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Friday, April 29, 2022

U.S./ Russia war to now go critical



We see that the Biden administration is now asking for $33 billion in aid for Ukraine. This is just the first installment on a planned expenditure of near $10 billion a month. Ukraine is now openly a client state of the U.S. We can expect Ukraine to be a dependent state on the U.S. for decades to come. This is clearly a proxy war between the United States and Russia. NATO is an empty suit without U.S. money and coercion.  So far, Russia has been very restrained in not using its capabilities to push back on the economic war being waged from the West. You can expect that to change very soon. What the response will be is still not clear. Will it be cyber disruptions or cutting off of energy to Europe or will it be a massive military strike?

Yesterday it was reported the first U S. and British deaths in the fighting in Ukraine. It is also reported that British special forces are now in Ukraine. U.S. troops are training Ukrainians in Poland. We are also increasing our assistance on surveillance and targeting for the Ukrainians. Does anyone doubt that U.S. troops are, if not already, going to be in Ukraine very soon. It has also been reported that over 400 of the soldiers in Mariupol are foreigners. How many are U.S. and British special forces? Is that why they cannot surrender? Have they become collateral damage that must be denied? 

At the same time congress has approved the confiscation of any wealth from Russia or its citizens. This is unprecedented theft without any due process. It has just hardened the resolve of Russia and its citizens.

The theory is that if enough misery is experienced by the Russian populace they will demand the withdrawal from Ukraine or the overthrow of the existing government. It is a delusion that only would be embraced by our brilliant state department, whose record for death and destruction is only topped by the dictators of WW2. It has solidified the Russian population behind their government.

Today the wholesale price of diesel and heating oil is $5.13 a gallon. This is happening because the reserves in the Northeast U.S. are at an all time low. The Northeast was were most of the Russian fuel was used. We can expect the cost of transportation to increase dramatically and the possibility of many independent truckers parking unless they can be compensated for these increases. We should expect double digit inflation by fall, if not shortages.  We can expect heating oil of $5.65 and diesel at $6.50 now and much more by fall. We also say a 1.4% drop in the GDP for the first quarter. We are also seeing the beginning of layoffs in some sectors.

Then there is the possibility of severe recession in Europe, that is happening without a cutoff of Russian gas and oil. If it should be cut off, Europe will plunge into a depression overnight. At present, gas and oil are still being supplied through pipelines in Ukraine and Russia is still paying Ukraine transport fees. A remarkable situation.

We see almost a compete lockdown in China, which will translate into the hobbling of the United States and European economies due to the inadequate supplies of essential goods.

We see both Japan and China refraining from buying U.S. treasuries due to their own domestic problems. The U.S. debt service will explode to  1.5 Trillion dollars if interest rates go to 5%. This at a time with government spending is exploding on all fronts. This is all going to happen without a further expansion of the conflict.

By fall of this year we may being seeing the worst world economic crisis since WW2. Most Americans are still deluded into thinking everything will be Ok, after all, we are richest country in the world and in their lifetime they have never really experienced economic disaster.  There are no signs of diplomacy or rethinking these policies and it will inevitably lead to a bad result for everyone. It is now like a runaway locomotive, out of control and speeding forward without guidance or thought.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Kamala wants to know root cause of illegal immigration.



So, it seems Kamala Harris doesn't understand why people want to come to the United States. A little look at the income statistics of these countries will explain. 

                          average income     most common income
Guatemala               $26,000                      $12,000
Nicaragua                $26,000                      $  7,000
El Salvador              $41,000                      $  7,000
Mexico                     $49,000                     $17,000

United States           $35,900

It is interesting to note that the average incomes are not that far apart and we can assume the cost of living is far less in those countries than the United States. The below cost of living is for the more expensive cities in those countries, I would expect rural areas are much less.

Cost of living index

New York               100
Mexico City             38
San Salvador            45
Guatemala City        46

So it appears that if you have a skill, you can do all right even those central american cities. Many of these cities are prosperous and as modern as many U. S. cities.

Social welfare spending as a percent of GDP

1    France      31.7%
2.   U.S.          30%
19  Canada     20.9%
35. Mexico       7.7%
      El Salvador 2  %
      Guatemala  1.4% 

I could find no exact numbers for Nicaragua.  I would assume it is similar to its neighbors.

