental health of the country has not been a government priority. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

U.S. top focus is global government, not U.S. well being.



The effort to impose a minimum world tax rate is the first priority of Janet Yellen, U.S. secretary of treasury. The effort is for all nations to impose a minimum tax rate of 15% on international corporations and to tax companies that operate digitally. It is just another step in moving to a global government system. It will start as persuasion to adopt these rules, then when implemented, to punish those that do not cooperate, first economically then militarily

Individual countries have many different incentives to attract business to operate in their countries. Many developing countries often entice new investment with lowered ot delayed tax rates. For some it is an important lever to compensate for other less lucrative situations in their country. These plans all want to insure that high tax countries do not have to compete with less advantaged countries. It is just another form of control by the U.S. and western countries. Like state rights at home, the freedom to set tax rates is an important freedom that allows for competition, now a bad idea in global government.

Coupled with environmental regulation and pressure to delay industrialization in many developing countries it is a way to insure that other countries do not become more competitive to the countries with high taxes and high regulation. Rather than compete with countries, it is just another attempt to preserve the control over these other countries.

Sadly, the U.S. government is willing to spend tens of Billions of dollars to mettle in the internal affairs of other nations but is unwilling to control its own borders or deal with the rise in drug addiction, homelessness and a lawless and chaotic situation in its cities. 

It is clear that the priority of this government, often by both parties, is world government and control and not the well being of the United States citizens.

It is proved by its escalating unrestrained debt burden, that is near catastrophe, not to improve the lives of Americans but to control the world. 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Is technology making many weapons obsolete?



The changing battlefield in Ukraine is a glimpse of the future of war. We see that armored vehicles are easily identified and disabled by the use of drones and and hand held weapons. We see that ariel surveillance can be used to give very accurate coordinates and be eliminated by long range artillery in minutes. It is reported that many Ukrainians have not had visual contact with a Russian. Many have been killed or wounded with weapons fired from miles away. 

While human manpower will always be important on the battlefield and armored weapons are very valuable in certain situations, coordinated targeting by satellite and drones coupled with long range weapons is becoming clear as a game changer on the battlefield.

So far we have seen primarily a ground war in Ukraine, but it appears there will soon be a coordinated offense from the Russian military. It appears they are massing troops and armour for a major offensive in  northern Ukraine. This will be a coordinated air, ground campaign that will be another view as to how modern warfare is evolving.

It is being reported that new drones are coming onto the scene that will be able to be launched in mass and communicate with each other and direct each other to observed targets. The ability to manufacture large numbers of these weapons may be crucial in the near future. Disabled tanks and injured soldiers are just as effective as destroyed tanks and dead soldiers.

The introduction of hyper-sonic missiles have possibly put large slow surface ships in peril. Some believe that surface ships will be easy targets for these missiles. We will likely find out in the near future. 

The other use of technology has been the ability to block ot distort communication with these modern weapons. Many sophisticated guided bombs and missiles can now be disabled or misdirected by electronic warfare.

We can assume that this Ukraine conflict has been an opportunity for defense departments and manufacturers to test and improve weapons. It will allow them to use real life and death conflicts to advertise the effectiveness of their weapons. I expect the world defense apparatus is watching closely and deciding what they want and don't want in the future.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

U.S. foreign policy makers wanted enemies, now they have them.



It is no secret that creating enemies has its political advantages. Politician realize that fear and greed are the two most effective emotions to motivate voters. It may be effective when the enemies are Saddam Hussein and Muammar Kaddafi, the risk is minimum and creates public support for war and entices the military industries to give their support and donations. War is always lucrative for select constituents and war time presidents are usually rewarded with re-election.

We have witnessed over 20 years of the demonization of everything Russian. The Russians were labeled as responsible for everything that could be blamed on them. They were the evil ones and needed to be controlled and suppressed. They went as far to actually believing that a war with Russia with a eastern European proxy would cause the decline of Russia and would be a quick positive event for the U.S. and its allies. It was again a colossal misjudgment that may actually lead to WW3 or the destruction of Ukraine and the last hurrah of NATO. It may also trigger the economic decline of the collective west and the divide between the west and Russia will likely last for decades. Remember, up until this crisis, Russia had a small military, a defense budget estimated to be less than $70 billion, compared to our budget of $880. billion. Does anyone ever ask where did all the money go, that Russia is able to out produce the collective west in munitions? Now, Russia is preparing and readying for an all out war with NATO, a war that NATO is not prepared to fight.

