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Monday, January 31, 2022

Are Canadian truckers setting a new precedent?



This weekend a convoy of over 12,000 Trucks and 50,000 truckers has been traveling toward Ottawa to protest Vaccine mandates that have caused the firing of many truckers and also have forbid any cross border trucking by those that are unvaccinated. While this started as an anti-mandate protest it seems there is more support in the rest of the population than the elites in Ottawa expected. Every overpass and intersection on the road is now crowded with supporters with flags and signs in support of the protest.

President Justin Trudeau dismissed the protest as just a "fring minority". I guess truckers are a minority everywhere, but a minority that has much more power than even the truckers realize. While a fraction of truckers numbers, if BLM protesters, would require ass kissing and promises of addressing their concerns, truckers are dismissed as a fringe. Typical of the ruling elites worldwide, who view those who keep the wheels on their respective countries as non-essential and of low account.

Rather than listen to the Truckers grievance's which have now expanded from just covid mandates to other festering issues of government regulation and harassment of truckers, the president and his family fled to a secure secret location. A very poor response indeed.

This is just another example of an out of touch ruling class who are eager to ignore and dismiss any complaints from workers and independent business that are not connected to government in some way. It is becoming a world wide problem and covid mandates, especially on independent business, have shown how out of touch leaders are, when they out of hand dismiss their complaints as a fringe, or some other derogatory language.

This is really the first such protest I can recall in Canada, a country that is sprawling with many different culture and economic interests. I suspect this may be just the beginning of unrest and call for reforms in Canada.

As for Truckers, they have far more enormous power than they know. The whole country, every country, not just Canada, is dependent on this minority to transport people and goods as is needed to sustain a modern economy. Truckers, especially independent truckers have been squeezed for years with regulation, taxes, fees, tolls, fuel taxes and viewed as a golden goose for states and local municipalities. They have a lot of grievances, just ask them. 

This protest in Canada, just when the whole economy is vulnerable due to supply problems may be just the first of such incidents. It may be time for Truckers to use their power to encourage reforms in how they are treated by those who have been taking them for granted for far too long.

Friday, January 28, 2022

So many contradictions in the Ukraine/Russia situation.



So we hear word from the leadership of Ukraine that the U.S. and western media are intensifying this crisis.  We have not seen any reports about talks being conducted between Ukraine and Russia. Does Ukraine no longer have any control of this escalating conflict? After all, they will bear the brunt of any confrontation with Russia. 

Does Ukraine still really want to be a part of the EU? It is unlikely they would want to adhere to the EU's migration policy.

Does everyone forget that Ukraine is dependent on Russian natural gas and the revenue from that natural gas pipeline? They receive $1.8 billion in revenues from the pipeline.

Did anyone take notice that while the U.S. opposes the Nord Stream 2 pipeline into Germany, the pipeline into Ukraine is never mentioned. There are actually 12 pipelines supplying gas from Russia to their close neighbors. At present Russia supplies gas to Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Lithuania, Armenia, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, and South Ossetia.

Russia also supplies gas to Germany, Turkey, Italy, Poland, Great Britain and the Czech republic.

They also sell oil the the United States.

Russia is also in the process of building other pipelines, the South Stream pipeline to Bulgaria, The Altai pipeline from Siberia to China and the Caspian pipeline to the Asia-Pacific region.

We hear the Biden administration claim that if Russia persists they will cancel the Nord stream pipeline into Germany. What does Germany have to say about this? Will increased sanctions cause a collapse of the economies of Europe and a energy crisis worldwide. 

Most of Europe does not fear an invasion from Russia and the economies of the whole region are increasingly interdependent. The biggest problem is the U.S. policy of containment and NATO expansion. The false narrative that Russia wants to reconstitute the Soviet Union. Is NATO expansion to the borders of Russia worth what is in store economically to the whole of Europe.

While there have been disputes between Ukraine and Russia,  They are in fact very close economically, and many Russian and Ukrainian families are related.