So you can see if you have some skills in these central American cities, considering the low cost of living you can do ok, but if you don't, you are suffering and there is no social safety net. It seems the plan of the Biden administration is to transfer more money to these central American governments to raise their spending on social programs. 

It is clear, that the real draw is the hope of an improved life style by qualifying for the generous benefits of the United States. If this open door policy continues we can expect the emptying of countries south of our border of unskilled uneducated workers. This may very well be an acceptable reality for these governments. Can we support all the impoverished citizens from south of border without destabilizing our education, health care and social system. It is likely we will soon look more and more like those countries to our south.

The only real hope of changing the current border crisis is to encourage education and jobs to the citizens of these countries. This will never  be accomplished with cash transfers to these governments. Maybe instead of regime change policy in the middle east we should have been focusing on reforms right here at home.
Update 4/28/22, Biden is going to ask congress for $33. billion in aid for Ukraine. More money to process unlimited immigrant invasion into the country. Not 1 cent to secure the border. It is time to consider impeachment and removal from office.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Let's hope Musk's purchase will serve the nation well.



Today everyone takes the internet and social media as a necessary part of life. It is amazing that it has become so in little more than 25 years. It is still in its infancy if compared to other new technology revolutions. It has certainly caused much debate as to its uses for both good and evil.

Originally designed with trade and communication in mind it has now become part of everyday life for everybody from small children to the elderly. It has put many traditional businesses out of business and inspired new ideas that would not be possible without this great tool.

Social media was first politically used by the Barack Obama campaign in 2008. It was praised as a brilliant use of social media to reach many more people for far fewer dollars than previously possible. It was partly made possible by the media companies themselves who were often supporters of the democrat party. They aided in showing the way in how to use this new media in an effective way.

Then in 2016 the Donald Trump campaign was able to also use this media in an effective way. To some in the industry, this was almost considered criminal, prompting an investigation about how this was possible.

Then the thumbs started to be put on the scale of this media and eventually we have seen censorship and then out right bans by social media companies who disagreed with opinions expressed by some users.

They used their power to silence those they disagreed with, a disgusting abuse of power in a free country.

While many have suggested this could be cured by government regulation, which at some time may happen, there is nothing better than the free market. A choice, that is what many hope has just happened by Elon Musk buying Twitter.

Time will tell if this will work out. Musk states that he wants a public square that's open to all to express their opinion. He also is contemplating other reforms about anonymity and robotic responses. I don't think anyone doubts he can do it, but he most likely will have to change the existing structure of the current employees or at least give them a set of rules to govern their employment. He has also stated that he has not made this purchase to make more money, but if he does it right, he will make more money.

I fully expect that Musk will eventually expand his social media presence and have it be used in more new innovative ways. He does seem to be more unbiased in his political opinion and is starting out on the right foot, lets hope his action will be a benefit to the political discourse to enhance and increase democracy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

What will it cost to "Weaken Russia"



Yesterday's statement from the U.S. Defense secretary will harden the will and increase the Russian domestic support for this war. While anyone who has been paying attention knows this has been U.S. policy concerning Russia for 20 years, it may be the first time it has been openly stated.

There also has been statements concerning,"Bleeding Russia" a statement that originated from Osama Bin Laden in his many statements concerning the United States. There certainly is a lot of bleeding going on, but mostly from the Ukrainian populace. You can expect that it will soon get a lot worse.

While we hear many statements about the Ukraine war that are just so much trash talk from the U.S. administration, the fact is this has been, up to now, a limited war by Russia.  Take note that no government buildings were ever destroyed in Kiev. The roads, bridges and railways have been spared, until yesterday, when railways were hit.

We hear how we are sending many weapons into Ukraine and have not yet heard of any shipments destroyed enroute. Is this possible? Or has Russia refrained from targeting much of the infrastructure of the country, except in the east.

We have been told for decades that Russia has a huge network of spies everywhere, how hard is it to note when arms are leaving Poland into Ukraine. Somehow, some things just don't add up.

I would expect that Russia could take out every highway and rail bridge in the country in a couple of days and maybe they now will.

As far as Russia having a hard time with logistics, how hard can it be when Russia borders Ukraine, Much like us resupplying troops in Canada.