Then there is China, a fast growing economy, created by the greed of the west to buy cheap products and sell them with huge profits to the domestic population. China engaged in semi-capitalist free enterprise to become the manufacturing center of the world. All this, while the west allowed their basic industries to decline in favor of huge profits. Companies were further enticed by unfavorable regulations, taxes and a uncooperative work force. It became much easier and less risky to produce in China.

Then it finally dawned on U.S. politicians that China was going to surpass the United States in economic growth and become a very wealthy country with the ability to challenge the U.S. economically and politically. While China may have had a military budget of $200 billion compared to the U.S. budget of $880. billion. They were not a military threat to anyone. They were primarily interested in doing more business by making deals to insure materials and expanding markets. They were focused on bringing the rest of their 1 Trillion population into a modern lifestyle.

So It became the policy of the U.S. policy makers that they believed they could intimidate China by demonizing them and threatening them with sanctions and economic hardship and even military threats. It is another grave miscalculation that it seems they may want to walk back, but it may already be too late.

We have seen U.S. generals predict we will be at war with China by 2025. We have been in the process of leasing and gaining access to bases all over the pacific. The excuse is we are readying to protect the shipping lanes. Shipping lanes carrying primarily Chinese goods to the U.S.?  Did they really believe that they could intimidate China, a country with a history and long memory of their dealings with European and western powers.

Now they are shocked when they hear that the Chinese president is telling his country to prepare for war. To put the Chinese industrial behemoth on a war footing and begin producing weapons instead of consumer goods. A production war that the U.S. and the west cannot compete with, as we are now beginning to realize.

We are witnessing a series of delusional and disastrous decisions based on Hubris and ignorance. No diplomacy, no understanding of the history of their competitors and a gross miscalculation of the ability of these competitors to respond to their provocations. It is doubtful that this foreign policy disaster can be reversed. We are about to see changes in the world not seen since WW2.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Coordinated attack begins on RFK JR.



Every mainstream media has coordinated on charges of anti-Semitism against presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.. We can expect it is likely just the beginning of the pattern we have seen by any candidate or individual who challenges the existing power structure.

Kennedy has made many accusations against the CIA and the war policy of the present administration and the state department and others who advocate for perpetual war.

He has questioned the safety of giving multiple vaccinations to infants. He has questioned the handling of the Covid-19 response and the pressure for multiple shots of what is purported to be a vaccine, but by any scientific definition, is not.

Anyone who questions the authorized position on anything is quick to be demonized or worse in the present political climate.

What Kennedy has been accused of is a bi-product of a discussion about the possibility of bio-enginerring disease that can be fashioned to attack certain people based on genetic profiles. Does anyone doubt that this possible? It is possible. Did he say that covid was manufactured by Jews to spare jews, he did not.

Now, they are accusing the whole family of being anti-semitic going back to his grandfather. What evidence is there that JFK or anyone else was anti-semitic? His grandfather may have made questionable remarks, but he has been dead for over 50 years.

Today, if anyone running for office does not submit to adopting the perpetual war policy they will be viciously attacked. It is a recurring pattern and the coordination is remarkable. Some are claiming that that all mainstem news is either originating from or vetted in Langley, Virginia.  We will see,  Joe Manchin is exploring running for president. If he should adopt any policy not authorized we can expect to see he to will be an anti-Semite, a racist or whatever they should hope to destroy him.

Most of the Republican candidates have all submitted to the authorized policy and it seems their polling numbers indicate that many voters have decided it is not the policy they want to vote for. I fear the will of the voters is the last indication of who will be the next president.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Is drug use prevalent in the Biden administration?



It has been reported that Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, partook of Psychedelic mushrooms while on official business to China. Yellen, the grandmotherly cabinet member, I suppose a left over from the 60's, often seems a little detached, one must wonder is the her only experience or is this administration's members often under the influence. 

Recently a bag of cocaine was found in a secure area of the White House, It has been argued that this could have been dropped by anyone passing through the white House. Past administration people have squashed that idea, by stating that the area in question is only accessed by cabinet members, the President and Vice-President, speaking of the Vice-President, she often seems to be under the influence, just listen to her. 

