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Monday, February 27, 2023

Historical generational cycles can lead to catastrophe.



We must remember that over 70 years of peace in Europe was partly due to the trauma that most everyone experienced between 1914 and 1945.  This applied to everyone living on the continent from France to Russia and Scandinavian and England. The horror of war made peace a very precious respite from the stress and death and destruction of the early 20th century.

While our history in the United States tells us that we won WW1 and WW2, we in the United States still only watched as we fought on foreign soil rather than here at home. While there was suffering from shortages and the loss of life of our fellow citizens, we have not experienced the trauma of war here at home since the Civil war.

Europe on the other hand lost millions, with the then Soviet Union experiencing the bulk of the deaths with over 25 million lost both in combatants and civilians. Without the endurance of the Soviet Union on eastern front and the industrial capacity of the United States the result of WW2 could have very different.

One could claim that one of the major causes of WW2 was the inability of the allies in their failure in the treaty of Versailles, by dismissing the concerns of Germany, who was as much a victim of alliances that caused WW1.

Today's generation does not remember war and is consumed with diversions that have mostly removed such things out of their daily consciousness. It is something that happens in other places as snippets seen on the TV and the internet.

Sadly, the same applies to many in the leadership of our country. They have adopted an ideology that the United States is the only super Power and that it is our duty to fashion the world in any way that they believe is appropriate. They have become unable to empathize with the cultures, traditions and ideologies of others. In fact, many believe they should be forced to accept their view of the world if necessary.

This arrogance and hubris has caused the division that presently is developing in the world. The cultural ideologies of the middle east have been rejected and dismissed  by attempting to force things like LGBQT acceptance that is contrary to centuries of their  traditions and beliefs. While this is only one point of conflict is has become a more defining issue than anyone in this country is willing to accept. For centuries the western world traded and respected the others of the world without attempting to force our ideas, other than democracy and free markets on them.

Then there is Russia, that experienced western armies on their doorstep many times, the fact that the battlefield has always been what is called Ukraine, which was their buffer between Europe and their potential enemies has been ignored. The ability to see a dispute in the eyes of your adversaries is very important in any negotiation.

Whenever the argument is made, what would the United States do if an adversarial military alliance would put bases and missiles in Canada or Mexico or even Cuba. No one denies that the response would be quick and violent. Yet when it is applied to Russia, due to decades of propaganda and narrative it is rejected. After all, we are the worlds super power and we shape the dialogue the argument and the result.

We consistently hear the desire of our government leaders to overthrow the present government of Russia. This is indeed their goal, Ukraine is just the excuse to do just that. Again, how does anyone believe this plays with the Russian people and the government of Russia. Do not doubt that they understand the present crisis far better than the average U.S. citizen. I expect they have a better understanding of their history than most of the western world.

We continually hear our leaders warning Russia not use tactical Nuclear weapons in Ukraine, just another stupid talking pint, Russia does not need to use Nuclear weapons and fallout would blow into Russia. We now not only understand, but it is admitted by our leaders, that this is war between Russia and the United States. While we claim this great coalition of NATO, most are just bobble head puppets of our foreign policy.

The point is, do not be delusional in thinking that if it comes down to a serious threat to the existence of Russia, the target will be the United States, not Ukraine. At present Russia is not in danger, they have been patient in their approach in Ukraine, hoping for reason to descend on the world.

A neutral, independent of alliances Ukraine could have been the most prosperous country in Europe, it now will never be, no matter the outcome of this conflict. As for the rest of the United States and its allies, it will either learn to empathize with the concerns of others or will all perish together.

Friday, February 24, 2023

After Ukraine policy disaster, we now take on China.



So, it seems our enlightened foreign policy experts are now escalating their focus to China. While China is without a doubt an economic rival, up to now it has not been considered to be an expansionist military threat and not a hardened enemy of the United States. The best and most effective weapon that could have been used against China, in an effort to contain China, was economic competitiveness from our domestic industries. Sadly, that route would be contradictory to the policy of climate change and ensuring Americans are increasingly economically dependent on their government. 

So the other option seems to be to threaten and bluster economic and military consequence if China does not submit to the demands of the United States. Understanding the history and culture of China  these policies will not produce the desired results, unless making them a hardened enemy is the desired result. 

The roots of these problems with China are two fold,  first China has been exceptional in becoming a major industrial power. While they are still a mixed market and demand economy they have been able to produce much of the worlds goods and have now created dependent economies around the world. A marvel of competitive enterprise that has given them huge trade surpluses and the ability and necessity to use that windfall to further their economic expansion. If you have lots of money, it needs to be invested  and they have been investing it in Africa and around the world, places with essential materials that they want and need. They have even been buying U.S. farmland which many consider a threat. It may be a threat but when your own economy has given them ships full of dollars, what are they to do with these dollars? buy whatever they believe to be a positive asset in the future. They may no longer believe that U.S. debt is a good investment.

Up to now U.S. politicians of both parties and international corporations have been very happy to buy low priced goods to sell in advanced economies, even if it meant putting much of their own populations on the government dole, after all, they still need money to buy those goods. China's economic miracle was created by the United States and western Europe and the hard work and industriousness of the Chinese people. Now all of sudden we don't like it, but no one was willing to listen to the Ross Perot's and Pat Buchanan's of the past. Now we have reaped what we sowed.

Then there is the issue of Taiwan, an island off the coast of China, that became the refuge of the former leader of China, Chiang Kai-shek and his followers after the communist Chinese overthrew his government in 1949. Taiwan has been an issue since that time. It was an issue in the 1960 debates between Kennedy and Nixon, which at time there was talk of Taiwan being an independent and sovereign country or the legitimate government in exile of China. The fact is, after the 1969 initiatives by Nixon in his effort to split China from The Soviet Union and the lure of profits from an industrialized China, we no longer saw an independent Taiwan as that big a deal.