While Russia has used this war to test some of their advanced weapons, most of the munitions expended  have most likely been in warehouses since the cold war days. Artillery rounds and explosives have a very long life. 

Then there is the cost, Zelensky made a point of insisting they had better not come "empty handed", so far it seems we have pledged over $15 billion in aid. We also promised NATO members that we will replace anything that they send to Ukraine. The 20 old Russian migs from Poland was a good example, they wanted us to replace them with new U.S. jets. I expect NATO will dump all their old hardware in the hope of receiving new equipment from the U.S.

Then there is $7 billion a month to keep the Ukrainian government afloat, so we may be expected to come up with $10 billion a month for the duration. I am sure the Europeans will kick in a couple 100 million. Then there is the rebuilding of Ukraine, likely to be a Trillion dollars or more, depending how long hostilities last. It could last for years. So, it will not just be Russia that will be bleeding.

The point is that there was an opportunity to avoid this war. Ukraine could have been the most prosperous country in Europe. But we could not give up on a policy of "containment" and NATO expansion. Ukraine's future is now poverty and dependence for decades to come.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Is Ukraine the last best hope for Biden?



This morning the collaborator national press is praising the Biden response to the Ukraine War. We are told the Ukrainians are winning the war, that Russia's military and domestic politics in in chaos and that the brilliant policies of Biden are working like magic. 

We see the top policy team making photo ops in Kiev and promises of supplying Ukraine with the weapons that will force Russia out of the country. Of course, perception is reality in American politics, but reality is more death and destruction in Ukraine. Perception can change public opinion and even win elections, but it cannot win actual physical combat. It cannot supply food to the starving, it cannot make a cold house warm.

The consequences of the hoped for prolonged war in Ukraine will come home to the world in the later part of this year. The democrats had better hope that it will not come too early and destroy the narrative of our brilliant foreign policy, eventually perceptions will be changed by reality.

The reality is that the coming food scarcity after this years harvest, plagued by shortages of fertilizer, a chaotic indecision by farmers as to how proceed as to what to plant will combine to make the world a more unstable place. The breakdown in world supply chains will just make it more of a crisis. 

This coupled with obvious intention of China to demonstrate just how dependent the world is on basic essential goods that they are slowing under the cover of Covid lock downs. 

We are still living mostly on last years harvests, our manufacturer stockpiles of material are diminishing, but the narrative is that everything is good. We just need to increase government spending and pretend all is well. We can of course blame all our problems on Vladimir Putin.

While all our foreign policy genius's salivate at the hoped for diminishing and destruction of Russia as a world power we are being invaded by an unarmed mass of low skilled, uneducated future dependents. Our cities are more and more resembling third world countries with crime, drug addiction and unsanitary conditions becoming a permanent way of life. This instability is creating an actual internal migration in the attempt to escape the results of the policies of the democrat party.

A party that is at it root obsessed with race, sexual orientation and the indoctrination of children into destructive practices, while the nation descends into some kind of divided third world chaotic country.

While we continue to pour billions of aid into Ukraine, not 1 cent for border security. While we focus on sexual identity education, very little for job training in the cities. While we lament homelessness and drug induced death, we allow unfettered access to our country of tons of dangerous drugs. 

One can only sumiss, that all these polices are not designed to uplift, bring security either at home or abroad, not improve the lives or families anywhere in the world, but just the intentional evil policy of death, destruction and devolution of human existence.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Political prosecutions of Trump going nowhere.



We continually hear of the investigations and coming indictments into Donald Trump's business. Most of the investigations are pathetic, laughable and without merit. It is just another attempt to damage Trump for ever.  So, let's take a look at the accusations levied against Trump's business in New York.

The first is a grand jury that has been meeting in New York city for months. While all the speculation and daily reporting claim that it is a serious investigation it appears even the district attorney fears actually bringing a indictment due to the friviolius nature of the investigation.