It has also been reported that marijuana was found in the White House at an earlier time. One has to wonder what is going on in the White House and what is going on among the present leadership.

Many question Biden's fumbling as old age, but then again sometimes he seems pretty lucid. 

Are the problems of Senator Federman really the effects of stroke? 

These people are making life and death decisions for millions of people, they are spending Trillions of dollars and negotiating with very intense and focused leaders like Putin and Xi. I would expect if these people are partaking of any drugs our adversaries know it. 

Every large company in America requires drug testing for employment and is often required to take random unannounced testing. Why are government employees exempt.Why was there not testing of everyone who was in the White House when drugs were found. Because, I suspect they all knew who misplaced these drugs or drugs are just that prevalent that no one cares. This is just another indication of the two tiered system of the regular people and the elite.

If these reports about Yellen are true, why is she still on duty, she should have been fired immediately, but of course, she does as she it told and can such a compliant replacement be found.

I don't understand why there is no random drug testing of all elected officials and appointees. Is it just more, "rules for thee but not for me".

Friday, July 14, 2023

Biden activates reserves for Ukraine.



Yesterday Joe Biden announced the activation of select reserve units to be used to fortify the Ukraine mission, called "Atlantic Resolve". This activation is limited to a maximum of 3000 as per law concerning activation of reservists without a declaration of war. This means 3000 at a time and this may be just the first of a series of activations.

The reserves were originally designed to be used in times of war, but that has evolved into a way of having fewer active military and activating reserves by executive order. Over half of the troops in Iraq were reservists, over 218,000 reservists were called up during that conflict and over 400,000 in the last 20 years.

A maximum of 3000 is allowed in time of emergency without a declaration of war. We can expect that this is just first of more to follow, especially with the inability to find new recruits. It will be interesting if there will be push-back by not only those called up, but by congress which was in the process of limiting these call-ups without being at war.

Most Americans are oblivious as to the cost born by reservists who are called to active duty. They are separated from their families, they often lose their homes by not being able to pay their mortgages. Many families end in divorce. The reserves were there for a serious threat to national security, not a political statement by the war enthusiasts who will be watching from their safe and secure homes.

From Viet-Nam on this has been been the pattern of escalation, first advisers, which we already have, then intelligence and targeting personnel, which we already have, then limited troops on the ground, which we likely already have manning sophisticated equipment. Then a steady increase in troops being sent to foreign wars for mostly political and economic purposes. Never having a plan on how to deescalate or get out. 

We can expect that this will now create a reserve crisis as more and more will choose not to be a member of the reserve force. We already see an inability to enlist new people into the service, mostly due to social issues engaged in by the military. This will soon lead to new debate, will it be time to reinstate the draft? If the draft returns, you will see a whole new view of foreign political wars. With a volunteer military those issues are often dismissed as not concerning the majority of the population. That time may be coming to an end.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

NATO, no way out, Longer range weapons=smaller Ukraine.



The Ukraine crisis is now clearly following the pattern of post WW2 conflicts, Viet-Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan and numerous other conflicts that are entered into with no idea what the result will be. No objective idea how to declare victory, no plan on how to exit or a plan B. Just get into these conflicts then keep escalating with no re-evaluation or conscious plan on how to end the conflict.

Of course, we hear that Putin and Russia must end this crisis, Russia must give up the areas now considered part of Russia.  Russia must submit to NATO missiles on their border. A delusional policy that is finally becoming more evident by the day. 

While many want to believe the narrative that Russia is evil, that this is an unprovoked attack by an aggressor nation. The reality is that this is exactly what the genius's in the U.S. state department wanted. The plan was to weaken Russia, to hope for regime change and to destroy the viability of Russia. So far their plan was not well thought out and was based on delusional analysis as to the ability of Russia to deal with this threat. Any objective analysis knew that NATO expansion to their border was a recipe for war and even WW3. That analysis has not changed nor will it.

So, obviously there was not a plan B. Ukraine is being destroyed, Europe is likely to enter into a deep recession, we will see social unrest in Europe and the accompanying increase in authoritarian rule. The world is being forced into a duel economic reality that will cripple the developed countries to continue in their Social Democratic experiment. All because of elites in the U.S. government, who believed they could rule the world.