In 1979 China insisted that the world recognize the Chinese communist party as the legitimate government of China and that Taiwan was part of China. Jimmy Carter agreed and the rest of the world went along, in fact it was the government of China and many saw economic opportunity and the continued division of China from the Soviet Union.

Everyone agreed to the re incorporation of Taiwan into China, that was over 40 years ago. In fact, many Taiwanese support that proposal. Taiwan does over 50% of its business with China. Everyone verbally  supports the peaceful incorporation, but behind the scenes this is not the case.

Every President including the current president has agreed Taiwan is part of China. At the same time we are rattling war drums and arming Taiwan to the teeth and now placing U.S. troops in Taiwan. We are then amazed and threatened when China builds up its Navy and other hi-tech weapons as it is now in a confrontation with the United States.

Personally, I believe Taiwan should have been declared and independent sovereign country in 1979, but that is not what happened, so, now we are threatening war if Taiwan, an agreed to part of China is reincorporate back to China. The Taiwan issue is a product of a misguided foreign policy mistake, we made the mistake and now are caught in a contradiction. Do we support the separation and independence of a part of China and are we willing to go to war to enforce that separation? 

The consequences of this dilemma are having the worst possible result, we now have a reconciliation between Russia and China, a threatened China, that will now use its industrial capacity to rearm the world. This coupled with a expected withdrawal of the use of the dollar by much of the world and economic consequences of a conflict even without military action will be devastating to the United States and the rest of the world.

While many seem to want to stick with a course that is leading to disaster on many fronts, we are sorely lacking in real diplomats and leaders that can see beyond today's talking points and delusional narrative.  I guess this is how it is in the lead up to historical catastrophes.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

U.S. Ukraine interference could lead to WW3



Image result for yanukovych poroshenko zelensky

After listening to the impeachment hearing yesterday I came away with several impressions. One was that the foreign policy establishment is still fixated on deciding who should be in charge of many foreign countries. While they claim that they are motivated by their sincere concern for the well-being of these countries, it is really their hubris that they are all knowing and can make better decision for other countries than their citizens. This thinking seems to have spilled over into domestic policy as well.

It is clear that most of the career bureaucrats are unwilling to entertain any other view of foreign policy than the one this country has been stuck in for decades. Many are still engaged in a cold war mentality of the past. It was referenced yesterday that we needed to stick with the policy that ensured peace in Europe for the last 70 years. No mention that the whole Europe has changed in the last 30 years. After the break-up of the Soviet Union, there was a sincere effort by the Russian federation to become a part of the world economic and political system. Just look at the State departments list of treaties signed in those days. While the political leaders of the time, Reagan, Gorbachev and Bush were committed to moving in that direction, the entrenched bureaucracy decided the cold war must go on. 

NATO was established in 1949 as a counter to the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact, a cooperative group of communist countries. It originally had 12 members, 4 members were added between 1949 and 1982. this brought the number to 16.

When the Berlin wall was taken down and eventually the unification of Germany was agreed to by the Western countries and the Russian federation there were 16 NATO members. There was an agreement, but not a treaty, that Germany could be part of NATO but further expansion would not happen.

After the Soviet Union break-up the NATO confederation's reason for existing was less clear. There no longer was a serious threat of an invasion of western Europe from the unified Soviet Union. The Russian Federation was going through a peaceful transformation to a more open and free political and economic union.

The Russian federation was no longer a communist country and had given up on their goal of establishing a world communist revolution. While they struggled to transform themselves from inside, U.S. and Russian relations were at a high point.

Then it was argued by some and sometimes opening touted that the U.S. was the only world Super Power and that we should use this opportunity to enforce our economic and political will on the World. Russia was often disdained and insulted by politicians on both sides.

In 1997, 3 former Soviet Union members were invited to join NATO. Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia were admitted to the union in 1997. That is exactly 22 years ago. Today NATO has 29 members, 17 more than at the critical time  of the cold war. 

Did anyone consider that this policy of "Containment" of Russia, which is now the official policy of the United States would be cause for concern to the leaders of the Russian Federation and its citizens. This is really were the deterioration of relations with Russia took a turn for the worse.

In 2014 a revolution in the Ukraine was instrumental in the removal of Victor Yanukovych from the presidency of the Ukraine. The main issue was that many wanted Yanukovych to become a member of the European community. The United States was heavily involved, with Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admitting to funneling $5 Billion in support for the overthrow of Yanukovych. Tours and speeches by John McCain and other politicians encouraged the Ukrainians to revolt.

The problem was that 50% of all trade of the Ukraine was conducted with the Russian Federation. As a member of the E.U., Ukraine would be forbidden to trade with Russia. The other issue was that much of Russia's military industry was located in eastern Ukraine. There was even talk of replacing the Russian Naval base in Crimea with a NATO naval base.This was a serious threat to the economy and security of the Russia federation.

Within days of the coup, parts of eastern Ukraine revolted from the new government and Crimea held a referendum to be reunited with the Russian federation. This led to sanctions and the beginning of the intensified cold war.

This was just the first of the U.S. policy of support of revolution or regime change, it was followed by U.S. involvement in revolution in Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq and the interference in the elections in Israel and Russia. Not one of these interventions resulted in a positive result for the countries in question or the United States. These interventions have resulted in the death of 100's of thousands in these countries. It has also cost the U.S. over $7 Trillion and thousands of deaths of U.S. citizens.

Having created chaos in much of the world one must wonder if they have now turned their expertise in chaos to their latest project, right here at home.

In April of 2019 Volodymyr Zelensky, a non politician, won the election over Petro Poroshenko the incumbent and the favored candidate of the U.S. establishment. In May President Trump recalled the ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yavanovitch, after reports that she was an ardent Poroshenko supporter and had refused to talk to the new president. One must wonder what the establishment experts have in mind for poor Zelensky.

