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Monday, April 25, 2022

Is Ukraine the last best hope for Biden?



This morning the collaborator national press is praising the Biden response to the Ukraine War. We are told the Ukrainians are winning the war, that Russia's military and domestic politics in in chaos and that the brilliant policies of Biden are working like magic. 

We see the top policy team making photo ops in Kiev and promises of supplying Ukraine with the weapons that will force Russia out of the country. Of course, perception is reality in American politics, but reality is more death and destruction in Ukraine. Perception can change public opinion and even win elections, but it cannot win actual physical combat. It cannot supply food to the starving, it cannot make a cold house warm.

The consequences of the hoped for prolonged war in Ukraine will come home to the world in the later part of this year. The democrats had better hope that it will not come too early and destroy the narrative of our brilliant foreign policy, eventually perceptions will be changed by reality.

The reality is that the coming food scarcity after this years harvest, plagued by shortages of fertilizer, a chaotic indecision by farmers as to how proceed as to what to plant will combine to make the world a more unstable place. The breakdown in world supply chains will just make it more of a crisis. 

This coupled with obvious intention of China to demonstrate just how dependent the world is on basic essential goods that they are slowing under the cover of Covid lock downs. 

We are still living mostly on last years harvests, our manufacturer stockpiles of material are diminishing, but the narrative is that everything is good. We just need to increase government spending and pretend all is well. We can of course blame all our problems on Vladimir Putin.

While all our foreign policy genius's salivate at the hoped for diminishing and destruction of Russia as a world power we are being invaded by an unarmed mass of low skilled, uneducated future dependents. Our cities are more and more resembling third world countries with crime, drug addiction and unsanitary conditions becoming a permanent way of life. This instability is creating an actual internal migration in the attempt to escape the results of the policies of the democrat party.

A party that is at it root obsessed with race, sexual orientation and the indoctrination of children into destructive practices, while the nation descends into some kind of divided third world chaotic country.

While we continue to pour billions of aid into Ukraine, not 1 cent for border security. While we focus on sexual identity education, very little for job training in the cities. While we lament homelessness and drug induced death, we allow unfettered access to our country of tons of dangerous drugs. 

One can only sumiss, that all these polices are not designed to uplift, bring security either at home or abroad, not improve the lives or families anywhere in the world, but just the intentional evil policy of death, destruction and devolution of human existence.

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