While most Americans are unwilling to look at the situation in an objective manner, it is a fact that the United States did help orchestrate the overthrow of the president of Ukraine in 2014 and did want to expand NATO into Ukraine. Thereby putting missiles and NATO military on Russia's border. Everyone po-pos a reverse situation with missiles and troops in Canada and Mexico. 

It is also a fact that the stipulations made by the EU for the entry of Ukraine into the EU was that they would no longer be able to do any business with Russia.

NATO expansion is primarily fueled by U.S. money to the cooperating countries. So far, they have all felt that money was good and the risk low, that is no longer the case.

Ukraine could have a treaty with assurances that their borders are secure, that they would be independent of alliances with either the West or Russia, that they could trade with both Russia and the EU. This would require a compromise from the EU. It would also require an end to the U.S. policy of containment and NATO expansion. Everyone would benefit from such an agreement.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

New Supreme court Justice nomination should be easy.



Barring the news yesterday that justice Stephen Breyer is retiring is not fake news, it appears Joe Biden will get to name a new supreme court justice. Being that whoever he names will not change the makeup of the court, it should be an easy and smooth process to make a replacement. It is already assumed it will be affirmative action nominee of a black women. Not necessarily the best and most qualified, but someone who has the right gender and race qualification. Maybe he can find a judge who is both black and presently a women who was formally a male, that would be the whole enchilada of woke preferences.

There is already of list of qualified black women jurists available, and if they find one who has the temperament to be an effective justice, it should be one of the easiest nomination battles in recent years. That is the likely route will be see, but then again, is this an opportunity to create division and chaos and a sideshow to distract from his failing presidency? Does his woke base have a revolutionary jurist in mind that he will need to appease?

Justice Breyer who has served for 27 years is a qualified, articulate, humorous and very affable person. He is well regarded by the rest of the court even those who do not agree with his philosophy. Replacing him with a controversial and antagonistic personalty may be a big temptation for Biden's base.

Of course, this is the presidents choice, it will take a real balancing act to name a nominee that is qualified and has the temperment to have some influence on the court.  If he caves in to his base, it may very well cause a personality schism in the court that will be counter-productive to any of his goals. A personality that will harden the reactions of the present court rather than influence them in a way the left would like in those close decisions.

Breyer has been pressured to resign because he is 83 years old and the left fears he will go when the Republicans are in power. They are wrongly comparing him to the late Justice Ginsburg who had multiple health issue for years. Breyer appears very healthy, has a good relationship with the court and is still very mentally fit, far more than the person who will pick his replacement. They may regret replacing him, if it someone who will become a symbol of woke symbolism over substance.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What is glaringly missing from city dems response to crime.



We see big city democrat leaders now getting on the tough on crime bandwagon, from Lori Lightweight in Chicago or Eric Adams in New York we hear them finally admitting they have a serious problem that could spell the further decline of the nation's cities. We hear them spout illegal guns and poverty as the cause of their problems, with solutions that everyone knows will be ineffective. None of them made mention of the illegal drug wars that are part of this illegal trade in drugs. From fighting over territory to enforcing failed debt repayments it just goes on every day with the mounting casualties of participants and collateral damage of innocent bi-standers.

Hey Americans, can you no longer put 2+2 together and realize by their silence that these politicians on both side of the isle are in on the lucrative benefits of the illegal trade. When have you ever heard of a politician being prosecuted for receiving pay-offs from cartels or even low level traffickers. We have seen how Drug money has totally corrupted many countries south of our border. While we would like to believe it is just the corrupt politician who are the problem, we should understand that many realize they will take the money or the lead. That is the business plan that they have to deal with.

With over 100,000 overdose deaths a year and millions of ruined lives, the war on drugs is lost. With the influence of hollywood and the entertainment industry, drug use is now mostly an accepted and expected part of life in America.

While the deaths and ruined lives is an appalling situation for those who made a bad choice to engage in this behaviour. A choice they made freely and should know the risks associated with any abuse of drugs.  We could eliminate drug use if we would round up and execute all drug users, much like China did to combat their opium trade in the past. Realistically that will never happen in America, nor should it.

Do we really believe we can eliminate this problem by passing laws and getting tough on drug use and trafficking. After 50 years of this experiment it is time to admit it has not worked. 