Ukraine is now a partitioned country. If anyone believes that Russia will allow Ukraine to become a member of NATO and be a hostile player on their border is delusional. Just as we would feel if Mexico would decide to join a union opposed to our well-being. This is the policy supported by the foreign policy experts.

Zelensky has proposed a normalization of relations with Russia, which would be in the best interest of both countries. A free independent Ukraine that would have the ability to trade with who ever is in its best interests. If this is not possible there will be a permanent partition of Ukraine, with the eastern part, who has mostly a Russian population, closely aligned with Russia. 

It is likely that if the pressure to squeeze and encircle  Russia continues and if it feels its national interests are severely threatened, War may be viewed as their only alternative.

Originally published 11/14/19,  over 2 years before the onset of the present conflict.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Growing East/ West schism may be permanent.



It is evident that many in the U.S. state department and security agencies desired a new cold war, where billions can be spent without actual conflict. They believed that squeezing and isolating Russia would incapacitate Russia and hamper it ever becoming an economic or military power. At the same time it engaged in regime change policy with any country who did not submit and support the U.S.  Many will disagree, but history will be the final say on this misplaced and failed agenda.    

We are now witnessing the birth of a new cold war, one that is not limited to a U.S. as the manufacturing and economic leader of the world and a country with a socialist command economy that could not compete economically or in its ability to sway the rest of the world. At one time, the U.S. was the light upon the hill and engaged in policies based on fairness and mutual respect. That is no longer the case.

In the last 30 years we have seen an arrogant and aggressive foreign policy that engaged in overthrowing any government that it thought was in it's way to whatever goal, even when it seemed unclear what that goal was. It was more of, if we can, we will. At the same time as the U.S. was preoccupied with ruling the world, China has now become the economic and manufacturing giant on the world stage. A giant that even the U.S. economy is now dependent. 

The plan to isolate Russia may have sold well in western Europe, but while this was going on, Russia has engaged in a foreign policy with much of the world based on mutual economic benefits and most of all RESPECT. Something that has been lacking in U.S. foreign policy for a long time. 

While many in the ruling class of the U.S. believed we could control the world with threats of military aggression and behind the scenes divisive attempts of regime change. It seems that the U.S. has squandered its legacy of good will  in very short time. Much of the rest of the world now views the U.S. as unreliable, untrustworthy and dangerous. It sees it may be prudent to keep a distance from a dangerous and unpredictable adversary. Again, I suspect many believe we are the white hats, the good guys, but that view has changed in much of the world.

In this present time of dangerous foreign events, we see our leaders continually giving speeches, trash mouthing their adversaries real or imagined. Often threatening the overthrow of their government or in taking out the leaders of countries. A pattern of bullying and threatening with economic or military action. The U.S. has sanctioned focused at 20 countries at present. Does this behavior encourage cooperation or repulsion.

It is now likely that we are seeing a new cold war, that is not just a U.S./ Russian confrontation, but a almost equally divided Eastern and Western world. There is pressure on all countries, particularly from the United States to take sides. Many have resisted becoming a part in this global face off, wishing to stay neutral. That seems to be unacceptable. The leader of Pakistan, a real diplomat, tried to take that position and was quickly overthrown from office.  Turkey is attempting to not become part of this global division and will now be in the cross hairs, if not already. The same goes for India who would like to not get involved in global power politics, the same could be said for many in the middle east and around the world.

This new cold war, is between the U.S. a heavily indebted and dependent country and its western allies, which are in the same circumstances and the rest of the world that feels that it can now go it alone in fashioning their economic and political future. Such a dual economic system will be the death knell of the western world, a highly socialized, aging, indebted and dependent group, without the capacity to compete. 

Without a change of direction in U.S. policy, which had dominated every administration since Reagan, there will not be any good result. We not only a new president, but an overhaul and ouster of the present state department and intelligence community that has brought the world to this place.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Sunday was first anti-war rally in 50 years.



Sunday's Washington protest was the first anti-war rally since 1973. I would expect that one reason that there has been little vocal opposition to over 30 years of continuous war is that at present there is no real draft. Much of the impetus for the opposition to the war in Viet-Nam was that most of the casualties were everyday Americans who were compelled to go fight and possibly die.

With the removal of the draft and the ability to man the military by a volunteer army, supplemented by paid mercenaries, it has been possible to this time to engage in war on a continuous basis without inconveniencing the majority of the population. It seems that that era of inconvenience may be coming to an end. While this rally, attended by possibly 10,000 at the most, was small in attendance it will most likely not be the last, not just here but in western Europe. The first protest in the UK is scheduled for this coming weekend. The speakers Sunday were a broad range, from pacifists to Ron Paul to Tulsi Gabbard. It was not made up any particular political bent.

There has been protests in other parts of Europe, a 500,000 signature campaign in Germany and many other stirrings of an anti-war movement. With the debate in Germany, about restarting a draft, it will now become a far bigger movement. Europe is now being inconvenienced by this present war, it has been up to now an economic disaster that will only become a greater factor in the year ahead.

Germany contends that its enrollment in the military is down 25% below its planned numbers. It is also down in those desiring to join the police and other government service. It seems to mirror the same situation developing in the United States. 30 years of continual war and now a woke view of who should be in the military is causing serious recruiting problems. The reserve system in the United States has been seriously abused, by calling up reservists to use for political conflicts around the world. It has devastated many families with divorce and economic ruin, with little notice by most Americans. Recruitment in the U.S. and reserve numbers are way below needed numbers and will likely accelerate.

