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Friday, December 31, 2021

Biden concedes, states better at dealing with Covid.



Joe Biden seems to have now thrown in the towel in the federal government's handling of Covid-19. Sometimes more is not better, more rules, restrictions, lockdowns and mandates all have been shown to be futile in erasing covid-19 cases. It doesn't matter if you are in Italy, Sweden, the UK, Florida, New York or Texas, the end result is mostly in the eye of the beholder or the political spinners. The virus is not regulated or ever eliminated, the first advice was never to eliminate the virus, but to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm the hospital system. Good Advice, and supported by most everyone everywhere.

Then it became a political opportunity. We were told Trump just didn't take the threat seriously. We were told we needed a federal government policy. Trump believed the same policy for New York and South Dakota did not make sense and was not likely a federal function. He did all that could be done to make ventilators, PPE and finally, an all out effort for a vaccine, while not perfect, has slowed the spread. It was all spun as inadequate and a poor response.

CNN stoked fear and hysteria by its daily postings of the numbers of dead and dying, all in an effort to increase viewership. Never encouraging any unity or optimism except to adopt the talking point that MRNA vaccinations were our only hope.

Biden said he would eliminate the virus and take massive government action to do what Trump did not do. He has now publicly admitted that Trump's response was the best anyone could do.

Biden should follow the lead of Trump and do what may be a federal government response. Make sure that there is adequate materials available. Instruct the FDA and CDC to study natural immunity and also study all possible therapeutics to treat this disease. Encourage development into a real vaccine in the old fashion variety, one that works, without political spin and political opportunity. Also he would do well to encourage optimism and faith, not tell the country to expect a winter of sickness and death. All the contradictions and focus on vaccination alone has just created a lack of credibility and hysteria. 

Thousands of people standing in line to get tests that will not make any real difference in overcoming the virus. I would expect that many, as soon as they test positive, rush to the hospital for care, even if they have few symptoms. 

While many have died from this disease or have been hastened along when in poor health, I personally wonder about the accuracy of numbers in a hospital system whose usual source of revenue has been curtailed by cutting many procedures, having patients fear getting normal care and a great disruption of their economies. This coupled with an open government wallet whenever covid is a cause of death or hospitalisation is a great incentive to focus on the only game left for financial reimbursement. It is just a matter of a path to economic survival.

So, we will see if more responsibility is passed to Governors and health providers to have the freedom to make decisions and try new therapeutics that are not part of a political agenda, but an avenue to find things that will work as we learn to live with this new virus.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Western nations energy madness



This week Belgium announced they will phase out their present nuclear power plants by 2025. They say they will be replaced by more new technology, but were not specific as to what that will be. Germany is expected to complete its elimination of nuclear power by the end of 2022. It is acknowledged that the deficit in energy production will be filled with coal and natural gas.

It seems that all the western countries with the exception of France are in a dilemma as to what is their energy policy. At present energy prices have skyrocketed because their new dependence on North Sea wind farms has had an unexpected decrease in output due to a period of minimal winds. Who could have thought?

Germany decided to do away with nuclear power after the Fukushima disaster in Japan, caused by an earthquake and tsunami. It is an interesting decision being that Germany is not prone to experience either earth quakes or tsunamis. Emotions and irrational thinking should not be part of a countries long term energy plans.

France is planning on building more nuclear power plants and is now a net exporter of energy, due to their large number of nuclear plants. 

Nuclear energy is actually the only clean carbon free energy source in existence other than hydroelectric power. It is now an over 60 year old technology that has proven to be safe and reliable. We have had the replacement for fossil fuel electric generation all this time but cant get past the horror of the "N" word. The resistance to nuclear power is based on emotion not on scientific fact. Improvements in engineering and site planning should eliminate any risk of problems.

Just a few years ago natural gas was considered the clean bridge fuel to the future, but now that lots of natural gas has been produced it too is considered a bad option. The Trump administration encouraged Europe to avoid gas from Russia and to be prepared to buy gas from the USA. The problem is that all that gas is in capped wells and not being used because of government resistance to approving the pipelines to get that gas to market. We are still discouraging Europe from buying gas from Russia, but now they have no ability to buy gas from the US. Are they foolish enough to cut their own energy options to please the U.S.

