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Friday, July 26, 2024

Zelensky, "Time to end war"



It is being reported that China is attempting to mediate an end to the Ukraine war. There are also signs out of Ukraine that some in the leadership are ready to have negotiations directly with Russia. Whether this will materialize into an negotiated end to this conflict will remain to be seen.

Russia seems to continue with its slow steady war of attrition. It seems its strategy is to make advances were there is opportunity, then build defenses and the Ukrainians seem destined to attempt to counter attack. This strategy keeps the Ukrainians often moving troops from one place to another but still continually losing ground. 

There is a lot of internal pressure on Putin to end this war with an overwhelming attack. So far, Putin has prevailed in the slow war of attrition strategy.

Russia will not be lured into another cease fire that would give the west an opportunity to rearm and reinvigorate Ukraine. I suspect that the conflict will continue until there is a settlement reached.

It is unlikely that Ukraine can replace its loses as resistance to conscription is growing. Last week a distraught wife of a recent conscript set herself on fire in Kiev,  a sad indication of the situation.

Ukraine is pressuring the EU to curtail Russian oil to Hungary and Slovakia, oil that still travels through Ukraine. Ukraine's electric supply is down by 50% and 50% of its remaining electric comes from Hungary and Slovakia. What a tangled complicated situation. Ukraine will need to prepare for a winter without electric.

This week it is also reported that dozens of UK and French soldiers were killed in an attack near Odessa. I suspect the Russians have sources that are able to identify were these troops are housed.

It is also reported that Chinese troops are in Belarus coordinating in training exercises. This may be a warning to NATO not to escalate this war.

With the political happenings in Washington, it seems Ukraine is not on the front of the agenda and with Joe Biden 's influence waning, it may be an opportunity for some sort of end to this conflict. It would be in the best interest of Ukraine, Russia, Europe and the world.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kamala Harris, Historic test of media power and American gullibility.



It is running fast and deep as possible, that is the creating the illusion that Kamala Harris is the brightest, deepest thinking and most qualified person to be president of these once great United States. Will the power of the media be able to erase the perception of this person that has been created by herself for the last 3 1/2 years. It may be the most daunting task ever undertaken by the political information machine. It will either end with them being as powerful as they think they are or maybe shred the little credibility that remains. We are all about to be witnesses to this ultimate display of bull shit.

Having heard and witnessed much of her deep thinking, my first conclusion was that she needed to be drug tested, her and the present Secretary of Treasury, Janet Yellen. Their proclamations and statements may be the result of their dependence on AI, for these statements seem they often have the right words, but make little sense. 

I am sure we will soon see many of these famous quotes, here are just some.

On Climate Crisis,"We will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues.... and to work together as we continue to work, operating from the new norms, rules and agreements, that we will continue to work together.... we will work on this together".

On covid,  " It is time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day"

On Ukraine and foreign policy, " So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically that's wrong."  Russia must be concerned and Ukraine must be feeling secure.

Here is one from when she was still in California.  "The governour and I, were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires. What we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children"

The there is the latest, one that she repeats at most engagements, "I can imagine what will be, unburdened by what was"  I suspect that is her vision of the future of America.

One can only be reminded of the great Peter Sellers movie, " Being There" and Kamala being the female copy of Chauncey Gardner. 

If I remember correctly in the 2020 democrats' primary she could not garner 5% of the democrats approval. She dropped out early. It is clear she was picked to run as vice president because she had those qualities that are thought to be the most important, she is female, a minority and....

It appears to me that Joe Biden was the presidential candidate because he agreed to do what was decided by others. When it became necessary to replace him because the fraud was unsustainable, she also, we can assume, will do what others decide should be done. Americans should ask, not who is Kamala Harris, they should already know, but who is running this country and deciding who the candidates will be.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Has Biden administration used Secret Service as political weapon?



Many people were concerned when the Biden administration denied Secret Service protection for RFK Jr.. A potential political opponent that was denied the ability to run as a Democrat in a primary. Also someone who was a natural target of violence due to his being related to the former assassinated president and presidential candidate. Who made these decisions? I hope someone is going to find out.