At present, we can expect that the politicians of both parties are not ready to change course, will continue to double down on foreign war adventures and claim a draft is now needed to protect democracy around the world. If that indeed become the case, we can expect a far different view of war by the civilian population.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Ukraine, now a war of attrition and creating a hardened military



In the days of the first gulf war and the invasion of Iraq, many U.S. military strategist welcomed the chance to test new equipment and strategies. While much of the narrative was that Iraq was the largest collection of armored equipment since WW2, the Iraqi strategies were out dated and ended in a quick defeat. Today's Ukraine conflict has offered the Russian military such an opportunity. It has produced a lot of advanced and untested equipment since it began its rearmament after the Ukrainian revolution of 2014. It actually began preparing for conflict as early as 2008 after speeches by western politicians pushing NATO expansion and demonizing of Russia.

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, there was a period of serious disarmament in Russia. While it  was in the process of rejecting expansionist communism, it focused on transitioning into a market based economy. The United States had the opportunity of a "Peace dividend" to balance its budget and to focus on other priorities other than military supremacy. The United States actually received many of the Soviet era nuclear warheads and de commissioned them and used the by-products to power nuclear power in the United States, another peace dividend.

While Russia was dismissed as a military adversary, it seems that some believed it was now an opportunity, not for world peace and reconciliation, but for world political domination. This became clear in the early conflicts in the middle east, then the advent of terrorism in response and the escalation into regime change policy in many parts of the world. Russia meanwhile mostly only made complaints and advice against this early strategy. It all changed with talk of NATO expansion to the borders of Russia. It was a fulfilling of the fears of those in Russia who distrusted the idea of reconciliation with the west. It rekindled the fear of western aggression against their country. The interference in the Russian elections and the overthrow and regime change in Ukraine solidified all their fears.

This was followed by action rather than complaints, and Russia began preparing for the what many in Russia believed was a inevitable showdown with the west. 

While Russia had abandoned its policy of Communist  expansion, it did engage in suppressing regime change revolutions on its borders in Chechnya and Georgia, It also came to the rescue of the government of Syria when it was about to be toppled. Other than that it was not involved in  military operations since 1980's Afghanistan.

While Russia began modernizing its equipment for at least 15 years, it has not had the opportunity to test it effectiveness and its military had little experience in actual combat since WW2. It began this conflict believing that Ukraine would negotiate rather than go to all out war and did not have a real long range plan in place. That has now all changed.

It seems that Russia is now convinced that it is in a long term conflict for the actual existence of Russia. While many of our enlightened foreign policy experts still hope for regime change in Russia, believing that this confrontation is a product of Vladimir Putin and if he is removed Russia will collapse.  It is likely that Putin is one of the more pragmatic diplomats on the world stage, any change will not be for a less adversarial Russia.

While Russia is yet to really test many of their newest weapons, it has been perfecting its military strategies. For the present, it has settled on a war of attrition. A slow methodical decimation of the Ukraine military and the destruction of much of the equipment sent by the west. It has now brought 500,000 addition military to the western Russian border and has put its industries into wartime production mode. It seems that the Russia is preparing for an extended all out conflict with NATO.  They may now believe that there will not be any hope of a negotiated settlement.

The west on the other hand is continuing in its strategy of demonizing anything Russian, threatening to take out the leadership of Russia and escalate the sophistication of the weapons sent to Ukraine. A strategy that has been in place for a year and planned for 8 years, that has not produced the desired results. Western European economies are struggling to provide power to their residents and they seem to be running out of weapons. The choice is now, all out NATO intervention or compromise with Russia. A bitter pill for our arrogant genius foreign policy experts who viewed the submission of Russia as their hoped for crown accomplishment.

Friday, February 17, 2023

New AP poll, only 23% believe media acts in best interest of country.



The Associated Press has conducted a poll by Gallop and the Knight foundation of the public's view of the media. It is a devastating indictment on how the major media is now perceived by the citizens. 

Only 25% agreed that the media does not intentionally attempt to mislead.

Only 23% believe that the media acts in the best interest of the country.

The years of media complicity in the lies and misinformation purported by agencies of the federal government has taken its toll. Can this view of the media ever be reversed? Does the media or government really care if any one believes them? It seems the attitude is, "so what, what is anyone going to do about it"

Do these 25 and 23%  find it unacceptable for their mental health to question whether they are being lied to or misled. Do they feel more comfortable accepting the lies as just how it is?

Poll also reports that 58% get their news online. 

31% television.

7% radio.

3% print media.

So how did we get to this point in our country, the country which was based on a free and independent press.  Our first amendment supposedly guaranteed freedom of the press and speech. These rights need to be enforced by the government, which is supposed to represent the people. Sadly it seems the government and the media now have been co opted to maintain control by any means possible of their agenda, the will of the people is now irrelevant. This is in fact a world wide phenomena, citizen government is dying a slow but quickening death worldwide.

The lies are now so blatant and non believable that we have now convinced most of the country to distrust the institutions of the country. Many would have you believe that more censorship and control is what is needed. When in fact this lying has been going on and escalating for decades without any accountability.

I will start with the most obvious..

We were compelled to go to war in Iraq by lies concerning both weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq was a supporter of Al Qaeda. Known to be lies at the time.

We, with media collusion have engaged in the overthrow of governments, mostly in the middle east, have cost us trillions of dollars and thousand of our soldiers killed or maimed. It has cost the lives of millions of innocent people and disrupted the social fabric of the middle east and Europe.  Most all of it based on lies.

We were told we could keep our doctor and our insurance and now how many of us still have a trusted  family doctor.

We were led to believe that Donald Trump was in fact a Russian Agent and conspired with Russia to rig the 2016 election. It was all an obvious attempt to force a duly elected president out of office, when it has been proved, that the FBI and others knew this was a lie at the time.

We were told by 51 former intelligence leaders that Hunter Biden's laptop story was Russian disinformation. A lie repeated by most all of the media, some until this day.

We were told that the Russian's hacked the DNC computers to aid Trump, even indicted a dozen Russians, but when they showed up for the hearing, the whole thing was dropped and forgotten by the government and the media. Another lie that is now having serious consequences for our foreign policy.

The corruption between Ukraine and China and the Biden family was swept under the rug and still is being covered up at this time.