We must recognize that drug use is a personal choice with serious consequences and all our efforts have corrupted our political and legal system and have been mostly ineffective. Society is suffering because of this use and trafficking in drugs. As long as their is the huge financial incentive there will never be a solution to this problem.

But there is a solution and that is to eliminate the profit out of the illegal drug trade. The only way to do that is enlist American farmers and drug manufacturers to manufacture every possible drug that people desire and the federal government buy it with a reasonable marginal profit. Then the Federal government would distribute these drugs at a ridiculously low price that would make any illegal drug business uncompetitive, even if they would have to make it free..

Such a plan would put the damaging effects of drug use solely on those who make the decision to engage in this dangerous and destructive behaviour and minimize the damaging effects on the rest of society. It would be a personal responsibility solution.

While I expect such a solution will be a hard fight to be acceptable, but as the consequences of the corruption and destruction this illegal trade is causing become more evident it is a viable solution. Are we going to allow the irresponsible behaviour of the irresponsible to take the whole country down. I would expect it would change the political calculations of many politicians who are now torn between enforcing the law and staying alive. It would likely cause the destruction of many countries economies south of our border, but then they also could rebuild with a real economy with far less corruption. We must realize that 50 years of the present policies have been ineffective and have corrupted our political and legal system. It is time to take a different approach to an escalating problem.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Ukraine crisis could be an opportunity if we had real diplomats.



While Putin and Russia has been demonized by our state department and media, an objective view is that Russia has not pursued territorial expansion since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Russia is not our natural enemy, but could be our ally in many ways. In fact, there has been lots of joint cooperation with Russia in the last 20 years.

While Russia has been forced to make alliances with Communist China by our economic isolation, it is a weak and distrusted alliance by the Russians. At one time we embraced Communist China to weaken their alliance with the Soviet Union. We have now become dependent on China for many of our basic needs. China is by far a more real threat to the United States than Russia.

What Russia is asking for is not unreasonable and could be accommodated in the best interest of Russia, Ukraine and the European union. We could negotiate some compromises from Russia. While this could be an opportunity, it is unlikely to actually happen, as our state department is hunkered down in their containment policy with Russia. It is a failed policy, that this president will unlikely be able to shake off.

It is very likely that Russia will not invade Ukraine, but instead begin a policy of bleeding the United States and the Nato allies with a cheap but effective policy of no longer cooperating but making life more uncertain and more expensive with a constant threat of some crisis, this coupled with their advantages in cyber warfare can cause us to have a very expensive existence.

In last decade Russia has modernized their military and made huge inroads in the ability to cancel out our technological advantages both on the ground and in space. They may feel that they no longer need to match us in equipment, but just have the ability to make much of our sophisticated equipment inoperative.

All of this is unnecessary, but our intransigence has created this situation and now we will see if we have anyone with the diplomatic skills to change direction.

Ukraine is now a partitioned country. If anyone believes that Russia will allow Ukraine to become a member of NATO and be a hostile player on their border is delusional. Just as we would feel if Mexico would decide to join a union opposed to our well-being. This is the policy supported by the U.S. foreign policy experts.

What we should be doing is considering a peaceful transition of Ukraine into an independent, non-aligned nation with trade ability with all its neighbors. Biden is likely to spout the policy of his entrenched advisors and insist on Nato membership for Ukraine. The U.S. has not encouraged a relationship of cooperation, but constant derision and animosity toward Russia, who now understands that short of submission, there is no other option to be offered.

A free independent Ukraine, that would have the ability to trade with who ever is in its best interests. If this is not possible there will be a permanent partition of Ukraine, with the eastern part, who has mostly a Russian population, closely aligned with Russia. 

It is likely that if the pressure to squeeze and encircle  Russia continues and if it feels its national interests are severely threatened, War may be viewed as their only alternative.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Cultural Revolution expands



The current Cultural Revolution underway in America is very much in the framework of the Chinese Cultural Revolution that was ordered by Mao Zedong in May of 1966. It began by releasing all students from classes and demanding that a purge of Capitalist thought and traditional elements be eliminated from society by violent class struggle.

