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Thursday, July 27, 2023

Hunter Biden drama, smoke to cover real crimes.



Much is made of the holding up of the plea deal of Hunter Biden to misdemeanor charges in return for immunity for unnamed crimes. A misdemeanor charge of failure to file taxes, when in effect it was failure to report millions of dollars of money from foreign governments. Money that his father and cohorts would not want to explain why they were paid. Hunter Biden, sadly, was just a incompetent money launderer who was being used by his father as the bag man from money from Ukraine, China and others. Money that was just a percentage of the U.S. money they have received or other profitable policies.

Biden's predecessor, Bill Clinton used his Clinton global initiative to funnel foreign money into his charitable foundation. It then allowed them to hire influential family members and pay them well. It also allowed them to fly around the world to give speeches and influence policies. It also allowed them to funnel money into democrat political campaigns, that in effect were paid by foreigners who just kick-backed U.S. money gifted by politicians. I suspect this has been going on for decades and explains much of the money that has allowed the funding of many political campaigns. Of course, no one is going to complain about a system that is making their elite life possible.

Barack Obama also used the Justice department to bring charges against many big banks, blaming them for the housing crisis, then they allowed them to pay half the billions in fines to select, unnamed non-profits that funneled money to insure re-election and influence. Again, money that no one in government wants to stop. Money that no one in the Justice department or election regulators is willing to stop.

The Clinton global initiative closed up within one year of Hillary Clintons defeat, It no longer could deliver the money. 

Joe Biden is a third rate corrupt politician, but he still has many enjoying the largress made available by his being in office. It is no longer amazing as to what lengths government institutions will go to insure the money and influence gravy chain endures. It is now expected, just as this plea deal and immunity may be temporarily on hold,  one would expect it will be resurrected and save them all in the end.

1 comment:

  1. Why all the Hoopla about Hunter Biden.Joe will pardon Him anyway


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