We were sold, and led to believe that an untested genetically modified medication was a vaccine, but in effect, it is not, it does not fit the classic definition of a vaccine. They have refused to accept natural immunity. They have refused to offer, real vaccines made in the tested traditional manner. Vaccines that are being used in other parts of the world. Every word was fashioned to prefer one Pharmaceutical company and one method.

We were told that the Russian's blew up the Nord-Stream pipeline that was a joint project of Russia and German investors. When in fact, the United States government at the highest levels conspired to do an unconstitutional act of war, break many international laws and then have the media and the agencies continue to lie. Then when exposed by a real investigative journalist, lie some more and attempt to discredit him.

We have been been exposed to unrelenting narrative to disgrace and defame Russia and to ignore the reality of the Ukraine conflict, how it could have easily been avoided and saved hundreds of thousands of lives. The daily lies continue.

The communications from Twitter, just one source, has proved collusion and collaboration by the federal government and the media to lie, misinform or ignore anything that they want to enhance or shut down.

The latest is the attempt to imply China or aliens are threatening the country, spending millions to shoot down weather balloons and private or scientific balloons to distract from their other lies.

I am sure I missed some lies, these are just those that are fresh in my limited memory. The lies are getting bigger, more obvious and more dangerous. They are going to cost this nation possibly its very existence. How long will the people of this country just consider these lies just part of government and media today. 

Can our government and media be trusted by leaders around the world? Does anyone doubt that the credibility of the federal Government in both domestic and foreign affairs is at an all time low. We can and must do better than this.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

U.S./ Ukraine adventure falling apart.



While General Milley is out and about talking about the failed Russian offensive, he knows that the proverbial handwriting is on the wall. This adventure planned by the United States and NATO has failed.The question is, how to end it and save the face of the U.S. and NATO. It is now looking like the time for saving face may be over. Of course, they can just declare victory and have the complicit media affirm this to be true and just refuse to talk about it anymore. This seems to be the standard policy after all. 

While lots of NATO meetings are going on it now seems that these allies have decided to cut their losses, there is a growing reluctance to squander any more military equipment that they now realize is going to take them years to replace. It now seems there is a question if the much celebrated tanks will be delivered.

While NATO has kept up the narrative, that they will support Ukraine forever, it is clear, they cannot keep that promise. They cannot produce enough materiel to keep this fight up and the United States military is now warning that its supplies are becoming dangerously low.

It has been reported that Ukraine is considering or already has lowered the conscription age to 16 and are picking up any men, even if unfit for service, and sending them to the front. How long can such policies be maintained?

It seems the west is still attempting to judge this conflict by land taken. While Russia is judging this conflict by the devastation of the Ukrainian ability to defend. They have fortified their lines and just continued to allow Ukraine to have to ship material and men from the west, a 750 mile supply line. Then when it all arrives just destroy it with a relentless barrage of long range artillery and rockets. The day will come, if this situation is not countered, when there will no longer be any resistance. Can the west wait until that day to commence serious negotiations? Is Russia still willing to engage in negotiations before that time?

This is all complicated by the unconstitutional and illegal, by both U.S. and international law, destruction of the Nord stream pipeline. While the U.S. continues to deny their guilt, it is clear to the German people and investors that the U.S. engaged in this foolhardy and impulsive display of arrogance. Some Europeans now question if this war is more about economic supremacy than democracy. 

While at present, the EU countries continue to insist on their resolve, it is now clear that it is beginning to evaporate as reality become obvious.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Is hysteria for political purposes destroying our children's future?



No other time in our history can compare to the present bombardment of political messaging that is piled on our children, all in an attempt to influence them for future political purposes. While we sometimes had civil defense drills in school, they were maybe several time a year. Education stayed out of philosophical debates about the controversial political arguments and the nightly news was limited to no more than 1 hour. Now the bombardment is continuous from social media, television and the entertainment media. It is also piled on in their schools whether outright or subtle.

This messaging about things that should be left for adults is now begun in kindergarten and grade school, it is relentless and non stopping. While children should be focusing on learning things that will be a positive influence on their decision making for their future, it is now a lot of of fear messaging to indoctrinate them and hopefully be used to influence their parents at home. This should be unacceptable, as it seems to be ingraining a negative view of their future and overwhelming them with messaging that they actually have little hope of a normal future.

Why consider their future when it is now likely to be non existent or dismal at best. Then there is the stress laid on them that they need to make decisions that will save the planet, protect other family members or other messaging that they really have no power or capacity to change. All of this, in the all out attempt to influence out children with political messaging.

Is it any wonder they are now experiencing increased rates of depression, suicide and attempting to escape this negative environment through drug use. 

One of the most important functions of any society is to protect children from damage from negative experiences that they are subjected to before they are mentally capable of understanding these issues.

While parents can help to keep them focused on what they need to focus on for their age, society now has a greater access to their minds than ever before. Only a conscious, organized and focused campaign to keep the political fear mongering out of the schools and out of forums that are for children will lessen the overwhelming messaging that can destroy their hope of a bright future. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Can the government save us from the balloons and UFO's



We have now seen an escalating number of unidentified objects traveling in the jet stream. We are told that they are either Chinese spy balloons or now possibly alien craft. Does anyone believe that our sophisticated satellite surveillance system and that of the Russians and Chinese, do not know where these have been launched from and what they are? Is this just another cheap hoax to install fear into the populace and then show how our government will be able to save us from this threat? Or is it just to see how gullible and naive the populace really is?

So, we are to believe the biggest hing we all should be worrying about is these balloons or whatever they are? Forget about the hundreds of satellites, some of them probably weaponized ,which of course no one can see and relate to, and then provide a threat that can be photographed and displayed by the media.

Or is this supposed to be more important than the acts of sabotage of civilian infrastructure of one of our allies by the blowing up of the Nord stream pipeline? Or is this now more important than the fact that the daily escalation in Ukraine could make a nuclear confrontation a real possibility? Should we fear balloons or nuclear war?

