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Friday, February 3, 2023

Longer range weapons = smaller Ukraine



Contrary to western propaganda, Russia began this conflict without designs for the occupation of Ukraine. It was made clear that a security agreement to insure the safety of the Russian citizens in eastern Ukraine and Russia was the goal. Even now, while the narrative is that Russia is bogged down and can't advance into Ukraine, they have wanted a settlement that protected it interests. This was, no NATO membership and no large standing army on their border. 

The continuous escalation of weapons and support, both in surveillance strategy and NATO personnel is going to make Ukraine into a shrinking country. The announcement that Ukraine will now be getting longer range missiles to strike deeper into Russian territory was countered by Russia announcing they would push deeper into Ukraine to maintain a buffer from those missiles. Longer range missiles, deeper penetration, more death and destruction, a smaller Ukraine. While the narrative is that the Russians will be defeated and their occupation reversed, real planners and strategists know this is a false narrative. By pursuing this present strategy they are sacrificing Ukraine and its future on the alter of western political and military superiority. While this has proved to be true in many other small confrontations, a war in Ukraine on Russia's western border is indeed another matter. A test that is going to destroy Ukraine and send most of Europe into economic decline and ultimately has the possibility of all out nuclear war. 

Yesterday it was revealed by the IMF, that Russia's economy will grow at a faster pace than Germany and the UK. That it actually had 2% growth last year. This is the dismal results of western sanctions that have impacted the world economy, forced Russia to make economic ties with other nations and forced it to separate from the western economic system. Does anyone understand what this message is saying to over half the world that is on the fence in deciding if they should join this new economic alliance, that does not use sanctions to enforce its will on these sovereign nations, especially when it come to social engineering like gay marriage and transsexual issues of children.

The Biden administration and the architects of the U.S. foreign policy intentionally baited Russia into a confrontation over NATO and Ukraine's membership, they rejoiced at Russia's invasion, feeling they would now destroy Russia's economy and achieve regime change in Russia. Accomplish the removal of Putin from office and engineer a leader that would submit to western demands and ideology. Their time is running out to make an exit from this strategy or risk bringing down the western political, economic and military alliance. 

Will real diplomats in the western world rise to the occasion or are they all willing to go down in flames rather than admit they engaged in a false narrative and unrealistic goal. Will common sense and history prevail, or will they succumb to their own hubris and arrogance.

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