Their latest escalation, without any explanation of how this will produce positive results, is to furnish Ukraine with long range weapons. Weapons maybe that can reach Moscow. If this actually happens, does anyone ask, what is the capability of Moscow to literally flatten Kiev. Of course such a response by Russia would be considered a propaganda victory and reinforce their narrative of an evil Russia. Never a thought about the people of Ukraine or the likelihood of global catastrophe. The only thought is to cover their stupidity in desiring this conflict in the first place.

It is all about their inability to admit failure and defeat, while others go on dying to enforce their elitist view of the world. It is especially easy when others are dying.

So their latest desperate attempt to preserve their image will result in a smaller Ukraine at best, WW3 at worst. The pressure on Putin inside Russia, to up the anti and roll over Ukraine, may become overwhelming. It will not result in his overthrow, but may be the end of Kiev and the present government. Only our delusional analysts, do not believe that Russia has this capability and has been exercising restraint up to now. But then again, it is only Ukrainians and Russians that are dying, all collateral damage in their big plan.


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Ukraine citizens, no say in their own future.



While western leaders meet in Latvia to discuss the future of Ukraine, it is amazing that the people of Ukraine have no say about their future or lack thereof. The people of Ukraine have been cut out of the democratic process to control their future since 2014. A revolution that promised prosperity and democracy was the beginning of the end of all aspects of a democratic country.  

Even the election of Zelensky in 2017, who promised a peaceful resolution to the problems in eastern Ukraine and better relations with Russia, has been instrumental in denying Ukrainians any control of their future. Their future is death and destruction, all in the cause of a bigger geopolitical contest.

Since the last election in 2017, Ukrainians have watched as all opposition political parties have been banned, opposition leaders jailed, objective reporters jailed, the press is an instrument of the government and recently, elections have been cancelled. It is now an authoritarian government ruled, supported and directed by outside powers. Interestingly, all this to fend off any Russian influence.

Sometime, Ukrainians should get the chance to contemplate and ask. Are we better off today than in 2014? Do we as citizens have more control of our destiny?  Do we see prosperity and a better life anywhere in our future? Are we better off being a part of this grand geopolitical alliance, than a free and independent country?  

As the country has now lost over 40% of its population due to this crisis, it can be expected to see the rest being forced to get out soon. There is little hope that Ukraine will be a viable country in the future.

We watch as the world divides into opposing economic and political rivalries that are destined to end in a catastrophic future. There is little hope of a bright future anywhere. It appears the world is a rail track to its own demise. The contest is resulting in the end of Ukraine now and the demise of western Europe 's economies is next. It will eventually engulf the whole world into a decline in prosperity, human rights and the quality of life for many. There will very likely be not winners in this global contest. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Is RFK Jr, becoming the favorite of young voters?



If you are aware of the internet interview circuit, you cannot miss Robert Kennedy Jr.s presence.  He has done lengthy interviews with Joe Rogan and Lex Friedman and dozens of other interviewers. These are not 30 minutes but often hours.. He has debated Alan Dershowitz concerning Vaccine safety and lack of double blind testing due to immunity for the pharmaceutical industry.  A subject that he has been accused of being anti-vaccine. In fact it is easy to want to dismiss him because of propaganda by the Mainstream media, but he has been relentless in his appearances and has dispelled his label as a kook. 

Kennedy has been very effective at showcasing his knowledge of history, his informed and thoughtful view of the most important topics of the day and his willingness to discuss openly these issues. He is  smart, informed and objective, something that is often lacking in political candidates. 

He is making headway with the youth of the country because they have not been influenced by mainstream media. He is on their turf and making big inroads.

He also has the ear of many Republicans, something that is truly remarkable in this era of partisan politics. 

While the long knives of the Democrat establishment have not yet come out, we can expect if he continues to advance, they will. Then he has the rigged Democrat primary system, that has been used to deny other challengers in the past. It is no wonder that Biden has already stated that he will refuse to enter into any debates in the coming election season. I would expect Kennedy would do very well in any debate.

It is a long way to the primary and a longer way to the next election. I expect Kennedy will continue to increase his credibility. Efforts by the Biden administration to deny Trump as a candidate would result in a very interesting shuffling of the deck. Kennedy could be the beneficiary of any such event.  

It also seems that Kennedy has well thought out campaign, he is at present going after the youth vote and is coming across as very credible. Watch were he goes next, I would expect he will go strong for senior vote were he can use his family history to revive their memories of dashed hopes in the past. 