Mao had determined that there still existed bourgeois tendencies in the country and they needed to be eliminated. The warriors of the class struggle were mostly youth who became known as the ' "RED GUARDS". They set out across the country and engaged in public humiliation, imprisonment, torture, hard labor, harassment, seizure of property and some executions.

There was also an effort to displace urban dwellers to the rural areas and visa-versa. They also forced the professional class to work at hand labor and place semi-illiterate farmers into medical care and other technical fields. They set upon and destroyed many historical relics, artifacts and cultural and religious sites.  This was supposed to end in 1969 but lasted until 1976 when Mao died. In 1981, the Party declared that the Cultural Revolution was "responsible for the most severe setback and the heaviest losses suffered by the Party, the country, and the people since the founding of the People's Republic". 

An excellent account of the Chinese cultural Revolution is,"Life and Death In Shanghai" written by Cheng Nien in 1987. She recounts how she was accused of being a spy, her house ransacked, she was imprisoned for over 6 years because she would not admit her guilt, her daughter was beaten to death because she would not denounce her mother. She survived and now lives in the USA.

What we see today is very similar. Is this part of Barack Obama's " Fundamental transformation of America"?  The objective seems to be to erase all American History before the 1960's. There has been an assault on all cultural sites and religion  has been attacked in many ways. The warriors here are very similar to the red guards of China, except they do not as yet have the support of our government.  Can anyone imagine where this would end if law enforcement would look the other way? This has been the objective of the Marxist radicals we see today. They are continually attacking and asking the police to look the other way. They have the same ideology of the Red guards, does anyone doubt that given the opportunity, they will act any less violent.

Originally published 8/24/2017. More relevant then ever.

We may be seeing that the cultural revolutionaries do now have the support of the present government. They are being supported by business allies of the government power structure. The police are now under attack as never before. Their stated goal is the elimination of the police. Up to now the penalties for reactionaries has been banning, shunning, silencing and shaming. 

We now see open intimidation of the judges, courts, and politicians. It does not take much imagination to see violence on a scale not seen since the 1860's. This situation is not an accident, but the goal of those who hate America.

updated 4/20/21

Today 1/21/2021 cultural revolution continues and has more support of this present government, international business, sports organizations and left wing political leaders.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Biden energy policy, root cause of inflation.



Last night Biden made the claim that the supply chain, greedy food processors and covid were the cause of record high inflation. The real cause is the Biden administrations war on fossil fuel production. This began the first day of his administration by stopping the building of pipe lines and his environmental czar, John Kerry's pressuring major financial institutions to deny financing to any companies engaged in fossil fuel production. This not only restricted energy production in the United States, which was for the first time in decades energy independent, but took enough enough energy out of the world market to raise prices worldwide. This was the beginning of the inflation spiral that is just beginning to be entrenched in the world economy.

Without any effort to find a suitable replacement for fossil fuels this administration has raised the price of everything that requires fossil fuels for either production or transportation of these good to consumers. This is the vast majority of all goods needed for life as we know it. It is a very dangerous move, that due to the enormous debt of most western nations, there are few tools left to put the brakes on this new inflationary spiral.

It is likely that this policy will destabilize the world energy market, it is already creating an energy crisis in Europe that will also lead to political turmoil worldwide. 

It will lessen the ability of oil dependent nations to be able to deal with a long list of other problems both social and political. It will give a economic and political advantage to those who are energy exporters or at least energy sufficient.

A reversal of this energy policy would be the quickest and most effective way to deal with this new energy and inflation crisis. We can soon expect to see demands for wages from all sectors to counter their loss of buying power. This will accelerate a wage and price spiral that would be hard to contain by a competent administration. 

We can expect that this administration will double down and propose government centered solutions instead of just freeing the private to expand production. Few people today remember the inflation of the 1970's, it affects the poor and low income segment of society most of all. Who will this administration blame for that catastrophe.


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Lots of Ukraine/Russia talking, not much listening.