It all revolves around the attempted squeeze of his accountant, a person who has been an employee of Trump corporation for decades. If you remember how the Manhattan DA had him perp walked for the media to bring charges of Income tax evasion. The issues were that for 20 years of service Trump gifted him a car and supposedly this elderly man did not pay taxes on the gift. Also, it is reported that Trump paid tuition for one of this mans sons and again failed to pay taxes on the tuition aid. No wonder the DA is hesitant to bring this to trial as he may very well be embarrassed by the whole affair and Trump may be viewed as a loyal and generous employer. Certainly not the result they would want, the appearance of law breaking would be more valuable.

Then there is the obvious political investigation by the partisan New York State Attorney who ran her campaign on "Getting Trump". Her investigation revolves around whether Trump corp. intentionally under estimated the value of his real estate in an effort to reduce his property taxes. A very legal and economic sound tactic used by most real estate owners. Real estate value is a very subjective figure only really validated by an actual sale and it is a continually moving target. The value is determined by the assessment office and can be appealed, a typical practice that is engaged in by many. A charge that is again a joke.

Then the other charge is fraud. They charge that the Trump company inflated the value of their real estate in order to obtain loans from lending institutions. The bank determines the value of any property that is used for collateral or that the bank is loaning money to purchase. While the borrower may claim any amount, the decision is up to the lender to determine the value. Again an ever changing number determined by the market, another joke. All these investigations are just being used to tarnish the reputation and honesty of the Trump business, which until he became a political foo was actually a sound reputation.  

It is doubtful that any of these investigations will ever go to a trial as it will then be revealed the political motivation behind these investigations and also may be proof and evidence upon which Trump will be able to sue for damages.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

What has happened to Disney?



The Disney corporations stance against a Florida law that attempts to shield children under 8 from controversial sexual subjects in schools is an eye opener for many. Why is Disney taking a stand on this subject? 

There has been rumors and allegations before about Disney and their introducing subtle sexual messages in their entertainment, until now, most considered this in the eye of the beholder, but now they can expect to be under closer scrutiny. This, coupled with the appearance that they were partly motivated by pressure from their staff that work at their entertainment parks. It has given the appearance that much of the staff identify with the LGBTQ movemnt.

Why is their staff composed of this fringe minority in what appears to be a majority of their workers? Are these workers given priority hiring by Disney?  Why is such a large segment of this group interested in working at a children's entertainment park?

It is sort of amazing that the Disney executives would not have considered the repercussions of the appearance of their stand on this issue. So far, they have not clarified or walked back their position of fighting to overturn this law. 

So far their stock has dropped about 15% this year and I personally have been told by several women investors that they are liquidating their Disney stock. Whether this distancing from Disney is a long term trend or just blip remains to be seen, but I would expect their theme parks to be under much closer scrutiny. You can expect that some will no longer view Disney as a family entertainment destination.

There was a time when most companies made it practice to stay out of controversial political positions, not today when it seems there is pressure to take sides on every issue. This is much more relevant when a company who makes its living appealing to children makes it known that it is going all out to overturn a law that attempts to insure and protect the innocence of children.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Taiwan's fate was sealed on Dec. 15, 1978



On Dec. 15, 1978 Jimmie Carter recognized the Peoples Republic of China as the legitimate government of all of China including Taiwan. The U.S. simultaneously withdrew its diplomatic recognition of Taiwan , the Republic of China. The future of Taiwan was actually sealed on that date.

In 1978, China was just beginning their new economic plan and was not in the powerful position they are in today. The prudent policy should have been to recognize the The Peoples Republic of China and also to insist on the independence of Taiwan.We had the clout and China needed the recognition to have made that possible.

Every President of the United States since that time has publicly conceded to China that Taiwan is part of China. There is no legal or other outcome that will change that fateful decision from over 40 years ago.

Taiwan will sooner or later suffer the same fate as Hong Kong, which by international law existed with a 99 year lease with the U.K. When the lease expired, Hong Kong became subject to China.

So, while the state department and others keep talking about the independence of Taiwan, without a declaration of independence by Taiwan and a recognition of Taiwan as an independent country by the rest of the world all the bloviating is just that, hot air.

We hear for calls to arm Taiwan with more weapons, by some the usual suspects, like John Bolton, who is also calling for U.S. troops to be deployed to Taiwan. Without a declaration of independence and our pledge to attempt to enforce this, it is again, just hot air. Leading the Taiwanese on, that there is some hope for them is disgraceful, they will just end up as another Ukraine.