It is clear that Kennedy is becoming a very credible candidate, whether as a Democrat or an Independent, He will have an effect on the next election.



Monday, July 10, 2023

Ukraine peace negotiations, NATO, cluster bombs



There are surfacing leaks about ongoing peace talks between the United States and Russia. Supposedly these talks have been going on since April of this year.  Russia has always stated that they were willing to engage in negotiations. The United States has often publicly stated that there needed to be pre-conditions of some sort by Russia. This often included giving up territory now occupied by Russian troops. Public posturing is not the same as political reality, which is now becoming very clear to the United States, NATO and eventually Ukraine, who will do whatever its handlers decide.  

We can expect that the hope of the West is to cause some kind of cease-fire that will allow them to create a Ukrainian air force and rebuild and resupply the Ukrainian military. Russia will not fall for this again, they will keep talking but they will also keep eliminating Ukrainian forces and western military equipment.

They believed the west were interested in a peaceful solution in the Minsk accords, but recently learned from public statements from Macron and Merkle that it was all a ruse to allow Ukraine to be armed and trained for war with Russia. This insincerity has resulted in tens of thousands of Russian deaths and 100's of thousands of Ukrainian deaths. I suspect Russia is determined to get this dispute over now with a permanent settlement.

While there is talk of a frozen conflict by the West, now that its clear that Ukraine cannot prevail in this conflict, that western Europe is dying under sanctions that have hurt them more than Russia. That the NATO countries cannot produce enough munitions and the Ukraine  army will soon experience a WW1 French army moment. It is all going to soon just cease, then Russia will be ready to negotiate a permanent resolution. A resolution that will be very close to what was proposed by Russia, before the conflict began, but was given the collective middle finger by the West. Whether this will be negotiated by the current leadership of NATO, the EU or the United States, or new leaders, will remain to be seen. 

The road to this conflict began when the United States reneged on its commitment to Russia, during the reunification of Germany, that there would not be an expansion of NATO. This promise was soon broken and it is clear it was never meant o be kept. Ukraine and Georgia allying with NATO is a serous red line that will be adhered to by Russia, even if it results in all out war with NATO. Russia has built it's fortification in what was eastern Ukraine in preparation for just such a conflict.  It will either be negotiated or it will be all out war. It is not entirely clear what the decision by the West will be.

Tomorrow, NATO has the beginning of it much heralded annual meeting, Ukraine wants membership, not likely, as it would be, in effect, a declaration of WW3. It will set the course for the future of Europe, NATO and the EU, and there is not the public unity that is so celebrated.

The United States has announced it will send cluster bombs to Ukraine, a desperate act, as they will have no change in direction of this conflict. Cluster bombs controversy come from the fact that fresh supplies, which these are not, have a dud rate of 15%.  This is small munitions that fail to explode, from landing in tress, soft ground or defects. They then can lay around for years, until small children decide they are interesting, then lose limbs or are killed, many years later.  It was decided that Ukraine would receive these because there are severe shortages of standard ammo.

The future of Russia, NATO and the EU will be decided in the coming months. It will be a peaceful permanent agreement, or World War. If only the West had real diplomats and statesmen rather than incompetent ideological amateurs.

Friday, July 7, 2023

France unrest, a prologue of the future of Western Europe.



The riots in France, blamed on the shooting of youth by police, may just be the beginning of social crisis in Europe. There are long simmering problems that are very likely to get much worse very soon. The middle east wars and the EU immigration policies have introduced millions of new immigrants into the continent. In many of these countries they really have no jobs available to put these people to work. In Germany for instance many of the new immigrants are being warehoused in public housing and paid a monthly support, but with high inflation and shortages of many items, it is all unsustainable in the long run. This coupled with high social spending, high energy prices, there is an escalating unemployment crisis brewing and the economy has now officially entered a recession.

At the same time most of these countries have an increased call to increase defense spending, often needing to be purchased from sources outside the country. With energy prices often rising by up to 400% many businesses are non longer viable and there is no remedy on the horizon. The stage is being set for historic upheaval in the future.

The Ukraine conflict and sanctions have brought many of these simmering issues to the forefront. It is likely that Europe will never regain access to low priced energy from Russia. The unrest will eventually dampen the tourist business in many of these countries. This combination does not look good for the economic prosperity of the region. It will again put pressure on the availability of the expected social spending that has been the norm in the past decades, this will add more social unrest.