It has also been revealed that the Trump campaign and the security detail assigned to Trump requested additional personnel and protection and was denied. Were these political decisions designed to restrict the campaign opportunities of Biden's political opponents? Or even worse, subject them to serious risk of violence. 

A full examination of who has had Secret Service protection in this administration and to what extent is in order. Was Biden's whole relation offered extensive protection while his opponents were subject to risk by these decisions.

I did attend the recent Trump rally in Schnecksville. Pa.. I suspect that there was not adequate security at that rally. First, we waited for 3 hours to gain access to the facility, I suppose because there was not enough personnel for that event. At the end of the line, just before Trump's arrival, they opened up the event without any screening, I suspect because they could not handle all the people.

Due to the nature of some of these events, it is very difficult to provide adequate security. Indoor facilities with limited access points are the safest possible forums. but most such events require long term planning.

The security lapses in Butler county were glaring and suspicious, the fact that someone could gain access to the roof of that building is outrageous.  While they claim the local police were given responsibility, I suspect they should have been instructed to be on that roof by the Secret Service. Why the Secret Service sniper was denied the ok to fire unless the subject fired was like allowing the perpetrator  to make a shot. How did this person have knowledge of this event and its layout beforehand that he was able to have weapons stored inside the secure area? 

It seemed the Secret Service director made the decisions to not answer any questions, even about things that were already public knowledge is outrageous. Her resignation in no way should end this inquiry or the accountability of all involved in the decision making. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Democrats Euphoric over Kamala. A sad sign.



Yesterday we witnessed a full fledged attempt to make Kamala Harris the great hope for the 2024 election. With 30 days to the convention, will this be a trial that may still be aborted at the convention or are they now stuck with Kamala, come hell or high water. Do they believe they can use their election machine and apparatus to elect anyone they put up? Is Kamala Harris really the best the Democrats have, or is she just going to be another figurehead president like Joe Biden.

Kamala Harris is, without a doubt, the least qualified person to ever run for the presidency of this United States. It now appear to the people of the United States and the world that the presidency is no more than a symbolic position.  

I expect, if she remains the candidate, we will see special programming extolling her competency and vision, her intelligence and of course the first black female president, a truly historic event that is far more important than competency in a very dangerous and complicated world. 

The fact that this candidate is being pushed, is a testimony to decline and coming implosion of the United States.

It will all be about personalities not policy, It will be that Trump is bad, and she is good, Policy is no longer a subject of political campaigns, but who is better liked.

Then the question arises, will we ever see Joe Biden again before the election? Is he done, gone into the shadows and still considered to be president? The reality is that it no longer matters, the presidency is, in fact, a compilation of actors who make policy, that is why it is a chaotic affair that has no real vison and no accountability. A sad situation indeed.

Why doesn't Biden resign and hand the presidency to Harris and give her some time to make her mark. She will have no mark, any semblance of a mark will be manufactured through narrative and perception. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Bye, Bye Biden. Is Kamala next?



Joe Biden finally succumbed to the organized effort for him to quit his bid for a second presidential term. It was not about his incompetence, they all knew about that for some time, it was about his drag on the entire Democrat party and their fear that he would lose badly.

While he has endorsed Kamala Harris and many have voiced support, it is unlikely she will be the nominee. Harris was given a chance to show her abilities when she became Vice-President and has failed miserably. In fact, she has appeared to be partaking of a constant diet of rooms maybe with the Treasury secretary. Her speeches and interviews can only be described as uninspiring at best and down right unintelligible at worst. Kamala would bring the kind of excitement that happens with a serious bout of flatulence in a crowded elevator, except rather 3 minutes it would last for 3 months. No one can hold their nose that long.

There will most likely be an open convention with nominations from the floor. It will provide drama, excitement, Kentucky derby suspense. Just what the democrats need in this moment of anxiety. 

One might very well expect, some not heard names popping up and someone who can quell the dissent of the faithful Black delegates. After all, they also may fear a Kamala nomination will not fare much better than Biden and their political futures may also be dimmed.