Is it our hope that a war with Taiwan and China can be used to damage China, while we do a lot of talking. and the Taiwanese will do the dieing? Does anyone really believe that the United States will go to war to insure Taiwanese independence? This again, is just another symptom of our Bipolar foreign policy.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Musk vs Twitter



This week, Elon Musk announced his intention to take control of Twitter and make it a private company. He has offered the shareholders a large premium over the market price of the stock. It would cost Musk $43 billion, no small investment even for Musk. 

The present board of directors is now in a quandary, if they refuse to approve the sale, they could be liable for not acting in the best interest of the shareholders and would undoubtedly be sued by not only Musk, but many other shareholders who would be denied the windfall. This is possibility one.

Then Musk could also dump his 9+ % share in the company and cause the existing stock to plummet and then buy the stock on the open market. 

He could also threaten to start his own version of Twitter with free market and free speech rules. This would also cause a decline in the Twitter stock.

You can bet the Twitter board is talking to their collaborators in the Biden administration to save them from this assault on their censorship platform. This again will create another transparent attempt to control free speech in the country, another controversy with unknown political repercussions.

Twitter along with most all the other social media platforms has engaged in a fascist collaboration with the democrat party to attempt at censoring free speech in America. They have been successful, but it is now obvious to all that it is engaged in policies that are not in the best interest of a free democratic country. What they are endorsing is an authoritarian regime that will censor, diminish and punish the political opposition. This may be just the first actual challenge to their fascist political arrangement.

It has been clear for some time that Musk is not beloved by the leftists in the country, even while he has pushed the use of electric vehicles way in front of the rest of the automobile companies. So it shows that their, so called, belief in the green energy agenda is based more on ideology than in saving the planet.

He also has been an innovator and futurist in the space industry. His rockets are about to eclipse the use of Russian rockets that have been the mainstay of propulsion for decades. Again, watch, ideology come before results.

The long knives are now out, Musk is about to get the propaganda onslaught that will put him in same category as Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. You can bet he will be declared an enemy of democracy. The truth is being an enemy of the democratic party is certainly not the same as being undemocratic.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Sanctions have never had a positive result.



The first use of economic sanctions by the United States were imposed on Japan on July 26, 1941. The U.S. froze the assets of Japan in response to its incursion into Indochina now Vietnam. Then on Aug. 1 1941 it placed an embargo on oil and gasoline on Japan which received 80% of it oil from the United States. Japan only had several months of oil reserves until they would have been in serious economic crisis. They then attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec.7, 1941 in the hope that by disabling the U.S. pacific fleet they could capture oil reserves in the south Pacific. We know the rest of the story.

We have had sanctions on Cuba since 1960, 60 years and really no change in the government of Cuba. Cuba does not have the capacity to go to war with the U.S. 

We have had sanctions on Iran since 1980, there has been little change in the government or their attitude to the United States. Again, they do not have the capacity as yet to really attack the United States directly although they have used proxies to harass and damage the United States.

At present the United States has imposed sanctions on Afghanistan, Balkans, Belarus, Burma, Central Africa Republic, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Hong Kong,  Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Nicaragua, North Korea, Russia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Ukraine,Venezuela, Yemen and Zimbabwe. It doesn't seem to have had any of the desired effects, these countries have not changed their behaviour. Most all are small weak countries that have no ability to retaliate against this country. You can bet that most of the citizens of those countries do not have a positive view of the United States, as these sanctions have most likely made life more difficult for them personally.

It is obvious that the stick has not been very successful in our foreign policy unless we are willing to enforce it all with military force, yet we still believe we can shape world events by using our economic and dollar hegemony to shape the world. It is likely that that era in history is now coming to an end.

The Russia/Ukraine crisis was a preventable situation that the United States insisted it was going to  squeeze Russia into submission. We actually have had sanctions on Russia since 2014, but actually have denied Russia access to the much of the world system forever. It is likely that we have now entered into an irreversible political and economic conflict.

Russia is not going to give up the territory that it has now and may in the future take from Ukraine, so the sanctions will not ever be lifted. Russia is now on its own and will either do its own Pearl Harbor on the United States or be part of a possible competing economic and political alliance that could encompass half the world.