The European community is planning on releasing an energy plan soon, it is expected to approve both gas and nuclear power as clean energy sources. We will see what actually is decided after the emotions and politics are considered in the decision. 

Monday, December 27, 2021

Everyone can expect to contract covid eventually.



We can remember when this virus first emerged we were told we needed to "Flatten the curve", that then morphed into eliminate the virus. The first call was the right call, there will not be any elimination of the virus. We will be living with this virus forever, but that is not the end of life as we know it. We see that even with the increase in cases, life is returning to normal for many. After 2 years of this virus we have learned a lot, but there is still much that needs to be done.

The whole position of government authorities is get vaccinated, end of discussion, while this is good advice as it seems to help minimize the effects of the virus, it is not the end all solution. Much more effort needs to be made to combat the effects of the virus once contracted, as we now see increases in cases with both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. We need better therapy for those who will be contracting this virus in the future and also more research into developing a real vaccine. It seems there is a large effort to deny or discourage any attempts to treat this virus.

It does appear, that the strongest immunity is acquired from having had the disease, yet there seems to be a refusal of the government entities to do any study on this. By now we should know this, we should know the durability of natural immunity. We should know if covid can be contracted multiple times. No U.S. studies have been done. They have possibly 100 million subjects from all races, age groups, sexes to examine, and it seems there is no effort. Just get vaccinated.  No wonder some are in doubt about the motives of the government. 

We do have monoclonal anti-body treatment, a decades old treatment for any virus, which is very effective in early use in controlling the effects of this virus, but even that is put on the back burner in favor of more shots. Is there attempt to make these new Vaccines a maintenance drug that will be required every 3 or six months? 

The best prevention is a strong immune system, some claim vitamin D and zinc help increase this, no word from government authorities. There is now nasal flushing that seems to have good effects slowing the effects, no government study. Just keep getting multiple shots, that's all they know. We will eventually have better treatments for this virus, but it does not seem that there will ever be any acknowledged from this government. Just keep getting more shots.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Child tax credit explained



Much has been made of the Child tax credit expansion that was part of the March 2021 American rescue Plan. Under the expanded rules parents can receive up to $3600 a year for children under 6 and $3000 a year for children 6-17. There has been such a credit for years it was called a low income child tax credit with a maximum of $2000 a year. The difference is that it does not require someone to work or to pay taxes.  It also doesn't start to phase out until $75,000, $150,000 for two and $112,000 for head of household. It also allows monthly payments in advance, rather than after a tax return is filed.

This is really just the next step to a universal basic income plan that has been proposed by progressives for years. In that plan everyone would receive a cash subsidy annually, without any work requirement.

If they really want to help families with children, without an ulterior motive, they could just raise the tax  deduction for each child to whatever number would be appropriate.

This present idea will encourage no work, and coupled with their child day care plan will allow people to not work and become dependent on the federal government. With all the possibilities, rent subsidies, food stamps, and these new benefits it will become possible to have generations of dependents. In fact a whole segment of the population that will likely never work, never teach their children work skills and in fact be a drag on the rest of the country.

Of course, that is the real motive, expand those dependent on federal government handouts and thus continue to expand the democrat voter base, which they hope one day will be a majority. We will then see our economy collapse and we will be a third world type country. At last equality, all poor and just trying to meet basic survival needs. We may be beginning to see that reality now. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Chaos result of electing those without practical knowledge.



If we pay attention to what people in elected office and their staff are saying we get the real impression that most don't have a clue about how the economy works, basic tenets of human nature and how a free market works. If confronted with the chaos and failures that have resulted from their policies, they come up with the most lame brained excuses. Many just complain about basic human nature, people should not behave the way they do, they should understand that we know better than you.

One example is Jen Psaki claiming that higher poultry prices are caused by greedy farmers, not taking into account that their policy of intentionally raising energy prices to cut fossil fuel emissions has raised the price of transportation, fertilizer and feed. Then there is their policy of subsidizing and encouraging unemployment which has raised the price of labor, which they think is a great thing, except when higher prices are an inevitable result, that they don't understand. 