We see daily headlines that talks are ongoing between Russia, NATO, the EU and the U.S. The result has been virtually nothing. While all parties claim that talking is good there is little hope of any resolution of the root causes of the crisis. It appears that this present crisis and the talks that have ensued have been at the request of the Russian Federation. It does appear that is a last ditch attempt to stop the expansion of NATO in its attempt to surround Russia and continue in the U.S. policy of Containment of Russia. A policy to attempt to limit any possible growth economically and deny any influence in world affairs.

The containment policy was adopted in the late 1990's by those in the U.S. state department that claimed it was necessary to keep Russia from attempting to reestablish the former Soviet Union. An idea that is constantly touted as the goal of Russia and Putin in particular. It is an excuse for encouraging Europe not to buy Russian energy, even when the EU is on the brink of an energy crisis. 

Russia only verbally protested when NATO began expanding and placing armaments in former Warsaw pact countries.  When the U.S engaged in overthrowing the government of Ukraine, interfering in the elections in Russia, and talking of allowing Georgia, on their southern border to join NATO  that It came to the conclusion that the goal of the U.S. through NATO was the total disabling of Russia from economic and political influence. 

While the ever increasing sanctions have discouraged economic activity with the west, it has encouraged Russia to engage in activities with China, Iran and middle east countries, not a positive policy for the U.S. It has also enabled Russia to stay free of foreign debt and to become much more self reliant, just the opposite of the situation in the U.S.  

When Donald Trump ran for president, he talked of pursuing better relation with Russia. This was followed by the manufactured story of him being a Russian agent. This and the relentless blaming of Russia for every negative thing imaginable has moved this situation to a desperate place. While Russia engaged in numerous treaties for disarmament even while Putin was president it has been repaid with a policy demanding submission to the dictates of our entrenched State department. 

It seems that Russia is sending the message that this trend is at an end and is engaging in a last ditch attempt at a diplomatic solution to this anti-Russian policy. So far the answer has been only submission will do. 

We are continuously being told that Russia has a very small economy and their concerns are inconsequential and what can they do about our policy? While it is unlikely that Russia will engage in a military confrontation with the U.S. it is without a doubt that have the means to make life uncomfortable and very costly to the west.

We refused to listen the complaints and concerns from others in the not too distant past and it has cost us dearly. Are we about to do it all over again.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Biden Admin: If no BBB, Vote Rigging bill or Covid mandate, shift to Trump and the capital riot.



Yesterday was sort of a climax in the 1 year anniversary of the Biden administration. This administration has been unrepentant in their unthinking approach to governing. It seems they were handed an agenda that became unworkable and their only recourse was to double down and attack their opponents. This was capped with Biden in Georgia referring to the Republicans and some fellow Democrats as Jim Crow in the image of  George Wallace  and other segregationists. It was denounced by Republicans and many Democrat supporters as over the top.

In 1994, Bill Clinton, after being soundly chastised in the midterm elections, shifted course and was able to make many positive bi-partisan deals for the country. This administration has shown no ability to refocus or adjust. It is a policy that seems to be put together by an unthinking juvenile administration, not only in domestic policy but in foreign affairs. It seems they have been given instructions to do this without any alternative.

The Covid mandates for private business was rightly ruled as an overreach by the Supreme court yesterday. An overreach that has further divided the country and decimated the relationship between workers and businesses. The administrations labeling of those who have not gotten vaccinated as evil and needing in punishment is frightening. Their failure to adjust or pursue any other approach concerning acquired immunity or treatments is incompetent or worse.

Their support of the BBB legislation with an unwillingness to pare it down or focus on some bi-partisan segments has resulted in appropriate failure. Again, it seems they are given orders without any room for an alternative.

The Vote rigging bill was a wish list of political activists who want to insure one party rule and an inevitable totalitarian government. It would destroy any semblance of fair elections and open the door for massive fraud. Passing such a bill by 1 vote would create more division, hatred and chaos in the country, a fact clearly put forth by Democrat Senator Kristen Sinema yesterday.

Biden's press conference yesterday was embarrassing, as he stumbled and voiced his anger at these political realities, realities that have been brewing for some time but all seemed to come together yesterday. I would not doubt that pressure from within the Democrat party is building to look for honorable exit for this president.