At present that competing world economic system is a distinct possibility, but you can bet that the U.S. state department will do everything that it can to stop a replacement of the United States dollar as the world reserve currency.

There was time when the U.S. dollar was considered as "good as gold". That was when $35.00 would buy 1 ounce of gold, it now takes $1950. to by one ounce. This is an indication of what deficit spending, military involvement around the world and irresponsible fiscal policies has done to the dollar and it seems it is going to plunge from here.

China, Russia and the oil producing countries are all interested in finding a new reserve currency that will hold its value. So far, no one has found a stable currency that is not backed by Gold. While the dollar may be safe for some time to come, its days are numbered along with the United States ability to sanction the rest of the world.

Friday, April 8, 2022

More nations now see neutrality is in their best interest.



Blue is yes, Red no, White abstain

Yesterdays vote in the UN to remove Russia from the human rights council is regarded as a victory for the western alliance. The vote of 93 to 24 in favor is wide margin, but little has been voted at the 58 nations who have abstained. This is an indication of more nations willing to opt into a position of neutrality rather than be apart of ever changing alliances and the expected obedience or support.

More and more countries are now trying to escape the trap of becoming part of global alliances on one side or another. They view their future to be more secure and more prosperous if they can stay neutral and independent in their policy. This has been voiced by numerous small countries who have experienced the pressure to submit to the larger powers and often the dire consequences of not thinking about what is best for the long range future of their country.

Iman Khan the president of Pakistan has recently stated in an interview that the pressure to be part of an alliance has been present since WW2, then during the cold war and continues today. He hopes that in the future small countries can extricate themselves from being part of alliances that often pressure them into forming policy that is not in their best interest.

In the map above, you see that countries that have a border with Russia, except for Europe, abstained, as did much of Africa, Mexico and the Middle East. 

While many believe that alliances prevent war, others are not so sure. Since WW1 alliances have often forced nations to take positions and also to go to war due to their commitment by these alliances. If you disregard all the hype, propaganda and misinformation, this Ukraine crisis started over Ukraine being encouraged to join the NATO alliance. Ukraine could have been a neutral, non-aligned country similar to Switzerland and could have been the most prosperous country in Europe. It is now, and will likely be a poverty stricken nation for decades.

We see a worldwide impulse to take sides, not just in the community of nations, but even inside nations. Enormous pressure is exerted to be part of the more powerful side both globally and nationally. It would better if nations and individuals could just make independent decisions for their future.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Dems attack oil companies for the result of their policy.



Yesterday we witnessed an obscene display of hypocrisy with the demonization of the representatives of the oil business on capital hill.  The democrats are worrying about their pole numbers, so they are trying to drag out all their marxist propaganda to shift the blame from their policies to the oil companies. Not one word of cooperation to increase oil supplies. They really don't want an increase in oil supplies, just want to not be blamed for their wanting higher oil prices.

It is the public policy of the Democrat party to force the increase in prices of fossil fuels to make alternative energy financially competitive. This also applies to electric prices.which are also produced with fossil fuels. They are willing to destroy our energy production, but don't want to be held accountable for their actions. Cowards, just own up, this is exactly the result you want.

Then they made a big deal that the oil companies made a large profit from the increasing prices. Profit, a dirty word for Marxist ideologs. The oil companies return on investment is often in single digits, much less than the democratic darlings in silicon valley or the Pharmaceutical business. Remember the windfall of the computer companies with the Y2K hoax under Clinton, then the mandatory fake vaccines from Pfizer under Biden and Fauci, all big donors to the Democrat party. Are they just sending a message to the oil companies that they shift their donations from the republicans to the democrats and all will be well.

Oil is now running around $100 a barrel. at 42 gallons in a barrel that is $2.38 a gallon of crude oil. It then has to be transported to a refinery, by pipeline, truck, ocean tanker or railway. Pipeline is the most efficient and least costly and most safe way to transport oil and gas. Pipelines have all been stopped by this administration, from Canada, in Pennsylvania and everywhere that they were planned or under construction. By the way, Crude oil from Canada is now transported by railways owned by Democrat donor Warren Buffet.

Then the oil is refined, a costly investment in plant and equipment and skilled labor. New refineries are all but impossible to build by this administration and some old ones have been shut down due to regulation.