Then of course, it seems that the global government advocates have been able to perpetrate outlandish hoaxes like Russian collusion, told us the Iraq was responsible for 911 and then told us they had weapons to threaten the world. Convinced many of our young that they have no future due to climate change. Sold us a genetically created medication that they swore was a vaccine, that wasn't, or told us that the Russian blew up their own investment, while everyone knew who really did it?

So why not demonstrate the imminent need for a unified global government to prepare for the imminent invasion of aliens from some other world. What the hell, they will offer some lame proof and the media will daily bombard the airwaves with the imminent threat to the planet, they will claim that the vast majority of scientists now support their fear, and of course, the solution will be massive spending and restriction of  all human rights. I suspect they now believe the populace will believe in them more than god.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Loose political speeches have consequences.



We are now living in the age of tough talk by political leaders, sadly mostly by U.S. political leaders. They feel it makes great sound bites and hopefully will go down in history to enhance their legacy. Real serious leaders do not need such talk and their legacy will ultimately be fashioned by the results of their polices not tough meaningless sound bites.

One example is the State of the Union on Jan.29. 2002, this is were George Bush 2 made his "Axis of Evil" speech. Where he labeled Iran, North Korea and Iraq as some conspiratorial actors who needed to be eliminated. At that time there was very little cooperation between these countries, they all had vastly different political systems and their conflicts with the rest of the world were all different. It made for good sound bite and was made when the narrative against Iraq and Saddam Hussein was already in motion. One year later Iraq was invaded and Iran and North Korea set out on their nuclear arms race in the anticipation that they were next.

While Iran and North Korea are still here 20 years later, the rhetoric and escalation of enemies continues. It seems that the more enemies the better.  

We are now on the verge of all out war with Russia, who for the last 30 years has not engaged in aggressive acts around the world, except for Ukraine were they have clearly stated that NATO expansion and hostile forces on their border is unacceptable. This mostly started in 2008 when U.S. adopted the policy of offering NATO membership to Ukraine and Georgia, another nice sound bite, but it was the start of far greater consequences. Up to this time Russia was not a threat to anyone, but maybe a growing economic competitor of the U.S. in Europe. It seemed the U.S. believed that western Europe needed to be dependent on the U.S. for energy and military protection. That seems to have been accomplished, but the end result is yet to be determined.

Now the narrative is that China, who undoubtedly is a serious economic competitor to the United States, is plotting military aggression against the United States. It seems we have been responding in building military bases  encircling  China.  In fact, the U.S. has 750 military bases worldwide in 80 countries. UK has 145, Russia around 36 and China 5. This accompanied by the escalating narrative will surely send China on a path of military expansion due to the expectation of the U.S. that we will be at war with China. An escalation that many would believe the U.S. will not be able to counter, being that China is now the manufacturing center of the world.

At the same time the U.S. economy is hamstrung by fossil fuel wars and regulation that has transformed the once great manufacturing giant of the world  into a dependent on imported good and materials. Mostly dependent on the very same counties we want to pick a fight with.

One has to wonder, do our leaders believe that just threatening out competitors will make them submit to out demands? Are they really anticipating engaging in War with these countries? Are they delusional or out of touch with reality? Do they believe that it is politically advantageous to have the populace feel threatened by enemies? 

Most of our adversaries in the last 30 years have been small countries dependent on military hardware from other countries, they were easy to overthrow and subjugate.  Today we are now talking tough with nations with the ability to set the world on fire and have the base to sustain a prolonged confrontation.

While it may be too late, it is time that the citizens of this country consider changing direction in our foreign policy. It is certain that our legacy will be judged by the results, not by good political sound bites.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Now verified, U.S. blew up pipeline.



It is now confirmed how the U.S. in collaboration with Norway, who incidentally just opened their own gas pipeline to Europe, worked together to place explosives on the pipelines in the Baltic sea. It is also revealed that the planning for this was started before the Russian Invasion and was also known to Denmark and Sweden. Most serious observers believed this was all done by the United States within days of the event. Of course the spin was that the Russian's blew up this pipeline.

This article clearly states that Victoria Nuland, Anthony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and Joe Biden orchestrated the plan.  It was a cooperative effort between the U.S. diving unit in Panama City, Florida and Norway. There were no heads up given to members of congress. This article reveals the details from the location to the type of explosives, to how it was detonated by a remote operated buoy. This article can be found under the title of, "How America took out the Nord-stream Pipeline.

It seems this was done to exert leverage on France and Germany who still wanted to make a negotiated settlement of this dispute. It is a fact that there were growing protests in Germany to open the pipeline to preserve the industrial capacity and the quality of life for the Germans. This was done to eliminate that possibility and keep Germany dependent on U.S. and Norwegian gas.

I am sure there are many Americans who approve of this act, who believe it is what should have been done. Approval of this plan discounts the future lack of credibility of America, who first denied this operation, and then committed an act of sabotage that not only has affected Russia but also its supposed allies in Europe. Did anyone consider how the German people will feel about this act or any of the other people in Europe who are now suffering form their diminished quality of life.

These pipelines are owned and operated by a consortium of Russian, German and other companies, it is now obvious that these damages will now be able to be paid for form the U.S. treasury.

We can expect that there will be long lasting repercussions from this impulsive act.

The fact is, it is now clear, that the United States is at War with Russia. Maybe it is time for congress to get off their ass and decide, Are we going to all out war with Russia or are we going to allow a few delusional leaders in Washington to keep poking, till they get the response they want from Russia to go to war without the consent of congress.

Just as they still call the Russian invasion an unprovoked attack, while everyone knew that their NATO expansion plans for Ukraine would lead to war. It seems they are hell bent on engaging in WW3 no matter the consequences. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Is a currency crisis the next big crisis?