One could think of say, Eric Holder, a very popular black attorney, former attorney general and a social justice warrior, much more articulate and I expect much smarter and connected than Kamala. He declined to run in 2020. He would satisfy many of the left and would trigger the right in opposition.

He may need to be matched with a Vice Presidential candidate that will bring along the Military industrial war hawks, a role similar to Biden's match with Barack Obama in 2008.

Obama has not yet endorsed Harris and has made noises about an open convention. A convention that provides the drama of numerous votes and behind the scenes deals and arm twisting that Obama and his crew will be able to provide a candidates in days, rather than a divisive primary.

Holder is a favorite of Obama and has been instrumental in reforming the election process that has made it possible to garner 80 million votes for a candidate that rarely left his basement. We will see if it is Holder or someone similar that will emerge as the next Democrat nominee.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Musk to leave California over Trans law.



The attacks on children and families continue in the trendsetting state of California. Several years ago they lowered the age of consent to 14 for consensual homosexual sex. This year they have made it illegal for schools to inform parents about their children embracing the transexual life style.

It is indeed a very slippery slope that seems to be advancing at an accelerating rate. Parents no longer have the right to be informed when their children are experimenting with ideas that may be very dangerous to their future. Encouraging minors to contemplate changing their sex at any age below maturity is child abuse and should be considered so. Not in California, and sadly I suspect in other places where the woke segment of our society has control of the education of these young vulnerable children.

Parent should be aware of the policies endorsed and supported by this nations teachers unions, which often are at odds with their values. When these teachers unions endorse these policies, there is much pressure put on teachers to submit to their agenda. These teachers unions are often the point of the spear in the present social revolution, Anti-family, Anti-children and Anti traditional values and religion. All paid for with your tax dollars.

In response to the latest law in California, Elon Musk has publicly denounced this law and has started the process of exiting the headquarters of both X and Tesla from California to an effort to protect the children of his employees.

We can expect that the attacks and demonization of Musk will follow.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Combat experience: Who has it, who may want it?



As we see and hear the drums of war escalating from Europe to the far east, we can only assume that many are preparing for war. Most assume that manufacturing more weapons and stockpiling supplies would be a critical part of war preparation. While that is true, real combat experience is the most important and hard to aquire commodity.

While we have witnessed 30 years of war, much of it has been engaged between 1st world powers and insurgencies, often only armed with small arms and improvised weapons. The present war in Ukraine is a war not witnessed since WW2 in its degree of violence and destruction.  While Russia has retained its air power and Ukraines air power has mostly been eliminated, the other weapons in use are near equal efficiency. Both sides have improvised and adapted to the reality of the new era of drones and tactics. Anyone contemplating entering this conflict will be facing situations that they are most likely not trained for and not properly equipped. This means that there will be a learning experience on the battlefield, one that historically is often very costly.

Much is made at the NATO summit of large numbers of NATO troops on the borders of Ukraine. What has been proven fatal in this war is massing any large numbers of troops, as they are usually obliterated in short order. Armored vehicles are often disabled by cheap readily available and replaceable drones. Airpower against Russia would entail a formidable combination of air defenses that would take a heavy toll on any adversary, no matter how sophisticated or advanced.
An all out war in Ukraine will be unmatched in the violence and destruction in modern history. It will in near certainty end in the use of nuclear weapons.

With China, Iran and North Korea also in the sights of the western alliance, they most likely are preparing as never before. They seem to have the ability to build many weapons but they may have the worst depth of real combat experience. The only way they can acquire that is in real modern warfare. We can expect that we will soon see select numbers of troops from these countries as observers and potential participants in the only place on earth were they can acquire real combat experience, Ukraine.

The real reality is that the world is indeed on the brink of a real WW3. It is not puffery or paranoia, it is as real as it can get. It could be stepped back from, but it does not seem likely. The delusions and short range thinking of western leaders, guided by politics and ideology have set this disaster in motion. Only a few have attempted to halt this onrush, but so far they are just castigated as either cowards or traitors.  We will be lucky to make it to 2025.