The refined products are then transported to a distribution point either by pipeline, truck or rail. Then again transported to your local service station. Today that gas is around $4.19 a gallon. A gross margin of $1.81. That is not net profit, but accounts for the cost of transportation, salaries of 100's of thousands of workers all along the supply chain. At each point of distribution the profits are usually single digits of mark-up. Much more efficient than most all business in this country.

The energy business is always looking and planning for years in advance and when you have an administration sending the message that your business is going to be eliminated as soon as possible it changes and shortens that long term view. Then this administration has pressured lenders to not lend capital to fossil fuel producers. It may take years to dramatically increase production if another view is seen, but it will not be seen during this administration or from the Democrat party.

Drilling rigs have been leased to other countries, refineries are being built in other countries and we are now dependent on others for our energy. This will not change unless congress and the administration can change the outlook for the future.

American should be thankful for our energy supplies and distribution, it is a marvel that we have access to the energy to make everyone prosperous. A gallon of water costs us $2.00 and it is just pumped and bottled.  Energy is a necessity of life that we all just take for granted. It should not be a political tool to gain power or effect election results.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Allow Children to be Children



There seems to be a great overreaction to a recent Florida law that protects children under 8 years old from sexual content in school. If anything, this law has not gone far enough, actually such things should be avoided any time before the average puberty, which would be more like 12 to 14 years old.

There are now many more states considering such laws and especially focusing on sexual manipulation of minors by either hormones or surgery. We as a society should just allow children to be children. Protect them, so they can grow up without the baggage this woke society would like to lay on them at a way too early age. Children should be allowed to view the world from their point of view, not from some group of political activists, who hope to indoctrinate society at an earlier and earlier age. 

These laws do not deny anyone their rights, no one can drive, drink or make medical decisions before their legal age, in most things at least 18.  When it come to a life changing permanent procedure it is a time for society to protect these vulnerable children from manipulation and the possibility of destroying their life before it even starts.

It is now, and it will remain impossible to change ones sex. There is really no way to change the reality of ones sex at birth. Any attempt will always be an inadequate attempt to make the impossible possible. Portraying to children that they can change their sex is a deception with life changing consequences. 

We often hear that that society has an obligation to protect the weak, vulnerable and infirm, this is a glaring example of such an obligation. People who participate and engage in attempting to change the sex of underage children are guilty of the worst kind of child abuse. They should be punished very seriously.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Biden administration, Please stop!



Please stop, you are killing us. At least when we never saw Joe, we hoped there were good things happening. Now that you came to believe he needed more exposure and transparency we know we are in real trouble. There is an old saying,"If you don't know what to do, do nothing." It would be good advice right now.

If you would have done nothing we would be so much better off. We were energy independent, now thanks to your new policies we have the highest energy prices ever. Now you want to fix it by penalizing oil companies for not drilling were there is no oil. You are using up our reserves, put there for real emergencies, not to lower gas prices for political purposes.

You encouraged the flooding of our border with a real invasion. At the same time you are willing to give away billions to protect borders in Europe. Please stop, you are destroying our country.

Spending more money is not the answer, no one has ever spent themselves into prosperity.

Did we really need a new law outlawing lynching? The only cases of supposed lynching had to do with Jussie Smollett and Bubba Wallace, both fakers.  Yes, we all believe that anyone who lynches someone is engaging in hate. Does anyone kill someone because they love them? 

Please do something about electronic lynching that seems to be the new hate crime of the age. Actually it seems your administration endorses that kind of lynching regularly, I think you do engage in hate.

Inflation comes from printing and spending more money than you have. It is very simple. Just stop spending in the hope of buying more votes.

Another thing, stop talking to our allies and enemies, you are embarrassing the whole country.  We would all like to keep our dysfunction at home, rather than showcase it to the world.

And please, stop blaming everything on poor Vladimir, no wonder he is acting out. You blame poor behaviour of your constituents on their mistreatment for decades. Your people have been dissing and oppressing poor Vladimir for years now.  Maybe you should try some positive engagement. 

Oh, one last thing, a day to recognize senior trans people? Wow, are there senior trans people? I thought it was just the young, who thought it was cool and special to be unhappy about there bodies. There used to be scientific names for such maladjustment, now its all just so normal.