Yesterday, Elizabeth Warren, touted by her supporters as a genius, made the remark that higher food prices are to be blamed on grocery stores. Again, all the result of their polices listed above. We have the best food distribution system in the world, it is actually a marvel, we can go to 1 store and buy any product that we desire from places all over the world. The cost of energy, transportation, refrigeration,  and then the cost of labor have been felt by these stores, they must raise prices to cover their very small margins on these goods. God help us if the government ever thinks they can do a better job. We will be starving in short order.

Then last night we hear Biden addressing the shortage of tests available. I am not going to criticize the government for their response to this virus as far as supplies are concerned, it is a big job and ever changing, but Biden's idea to order tests online, to be delivered by our failing transportation system which is again the result of this governments polices is a joke. By the time these tests arrive, it is very likely the test will be a negative, because the infected time has passed. The system in place with CVS and others worked and was timely. Testing may give us the numbers of infected, but will not likely have much effect on the transmission of this virus, which will eventually be contracted by everyone, both vaccinated and not.

The point is, as long as we keep electing the slick talking, well groomed politicians who have no practical experience, except in coffee shop debates and hot air, we are going to continue to have these kinds of policies that result in chaos and failure. Most do not have the slightest idea how the economy works, human reactions to government actions, the basic understanding of markets. When things go wrong their answer is it other peoples fault and then their is no hope of correcting and fixing anything. Remember, the practice of electing people with no practical experience will continue to get the same result. It is time for voters to stop the insanity.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Help wanted for democrat top jobs.



It is still just over 3 years to the next presidential election and things are heating up, particularly on the Democrat side. Murmurings about their prospects for 2024 have become much more transparent as there have been open calls for Biden not to run again.  Kamala Harris has sort of become an invisible Vice-President, whether this is some kind of modern political strategy to be invisible and let the media tailor your image or she just is way over her head. Either way, at the moment it looks like there is a search underway for new candidates for 2024.

The only Democrat at the moment who seems to have national prominence is Joe Manchin, who could possibly win a national race, but who would have a tough time winning a Democrat primary. Cuomo has already been canceled out by his own party. Newsom is still alive, but a long shot to win a general election.Then there is the same list from 2020, Buttigig, Sanders and the rest. I may be missing someone, but I just don't see a possible winner in the herd.

In presidential politics it is soon time to start making the moves necessary to construct a viable campaign team. As long as Biden insists he is running, it will make it tough for the rest to start talking up their candidacy.

Kamala Harris, the choice of Obama and his team, is just not showing any real gravitas, she already looks like a dead duck. I always thought Biden would resign and she would become the first mixed race women President, thus checking all the democrat boxes. If she no longer is being considered, then they may have her make an exit for some reason and then have someone else become Vice-President. That seems very complex, but who knows.

Then we now already see the stirrings of Hillary Clinton, I would not be surprised if she starts showing up all over the place. Rumor has it she has hired a personal trainer and is going to look like a new women soon. She still wants very badly to become president and this would be her last shot. Maybe they could convince Kamala to step aside, make Hillary Vice-President, then have old Joe bow out and presto, Hillary would be president and a incumbent candidate for 2024. The media would love it, the establishment bureaucracy would love it and the democrat base would just have to suck it up without a primary.

Then there is the Republican side, Donald Trump has his thumb in the dike, holding back dozens of potential candidates. Until he proclaims whether he is running again, it will remain this way. Mike Pence is campaigning, Chris Christie is testing the waters and Ron Desantis is possibly the front runner without a Trump candidacy. No matter who, Trump's endorsement will be very powerful if he should decide not to run.

The media would love nothing better than a Hillary/Trump redo, it would be the campaign of the century. Lots will be depend who wins the House and Senate in 2022. Either way we can expect all the possible candidates to proceed to get their face in the media starting now.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Manchin: Will vote NO on BBB.



Joe Manchin made his announcement yesterday on Fox News Sunday, that he will not support the "Build Back Better" omnibus bill. He was very clear that he is done talking about and negotiating it, it is now a dead issue for him. He stated that the approach of cutting the time for funding to cut the perceived cost was just an accounting gimmick that he will not support. He did say that he could support some parts of the bill individually, if presented with a honest calculation as to the cost. He stated that inflation, debt and covid were all undetermined dangers for the U.S. economy and now was not time to exasperate those problems.