So, what is the reboot policy? As of yesterday it seems it is be back to focusing on Donald Trump and the Jan. 6 Rally gone bad. His media allies quickly made that the distracting focus, but as with all of the other Biden initiatives it may be the American public are tired, very tired of this administration and their media lapdogs.


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Biden administration: Just a big political campaign.



Yesterday, we saw Joe Biden go to Georgia for a photo op press conference to tout the Democrat Voting rights bill, a mislabeling, it is in effect a vote rigging bill. No matter, just got to keep checking the boxes for the Democrat base. This bill is dead as written without some Democrat senators who are not on board. Even Democrat senators see the danger in eliminating the Filibuster for a short term goal.

Just like the power grabbing BBB bill, it is dead, but instead of fashioning some legislation that could receive bi-partisan support its all about keeping the base alive for the next election. 

As for voting rights, if you desire to vote, you can. We need an election system that is considered foolproof by the vast majority of citizens, not a month long fiasco with uncertainty and the ability to engage in massive election fraud.  We need to make it honest, and at the same time easy to vote. Making enough voting places to engage in voting without long lines would be supported by all. Any election changes that make cheating more possible is not going to be an acceptable idea and is damaging to the democracy. It is likely that most of the touted changes would be unconstitutional and result in devisive years long legal battles.

No matter, we see the  Democrat house engaged in a year long political show concerning Jan.6. rally gone bad. It is all about portraying Republicans and Trump as some extremist threat to the country. They claim this was an attempted coup, no guns, no fire, just some out of control zealots, something that has become an everyday occurance thanks to Democrat inspired propaganda. Of course, there are good riots, and bad riots. The Democrat riots are good any others are bad.

This administration has not engaged in any governing for the well being of the country. Its policies have contributed to shortages of energy, food, truckers and workers in general. It has kindled the dreaded specter of inflation that may very well destroy savings and economy for years to come. They are guilty of dereliction of duty concerning the border control. Their foreign policy is non-existent.

The country and foreign affairs are immaterial to this administration. The focus is only on maintaining and expanding their power and winning the next election. There is no policy for the well being of the country, only for their lust for power. I guess they realize it may be hard to win another election without serious vote rigging.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Not investigating Voter Fraud, Is the biggest threat to this democracy.




We continuously are told that all challenges to this election have been rejected by the courts. The fact is no court has allowed a look at the accusations about voter fraud. No campaign can have access to the ballots or applications or voter rolls without court approval. So far, no court has allowed an examination.  Without examination there can never be real evidence of fraud found. That seems to be the tactic to be used, just like most court actions today, designed to run out the clock, so no wrong doing can be revealed. It seems the rationalization today is revealing wrong doing is a threat to our democracy. Just the opposite is true, not revealing wrong doing, that in many cases is obvious, is the real threat to democracy.

In the last 4 years we have seen many instances of wrong doing, by the FBI, CIA, DOJ, State Department and  IRS. No one has been held accountable. We are told these are just false conspiracy theories, conspiracy yes, false no.

They repeatedly trot out the likes of Mitt "Mr. Principles" Romney to condemn anyone who would question the actions of any state actor or department. Such questions are always a threat to our democracy. He hypocritically discounts any action on principle that does not conform to his version of principle. He really is just overcome by his hate and disdain of Trump. Get over it Mitt, you will never be president.

Interestingly, the attempt to force Trump from office by the false democratic orchestrated and paid for Russian collusion hoax, was not a threat to our democracy.

The Impeachment fiasco, that was no more than a cover up of the Biden family corruption,  also was not a threat to our democracy.

The fascist alliance between the democrat party and the mainstream and social media, that is not a threat to our democracy.

4 years into investigation and persecution of anyone who dared to support Donald Trump, all that was not a threat to our democracy.

The fact is what they are really fearful of is the threat to the bureaucratic and fascist cooperation of the administrative state, that has been corrupt and in many instances sold out our democracy in their quest for money and power. They are in fact, the real threat to our democracy.

originally published 1/5/2021

Friday, January 7, 2022

Obvious goal is to deny voters real choice in elections.