While everyone is preoccupied with the Ukraine war and woke culture, it appears a far more devastating crisis is brewing. Here's a question, Can you go to your bank today and request to withdraw 5 or 10 thousand dollars in cash? While I know most of the local banks will accommodate you,  most of the big national banks will tell you to make a request and you will need to come back later to pick it up. Many of these banks do not have substantial cash on hand. There is in fact only 4% of the total amount of cash entries that actually are backed by paper money. Most everything is just a book entry. Banks at one time needed to keep 10% of deposits on hand, even as a book entry, since the last collapse they do not need to keep any of these funds.

Then it has recently been revealed that the FDIC, the insurer of your bank funds, has $200 billion in assets to cover over $9 trillion in deposits. If there is a crisis, will you be on the list of those who will be actually covered?

It also has been revealed that there is new policy being floated, something that has already happened in other countries, called a BAIL-IN. This is when instead of the Federal reserve bailing out banks that are insolvent, they will be allowed to confiscate depositors money to cover the losses. It may sound far out but is it worth risking your future in trusting that this debt laden economy can survive without someone taking a loss.

Today, if the electric goes out or the internet goes down, the only transactions possible will be with cash. In fact some big stores will not even function with cash. Do you believe the ATMS are working in Turkey today? That is just a local crisis, but what can happen if there is a real global currency crisis?

Paper currency is in fact worthless, unless someone is willing to accept it for trade, digital entries are even more worthless, unless there is a complicated financial system intact. 

Do you  really believe that the current $32 Trillion Federal debt can ever be paid? Or that the $100 trillion in unfunded mandates can be sustained indefinitely? When the day of reckoning comes, you can bet most of us will lose all paper assets we currently own.

Currently most of worlds governments are carrying huge debts, there is now the real possibility of a change in the global economic system being brought about by a growing number of countries apprehensive of the present system. It is just one of the possible events to collapse this present house of cards of unsustainable debt. Remember it is unsustainable, it will need to be reset at some point. Everyone will suffer, but some will be able to suffer less, if they take personal action to protect themselves the best they can.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Big question is: How to Get out of Ukraine and save face.



It now appears that the realization that the Ukraine strategy has not growing. There are signs that the search for an honorable exit is underway. There are indications that the west has determined it will need to agree to ceding 20% of Ukraine to Russia. It is sad that this situation has now burned most bridges for an easy negotiation in Ukraine. There will be a negotiated settlement, sooner rather than later. The question is, how much of Ukraine will be left and how long will it take for it to recover to a viable country.

It is clear that Russia will not accept any settlement that will leave the possibility of a rearmed and re empowered Ukraine to resume hostilities in the future. There is no longer any trust left between Russia and the United States and very little with Europe. There will not be any settlement based on good will, Minsk type agreements or the possibility of further NATO expansion. While the west still is spinning the narrative that they hold all the cards, they are holding only a pair of deuces or nuclear war. Some like the present bunch that started this escapade 10 years ago, Nuland, Vindman, and their masters are unwilling to give it up. They may believe that nuclear war is an option rather than be disgraced.

I believe many in Europe understand that their future viability is now on the line. They can not sustain a long drawn out conflict, it will destroy their economies. They should also understand that there now is the real possibility that Russia has determined it will no longer desire to be part of the western economy and is willing to go out on its own and build its relations with the eastern and southern part of the world. This conflict is indeed a turning point in world affairs and the world may never be the same again.

The west never wanted Russia to be a respected member of the world economy unless they submitted to the demands of the western financial powers.  So, in some ways the west should be happy, they have removed Russia as a competitor in the present economic system. It may be good for the west in that it will now have to compete with another system that is not woke, not based on amoral principles, and has gotten fat and out of touch with reality. 

It should be expected that this conflict will end by fall or sooner, Russia will not be defeated or crippled. Ukraine is of course the biggest loser, they believed the spin and decided that being a NATO member was their best option. Sadly, Ukraine could have been the most prosperous nation in Europe, if they would have had strong leaders that were willing to set their own course for the best interest for the future of Ukraine. 

Friday, February 3, 2023

Longer range weapons = smaller Ukraine



Contrary to western propaganda, Russia began this conflict without designs for the occupation of Ukraine. It was made clear that a security agreement to insure the safety of the Russian citizens in eastern Ukraine and Russia was the goal. Even now, while the narrative is that Russia is bogged down and can't advance into Ukraine, they have wanted a settlement that protected it interests. This was, no NATO membership and no large standing army on their border. 

The continuous escalation of weapons and support, both in surveillance strategy and NATO personnel is going to make Ukraine into a shrinking country. The announcement that Ukraine will now be getting longer range missiles to strike deeper into Russian territory was countered by Russia announcing they would push deeper into Ukraine to maintain a buffer from those missiles. Longer range missiles, deeper penetration, more death and destruction, a smaller Ukraine. While the narrative is that the Russians will be defeated and their occupation reversed, real planners and strategists know this is a false narrative. By pursuing this present strategy they are sacrificing Ukraine and its future on the alter of western political and military superiority. While this has proved to be true in many other small confrontations, a war in Ukraine on Russia's western border is indeed another matter. A test that is going to destroy Ukraine and send most of Europe into economic decline and ultimately has the possibility of all out nuclear war. 

Yesterday it was revealed by the IMF, that Russia's economy will grow at a faster pace than Germany and the UK. That it actually had 2% growth last year. This is the dismal results of western sanctions that have impacted the world economy, forced Russia to make economic ties with other nations and forced it to separate from the western economic system. Does anyone understand what this message is saying to over half the world that is on the fence in deciding if they should join this new economic alliance, that does not use sanctions to enforce its will on these sovereign nations, especially when it come to social engineering like gay marriage and transsexual issues of children.