He also stated he would be very reluctant to change the rules of senate concerning the filibuster to pass any important legislation. He really seemed that he has now put these questions to rest as far as he is concerned. While many say that one senator is standing in the way of these measures it is actually 51 or 52 who are opposed.

Joe Manchin has made a good decision for the country, he will likely receive lots of incoming from his fellow democrats, but it is time to stop pushing transformational legislation with only 1 party support. That could apply to both parties. It is time to stop the whipsawing of the emotions of the American people with legislation with only narrow support, particularly when it comes to legislation that will make major changes to the country.

If all elected official would take their oath of office seriously and only vote legislation that falls within the guidelines of constitutional authority it would be a good first step. The constitution is the law for the federal government, if elected officials refuse to be bound by the law created for them, why should anyone adhere to law created by lawless politicians.

There is no constitutional authority for congress to mandate family leave, or free child care, maybe they could give a tax credit, but any of these federal programs tend to grow every year, they never go away. If congress would just adhere to the limits in the constitution, it will greatly limit the amount of legislation proposed.

If something is deemed that important, but not now granted by the constitution then we have the ability to legally make that happen, by passing a constitutional amendment. It requires a 2/3 majority and if that should happen there would likely not be the division and animosity that we are now experiencing. Trying to shortcut the constitution by congress voting, then the court striking it down or not striking it down, when it clearly is not in the governments authority, is the cause of much of this division.

We often hear that these bills are supported by the vast majority of Americans, OK, just pass an amendment to the constitution and it will be acknowledged as true.

The next step is to then criticize the court for following the guidelines of the constitution, That is their purpose to make sure all legislation is within the authority of the constitution. If we all concede that we are willing to adhere to the constitution we will be able to preserve the union, if not it end in the failure of this self government.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Democrats shift focus from vote buying to vote rigging.



The democrats have now made it known that while their BBB vote buying plan is languishing, they will shift focus to voting rights, which is a fancy word for ways to rig the elections in the future.This is an 800 page bill that federalizes every aspect of elections. No matter that such a law would be unconstitutional.

Some of the things in this bill are, 
1. Not requiring voter identification, automatic registration of everyone.
2. Requires 15 days of early voting, with at least 10 hours a day access. 
3, Unrestricted vote by mail.
4. Eliminates voter roll purging.
5. Takes over redistricting.
6. Restores voter rights to felons.
7. Federal financing of elections.
8. Eliminating Citizens United ruling.

This is only some of the more straightforward measures planned, there is 800 pages of changes that will guarantee democrat majorities forever.

This country had a very secure election system that the vast majority believed in, the changes started after 2000 election when democrats in Florida began stacking ballots and punching many ballots at one time. Hence the result of hanging chads and only dents because they got greedy and could not physically punch the number of cards they attempted to punch. That's when all this bullshit started.

In Pennsylvania, we scraped perfectly good voting machines that were mechanical, produced a paper record and would have lasted another 100 years. They were bullet proof and only used 2 days a year. We had results usually by the morning after the election. Now the election results are ongoing with all kinds of lost votes, found votes, delays and a general loss of respect for our elections. We have gone through numerous expensive electronic voting machines since.

Until we go back to having one election day, with sufficient polling places to handle the voting in a efficient manner, with only paper ballots or mechanical machines we will continue to loose confidence in our elections.  If there is a possibility of abuse and fraud, there will be abuse and fraud.

This "voting rights bill" is just an open door for unimaginable abuse and fraud.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Dems fantasy Jan.6 show drags on.



While the media and the Dems are all a buzz about contempt charges being filed against Mark Meadows, it is just another premature effort to make headlines and convince their base that they are finally going to destroy Donald Trump. Their whole premise is that Donald Trump and his advisers sought to overthrow the government of the United States. A fantasy much like their portrayal of Trump as a Russian agent.

After finding no crimes, they then make some up, like portraying not illegal legislative maneuvers to not certify the election as an illegal act. An act that Democrats have not hesitated to engage in the past. Now their focus is that Trump failed to call off the protests that turned violent in a timely matter, another exaggeration, since Trump was giving a speech which ended at 1.15, he tweeted at 2.24 that the police needed to be respected and the demonstration was to be kept peaceful. A total of 1 hour and 9 minutes, which at least 30 minutes would have been taken up with returning to the White House. 