Eventually there will be an end to the Ukraine conflict and it will usher in a new crisis in Ukraine. Massive inflows of money will quickly dry up, this coupled with an impoverished nation awash in modern weapons, will be another dangerous ingredient to the situation. This past week, in France, we  saw many videos of full auto weapons in the possession of rioters. One can only imagine the source of many of these weapons.. While small arms have always been available, handheld anti-aircraft and anti tank weapons are now readily becoming available on the black market. 

Western Europe may be running out of time to address the problems that have been building for decades. It is not unimaginable as these economies decline to see unrest not seen for over 70 years in the region.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Has eastern Europe exchanged one master for two.



I am old enough to remember clearly the hope that was apparent when the Soviet Union dissolved and allowed all those eastern european nations independence to chart their own future. Sadly, it appears more every day that they have just exchanged masters.

It was exciting to see the end of the cold war, 40 years of tension and distrust between the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact and the western nations. An end to the Soviet goal of spreading communism around the world. A great opportunity for peace and prosperity for the world. 

The clearest recipients were the former Warsaw pact nations who quickly sought to become members of the European Union. It may have been the first mistake they made. Before they had a chance to feel the opportunity for freedom to chart their own course, they aborted their opportunity for new masters centered in Brussels. What started out as the European free trade common market slowly morphed into a central government that restricted and controlled their future. The result in many cases has been a flight of much of their youth to western countries and the inability to maintain their economic freedom and prosperity. An inability to control immigration or control of their economies.

Then they fell prey to the hysteria that the now Russian federation was about to invade all of Europe and reorganize the Soviet Union. The solution of course, was to join NATO so they would be free from any threats from the evil Russians. They in effect just accepted a new master, Washington, whose machinations to control the world included using NATO to accomplish that end. They joined up with Washington and London in their slow and methodical goal of weakening Russia. It is all now coming to fruition, there is a heavy price that is being paid and it will soon become much greater.

In fact, all of Europe is suffering greatly because they accepted the premise that they needed to encircle Russia, that they needed to not buy Russian energy, which is the lifeblood of all economic prosperity. Does anyone really believe that conditions in all of Europe are going to improve under these policies.

The fact is that Russia, who wanted to be an economic partner, realizes that will not be and that they will just forget that idea and make economic partners with others. Anyone who looks at that situation objectively will understand there is a dismal future ahead for Europe.

The eastern European nations and in fact all of Europe is now under the control of 2 masters, Brussels and Washington. It seems these masters have similar objectives, their policies will not improve the lives of the inhabitants of Europe.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Independence day, good time for national soul searching.



247 years ago this country's declaration of independence rocked the monarchies of the world. Some used the opportunity to weaken and damage England and others quietly understood that it was a trend that could be very dangerous to the present feudal system. It would have been impossible in Europe, only in a new land guarded by 2 oceans could any such experiment be possible.

Up unto the creation of the United States, a true experiment in self government, the world was ruled by Kings, aristocracies and the Feudal system, were you had the ruling class and the peasants or workers. It was a system that was in place in one way or another for thousands of years. In most cases the King had ultimate power, and could destroy anyone and seize their assets at any time. In many cases there was no private property, just the aristocrats land that the peasants could farm and keep a little to sustain themselves. With the creation of the constitution and a very important "Bill of Rights", which was intended to guarantee the government would not abuse the people, it was all codified into law. While never perfect, it has been the best that civilization could do up to this time.

America became a light to the people of the world, a hope, a possibility, that they could do it too. De Tocqueville, a French observer, wrote that "America became great, because America was good."  while every country or system has there villains, every country has a national character or spirit that it is possible to place as the symbol or personality of a country. 

The first settlers and most of the founders of the country came here in search of opportunity, an opportunity to get away from the wars and intrigue of Europe and be able to live a free life in the way they found best. After a century of almost self rule by forming their own communities, often based on the church and religious beliefs, they became very prosperous and independent. Eventually some of them led a revolution against the English king and won freedom to form their own self government. Many would have just as well stayed under the thumb of the King, as it provided security and often inside privilege to taxes and power.

George Washington, in  the first president' s final speech ,warned the new nation to stay out of the machinations of Europe, to stay out of alliances with foreign powers and build and protect the new nation from forces both within and without. Good advice, that this country followed for nearly 150 years. 