The Biden administration and the architects of the U.S. foreign policy intentionally baited Russia into a confrontation over NATO and Ukraine's membership, they rejoiced at Russia's invasion, feeling they would now destroy Russia's economy and achieve regime change in Russia. Accomplish the removal of Putin from office and engineer a leader that would submit to western demands and ideology. Their time is running out to make an exit from this strategy or risk bringing down the western political, economic and military alliance. 

Will real diplomats in the western world rise to the occasion or are they all willing to go down in flames rather than admit they engaged in a false narrative and unrealistic goal. Will common sense and history prevail, or will they succumb to their own hubris and arrogance.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Grooming the populace for Global War.



It is a fact that the war in Ukraine has been going on since 2008, when statements were made by U.S. representatives that Ukraine and Georgia should become members of NATO. This was followed by the U.S. supported Ukrainian revolution of 2014. The Russian response was as predictable as sunrise every morning. The hostilities began immediately and then the Minsk accords supposedly would settle this dispute, but we all now know that these accords were just buying time to train and equip Ukraine to engage in war with Russia. These actions along with years of anti Russian propaganda, from Russia influencing our elections in favor of Donald Trump to being blamed for everything from cyber attacks to ransom attacks, were all to form public opinion that Russia and Putin needed to be eliminated or weakened. It seems all is going to plan. We are at war with Russia and without direct NATO intervention, Ukraine will be crushed.

We are led to believe, and it seems quite successfully, that all out conflict with Russia is now inevitable. It seems that while most of the population believes this can be accomplished by the usual methods and sacrifices that have become customary with our foreign policy for the last 30 years, sadly it is a very delusional thought. 

Then there is China, the same grooming has been going on for some years, China this, China that, all fed by the growing wealth of China, provided by our trade policies. China is a creation of the West's trade policies that favored cheap imports over more costly domestic production. Huge profits made by buying from a third world country with cut rate labor and social costs and selling it to advanced prosperous economies. This situation was created by the West's greed and shortsightedness. China just took the opportunity and grew into the manufacturing capital of the world, a place formerly dominated by the United States. While our leaders engage in hostile talk and speak of War, they continue to reap the profits of trade with China. It seems there is conflict between increasing the West independence and the war on climate change.

Taiwan is China's Ukraine. We have for decades endorsed that Taiwan is part of China. We could have declared Taiwan independent 40 years ago, when China could not have contested that result. For the opportunity of greed, we sacrificed Taiwan.  Taiwan is to China what Ukraine to Russia. The West knew this all along and now hope to use Taiwan as an excuse to sanction and begin military conflict with China.

The world is being lobbied to take sides, from Pakistan, India, Middle east, Asian, African and South American countries are now being pressured to make choices, whose side will they be on. The choices are simple, you are either for us or against us.

So, that is the view from the West, Russia has also been preparing for all out war since 2008 and escalated this effort after 2014. They have produced many advanced weapons and have put there production facilities on a war time footing. They have steadily increased their military numbers and will soon have 1 million prepared for conflict.

China has also been producing high tech weapons and have the manpower to prevail against any adversary. If they should go on an all out war time production plan, they can outproduce the western nations combined.

So here we are, now trapped into all unfavorable choices, has this been the plan all along? Can NATO take on a militarized Russia and be successful ? Some say not, unless they institute war time orders to go on all out war manufacturing footings. This coupled with the reinstatement of the draft both in the U.S. and Europe. There are some who are anticipating just that, total government control, suspension of civil rights and punishment of dissenters. It could be a dream come true for those who desire global totalitarian government. It is doubtful that the world will be a better place after such a conflict.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

"Resurrection Ertugrel", No screen actors guild in Turkey.



I just finished watching the last episode of season 1 of this Turkish produced  film, with Turkish actors and actresses, made in Turkey. Season 1 had 76 episodes, an amazing amount of production in a single season. Most western series contain between 8 and 12 episodes. It seems this series is in its 5th season. It is reported that it has been an outstanding success, particularly from the Muslim communities worldwide.

This is actually a very professional series that chronicles the history, while surely not accurate in details, of the founding of the Ottoman Empire. It is a glimpse of nomadic life in the 13th century middle east. It is quite a extravagant undertaking similar to biblical movies of the 1950's U.S. 

There is actually several villages of nomadic tribes with all the tents, clothing, weapons and implements of the time. Season 1 dealt with dealing with the last of the Crusaders and Knights Templar and relations with Aleppo which is now in Syria. There is a continuous display of betrayal, treason, personal infighting and brings out clearly every human emotion both good and bad. This is coupled with a love story between Ertugrel and a Seljek princess, Halime. Their son, which will materialize later in the series will go on to be the founder of the Ottoman empire.

The actors and actresses in this film are excellent, the story shows the strengths and weakness of all of them and their great deeds and failings. It is excellent portrayal of human emotions and triumphs and disasters. This is on Netflix and while it relies on subtitles, I find it very entertaining and informative of another part of middle east history.

It portrays Islam in a very favorable light and the foundation of the strength of all the heroes of this film, It also does show that some are not true to the tenets of their faith.

The over riding message is that unity is required to prevail over all their enemies, whether within, or from Crusaders, and in season 2 the Mongols. In all instance's there are plants from the enemy in their midst and continuous intrigue and betrayal.

While the heroes of this films exploits are unrealistic because they always come out of the worst situations alive even when fighting against overwhelming odds. Much like our old time westerns and other epic dramas where the white hats always won. There are no sexual displays of any sort, not even with the married, it is confined to holding hands and hugs.

There is plenty of action, plenty of death and destruction, but the graphic details are often blurred. The horse riding scenes are sometimes spectacular with battles and other displays of horse riding skills. It seems that most of the actors and actresses have very sound horse riding skills.

The overriding message is that the Muslim nations need to unite to be able to overcome adversity and attempts from outside to divide and keep them fighting among themselves. A theme that seems to be a fact that transcends other societies and nations as well.