While it is now prohibited to say, theses events were all started when Democrat operatives managed to change voting practices all across the country, especially in swing states. Voting practices like mail in voting that now has results changed many days after the election. This is a practice that seems to have been perfected in California were it is not unusual for voting results to continue for weeks or longer, mostly until they get the results they want. We will not have election result confidence until these problems are addressed .

The 2020 election saw many irregularities that no one wanted to address, just shut up and go away, was the standard retort. Shut down of counting for hours in the middle of the night, lost ballots turning up the next day, just like we just saw in some of our local elections here in Pa. No one wanted to address these issues now and still don't, why?

The Democrats just continue to prove that they will abuse their power every time they are given the opportunity. There is nothing off limits, if it will enhance their ability to become a one party controlled country. The Democrat party is the real threat to our Democracy.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Inflation now becoming entrenched.



Yesterday we saw that inflation has risen to a 9.6% on a yearly basis. That is a very bad sign for the future economy. Once inflation becomes visible and recognized it begins to increase quickly as everyone tries to keep ahead of the the diminishing buying power of their money.

We see that we are receiving less than 1% on our savings, with inflation rising at the present rate our savings would be completely wiped out in little more than 6 years. What to do? We see that the only game in town is the stock market, were returns are excellent, but how high can it go until it blows up?

Interest rates have been artificially low since the real estate crash of 2008. That is now 13 years of abysmally low interest rates which have translated into high housing prices and a stock market boom, much of the increase a direct result of these low borrowing rates.

The traditional Keynesian cure for inflation is higher interest rates, but it may be that that cure is no longer an option. With a $30 trillion government debt and huge debts held by corporations, states  pension funds and individuals, higher rates may be off the table. This is a global problem not just here in the U.S. In the late seventies and early 80's interest rates were in the high teens, and I recall receiving 14% on CD's. I doubt that this will be an option today.

This latest inflation began with this administrations energy policy, which encouraged and demanded less production, less investment in new sources and a message that we are going to eliminate fossil fuels in the near future. Once fuel prices spiked, so did the price of everything that needs to be transported by rail, truck or plane, which is everything we use on a daily basis. Once these increases began they create a vicious cycle of increases, just to keep the margins needed to stay in business.

Coupled with that is an increase in programs from extended unemployment, child credits, increase in food assistance all which kept more people out of work, as they could get by without working or working less. This had the effect of cutting the ability of the economy to keep up the supply of basic products including food. This also results in increased prices.

We have already seen the increase in strikes and demands for pay increases which will still have a hard time keeping pace with an out of control inflation.

Covid also discouraged many to participate in the work force and kept some areas of consumer demand low. Many businesses have been struggling for 2 years just to stay in business and now inflation may be the final blow for them.

We have yet to see the real results of entrenched inflation. This is when people begin to hoard certain items that they perceive to be hedges against inflation.  This could be precious metals, whiskey, cigarettes, or even diesel or gas trucks. Whatever they think will be able to keep up in value to offset inflation. Re-estate may have already been on this track for some time and there seems to be lots of investment by hedge funds and other investors in real estate. The problem with real-estate that it is very illiquid and can decline in value quickly.

Then we have heard talk of government action, a great reset, where debts are eliminated, value of assets are recalibrated, money eliminated, only government banks and digital money. Withdrawals of savings taxed, assets taxes or confiscated and and an endless list of possible government action. Whatever the result it will not be a good time for the economy in the future.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Think hard about Federal inroads in childcare.



In the new spending bill is a plan to provide free child care for children 1 to 5 years olds for child care expenses. It is likely that in a very short time childcare costs, will be higher. It is likely that the supposed childcare crisis will soon become a real crisis.

States will need to opt in and eventually will be forced to shoulder more of the costs. It will be administered by the department of Health and Human services. It will set the guidelines as to who will qualify as an authorized child care facility.

Do you think that you will be able to obtain any credit for care provided by a family member, the church, or the lady next door, it will have to be a federally licensed and regulated, day care center?

Will your present care center be qualified, without lots of regulation that will cost lots of money and be passed onto you?