Since WW1 and particularly since WW2, America forgot that good advice and has found cause to become more and more in the business of, instead of trying to be a good example or an inspiration to the rest of the world into an  implementer of  the elite political forces to rule the world by economic intimidation or even military force. A departure from keeping America safe from evil both within and from without, to desiring the power to form the world in an image by any means possible, often in immoral and despicable tactics. To form a world that is not in the image that made America great, but a deep slide into just a lust for power and profit, while the country is being destroyed from within.

A slow slide by individuals and society is often not immediately apparent, until some crisis or situation wakes them up to the reality of a serious situation. A bible quote is a good barometer, "You will know them by their fruits." Look at our cities, disasters, homeless, rampant drug use, violence and decay, a good barometer of what has happened. War, perpetual war and interference in the affairs of the rest of the world, I challenge anyone to show the fruits of these wars, other than death and destruction and chaos. All this corruption and back sliding has resulted in the biggest debt in the history of the world, a debt that has been made by interfering in everyone's business, both here and abroad.

Our countries leaders are continually looking for new enemies who are advertised as threats to our security and wellbeing, when in effect they are the threat, to not only our security and wellbeing but to much of the world. 

While America has been a success at self government, the trend is now the decaying of the rule of law, the corruption of the judicial system for political purposes and even a lack of faith in a perverted election system. We are quickly descending into a authoritarian federal government that has overstepped its authority everywhere, often disguised by some new handout of financial aid.

So as every individual and society needs to occasionally need to reevaluate. What is happening? Why is it happening? Have we as a  nation strayed from the principles of this nation and can we restore the nation to a place of security, peace and prosperity? Are we a light to the world? 

There is a lot of work and it starts by restoring the nation from within, strong families, strong communities, safe cities,  a fervent stripping of the rampart government corruption. Only a stable and strong and unified country can be a secure and prosperous country in the fashion that we inherited from our prediciessors.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Supreme Court makes constitutional accurate decisions.



The court this week made rulings on several constitutional issues. The rulings are based on the written rules that are often plain to understand to anyone with a simple education. Yet for decades we have seen courts, and in some instance it is still going on, making decisions based on popular opinion or what they believe should be the result. This then ends in the serious consequence of weakening the rule of law that is fundamental to a sound and peaceful democracy.

Last years correct ruling to allow the states to decide about abortion is one such ruling. It allows the states to decide this contentious issue because there is no authority for the federal government to be involved in this issue. There was no ban or outlaw, in fact, it just insisted that it was not the federal government role.

This week the court sided with a suit brought by Asian students who were rejected in their bid for acceptance to certain colleges because they were discriminated on by decisions based on race. Asians are known for placing education as a priority in their hope of improving the future of themselves and their families. They excel in student testing and preparation and are often rejected because some colleges feel their are too many Asians, not enough of some other race etc. It is just the same kind of discriminations that often was experienced by Jewish students years ago. It is finally a blow to affirmative action that was in effect reverse discrimination. Discrimination, particularly by race is now not a legally acceptable policy.

An effective way to end all discrimination in these instances would be to assign applicants a student number. No Name, place of birth or religion included, and of course race. Let the admission process consider only facts and merit.

The other ruling was so obvious it was shameful that this had to go to the supreme court. Joe Biden, by executive order had sought to forgive student loans. It was a blatant attempt of abuse of power for political purposes and it will continue to be used as political wedge issue. The constitution is clear the president has no authority to tax or forgive loans, it is solely the role of the House of Representatives to bring forth those ideas, then approved by the Senate and signed by the president. The president is not a dictator, as some would like.

The third ruling dealt with a religious person who refused to do web design work for a gay couple. This ruling decided that private business has the right to not do what they find out of step with their beliefs. As a private business we should all have the right to associate with whom we please and not be forced to add acceptance and approval to things we find unacceptable. Tt should be just a matter of freedom of association and freedom to make personal decisions. We all want freedom, forcing others to do what they don't want, is denying them their freedom.

So while there will be political accusations and distress, if some don't like the laws as written, and the constitution is the law, then there is a legal way to change it, by a constitutional amendment. While it is lengthy and difficult, as it should be, it is the proper way to change what some may not feel is proper.

But of course, such would eliminate the seeking of contributions, protests, accusations and chaos and other off the mark activities and place the focus on a sound legal decisions and a proper way to make changes.