We see the continued vilification of Donald Trump as the symbolic destroyer of the country. In effect, he has challenged the past presidential election system, were either of the two candidates took the county to the same place. One would appeal to left base and the other the conservative base, but after being elected, they would govern identically when it came to foreign policy, or trade or preserving the power of the entrenched bureaucracy. They now fear that Trump may actually run for office again, and all the power they can muster is now organized to eliminate that possibility.

In the 2016 election it was likely to have been a Bush/Clinton election. Either would have continued down the same path as favoring foreign military intervention, a continued slide into socialism, a continued displacement of American workers in favor of big profits from goods produced elsewhere. A plan that would make more Americans dependent on government sustenance and a country more dependent on foreign goods. 

As for Republicans, they held their noses to vote for McCain and Romney and remembered the broken promise of the Bush presidents. Donald Trump promised to do in office what he promised in his campaign and he did. No one was particularly enamored with Trump, but they were on board with his political policy, a policy that was in contradiction with most of the established behind the scenes rulers of the country. 

This same establishment wants to return to the same system by being able to put forward the candidates of their choice. The candidates who talk to their base, but rule like they are manueverd or ordered to by their handlers.

A good example is Hong Kong, who the Chinese promised that they would allow free elections after they were returned to Chinese rule. They allowed elections, but the candidates were selected by the Chinese communist party. Different people but the same end result.

While many believe that if Trump is eliminated, they will be able to return to the system that has been in place for decades. They are not only fearful of a Trump candidacy but also an aroused electorate that will be resistant in the future. They are pulling out all the stops, to shut down free speech and to intimidate anyone who will support candidates opposed to their continued control of this country. They will do the same to candidates on the left if necessary.

It will not matter if it is Trump who runs in 2024 or someone who actually wants to return the country to a system that is in the best interest of the whole population and not just to preserve their power. They went all out in two elections in denying Bernie Sanders the nomination, the actual first choice of Democrat voters, because they feared they could not control him. Can anyone explain how Biden manged to defeat Sanders in the Democrat primary.

You can bet the real goal is to put up candidates that will govern in the best interests of the powerful elite.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

January 6, political show continues.



Democrats and their media allies are going to milk January 6 by installing fear that if you don't' vote for them, the Republicans will win and destroy democracy and the constitution. Then reign over an authoritarian government. Exactly what they have been doing for over a year. This is the most authoritarian government the country has ever seen. Every act is about maintaining and increasing their political power.

They continue to whipsaw American citizens with the age old strategy of using human emotions of fear and greed to preserve their power. Greed, by promising the public that they can provide free benefits from cradle to grave. Fear, that you need the federal government to protect you from Covid, the Russians, and most of all Donald Trump and the Republicans.  Then of course, there is the fear of white supremacists behind every tree and you can expect them to overthrow the government at any minute.

In exchange for the comfort of knowing the government is going to protect and nourish you, you will be expected to hand over more of your money, your freedom, your privacy and the ability to raise your children in a manner in line with your moral and cultural beliefs.  If you don't comply, you can expect to be denied the ability to earn a living and likely worse. Whatever it takes to control the populace and insure democrat rule forever.

The Democrat party and their fascist relationship with the media and other corporate elites are focused only on power without any indication that they are interested in governing for the wellbeing of this country. One example that is becoming more clear every day is the ruling class marriage with Pfizer pharmaceutical. They were given preference in having their vaccine approved. The media and the administration has clearly pushed pfizer vaccine. While others announced therapeutics some time ago they were denied approval and we now see Pfizer will get the nod. We see many former FDA personnel on the board of Pfizer and Nancy Pelosi has stated members of congress are ok with investing in companies that they regulate. How many own stock in Pfizer?

We also see Biden's energy policy has created a huge rise in energy prices. This was as much as foretold during their campign, then they blame the energy companies for the rise in prices. They are also are blaming food producers and distributors for the rise in food prices. Are they soon planning on price controls and eventually a government takeover of energy and food? This is the playbook of all socialist totalitarian governments.

Their two showcased legislation efforts are all based on increasing their political power and control.  BBB to increase dependence on government and tax productive members of the private economy. Shifting assets form the private sector to the government. Then, there is the so called Voting rights legislation which is coupled with their wide open immigration policy to increase their voting base forever. That, and a new election system that will never be able to be verified or audited.  It will all be dependent on trust in democrat bureaucrats.

We see Democrat attorney generals and district attorneys who have failed to prosecute crimes from theft, to assault, to resisting arrest and even murder and rape. Yet political investigations and prosecutions are very noticeably their priority. All about punishing and suppressing their political opposition. An obvious abuse of power that is acceptable for their goal of total power and control.

We also see the fascist collaboration with social media is suppressing free speech. Suppressing any opposition for their plans of total government control. A classic definition of fascism.

So we are expected to hear much about preserving democracy and the constitution. What they are really interested in is preserving their power. As for the constitution, it is really of no consequence to their decision making except to tout it as what they are protecting. Almost every act from the democrats is contrary to the constitution. They are only interested in preserving their entrenched position of power, money and influence. They are the biggest threat to this democratic republic in our history.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Mainstream media guilty of Covid misinformation.



In the last week we have seen the CNN and MSNBC focus on the huge increases of children hospitalized with Covid-19. Always be suspicious when the media starts using percentages instead of real numbers. They have reported increases on children hospitalized with covid ranging from 300% to 800 %. They accompany their spin with interviews of pediatric wings of hospitals which verify their new alarm.

The facts are far different, while children hospitalized with covid who are 17 and over have increased, it is only reasonable that would be the case with a new record of 1 million cases reported each day. Not one of these networks when on to report any actual numbers.

The CDC reports that the daily number of Children hospitalized WITH Covid in the week ending Dec. 31 was 378. This is a nationwide number. 

The other neglected fact is that these are children hospitalized WITH covid, not necessarily from Covid. Every admission to a hospital is tested for covid. Whether you are their for a football injury, a bike accident, a car accident or any elective admission to a hospital you are tested for covid. 

You can check it out, but it just another example of the media's attempt to alter reality. It may not be an outright lie, but it is definitely an attempt to spin a narrative that is not factual. 

This example is almost a daily occurrence by the media to influence the public, rather than inform them with facts. It is no wonder their credibility is at historic low levels.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Stopping smash and grab, not that hard.



Politician seem to be bewildered by the latest lawless craze of smash and grab looting. This is just an extension of local politicians sending the message that you can take what you want without consequences. Unless firm and immediate action is taken it will escalate into complete anarchy. 

The message being sent is not only encouraging the criminal element to engage in theft and violence, but sends a message to the so far law abiding that crime pays. 

In the last few years there has been a mantra that property owners and business owners can not use force to protect their property. In effect there has been an organized effort by activists and some judges to encourage redistribution by outright theft. I am not sure there are actual laws that prohibit such protection of property, but it has become the accepted norm.

At one time if you used violent means even in your own home against an intruder you needed to prove that your life was in danger.  Many homeowners and businesses ended up being prosecuted for damages inflicted on home invaders, if they were not armed. That led to many new laws, including in Pennsylvania, called castle doctrine laws, which basically allowed force including deadly force on anyone in your home uninvited. In many places it was expanded to include stand your ground self defense if you were attacked or threatened even away from home, you just had to prove that you had reason to believe you were in physical danger. There still is a lot of opposition to these laws by some.

There was a time when bank robbers, store robbers were shot even if unarmed. It certainly led to a more law abiding society. 

As for smash and grab robberies they cannot be eliminated by the police. They are planned, organized and in and out in minutes. They are often coordinated with several attempts at different locations at the same time. I can imagine a whole city simultaneously assaulted at the same time. The police will be unable to ever deal with such a situation. 

It may be time to give business, store owners and others a similar doctrine, if you are stealing you can be shot. If you are arrested for theft you will pay full restitution, no matter if it takes the rest of your life. Society will not survive if this trend is not stopped immediately, it will result in a serious decline in economic activity, higher insurance rates and a general lack of respect for the law.