Will the employees have to certified by some agency or worse, be part of some government union?

Think hard about the government in effect taking over child care, because that is what this is all about. 

Will the curriculum need to be endorsed by the federal government?

Will the federal government entry into day-care drive most small and individual care workers out of the business? Then there will be a shortage of day-care and a need for more government action. 

I could go on and on about the possibilities of the result of government intervention into yet another business that they have no constitutional authority to be involved. 

Monday, December 13, 2021

"Thou shalt not bear false witness"



So Jussie Smollett was found guilty of five counts in his racist attempt to damage Donald Trump and his supporters in the 2020 election. After all this was just another hoax attempt by Democrat operatives that has been an ongoing series of false stories for 6 years. In the old testament, the origin of the admonition against false witness, the perpetrator would be punished with the same penalty for the offense of their false witness. Will Smollett be punished for aggravated Assault, attempted murder and even a hate crime, We will have to see? 

I believe Smollett is the first one actually tried and found guilty for their false stories. When will we see the likes of Steele, Comey, Hillary Clinton, Polosi, Schiff, Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, McCabe, Vindeman, Ciaramella and the others who knew they were perpetuating a false story for several years, some who actually were caught lying under oath on national television, but all have escaped so far. All have the attitude that they are protected, and will never admit their false witness.

It has almost become an accepted practice in Divorce, Child custody, Me too, sexual harassment and the nomination of appointees to political office. When people are exposed as liars, they are just allowed to quietly disappear. They should be punished if there can be any serious respect for law and process.

No wonder Smollett thought he would be able to pull this off, he thought his political fiends would help him as the local DA Fox tried to do, after all, he was a hero to the cause, he was praised by Biden, Harris, the Obama's and he stuck to his story to the end, just like the rest of them.

Then we have to include the media personalities on CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post and the New York Times, they all knew they have been perpetuating false stories and continue to do so. The end does indeed justify the means.

It is interesting that every ancient commandment had a good big picture purpose, False Witness is premeditated violent act that is intended to damage the subject of the Lie. It sometimes may be more damaging that knives, bullets or blunt objects, because the damage is often irreversible and without healing.

It also damages society, as it diminishes the fair enforcement of the law and respect for the law. 

We also are seeing endless political prosecutions, without probable cause or real evidence of a crime, but public fishing expeditions intended to damage peoples reputations and inflict financial vengeance. Just another form of False witness and the end justifies the means.

Breaking these immortal rules also always result in negative consequences, the respect for the law is
disintegrating rapidly, the media 's credibility is the lowest in history. And whether they understand it or not, the pervaiers of these lies will in the end suffer for their crimes.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Spanish speaking residents are natural republican constituency



There has been much talk about appealing to the Spanish speaking citizens of the country. Democrats have attempted for decades to classify them as some sort of racial entity. This strategy has worked fairly well with African American community. The idea is to keep these groups feeling they are victims and that the democrats are going to protect them. This strategy has kept anyone who embraces it dependent and likely a future of poverty and failure.

The Spanish speaking constituency is racially diverse. There common denominator is that they or their recent ancestors were part of the Spanish empire and spoke Spanish. They are a mixture of European, particularity Spanish, and native Americans. In fact many of my own relatives have lived in Brazil for over a hundred years. They are of Hungarian and German descent.

What many of these citizens have in common is that they have a strong belief in the nuclear family. Democrats have been moving for decades to encourage policies to destroy the nuclear family and now many outright consider family some sort of privilege. Without an intact family, the odds of descending into poverty and failure increase dramatically.

Spanish speaking resident who have had an experience of living under totalitarian socialism in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua have become strong Republican voters. They have lived under the results of Democrat policy. The Democratic party has been moving in all respects for total government control of all aspects of life. This includes the economy, housing, energy use, food production, social experimentation and social manipulation, and even what someone might be thinking or communicating.

Spanish speaking resident generally have a strong work ethic, pride in their work, with many entrepreneurs and small businessmen and women. Democrat policy is detrimental to any self employed or small business owners or workers. The Democrat  obsession with regulation and micro control make being self-employed much more difficult.  

Spanish speaking residents often have a strong religious belief. The left focus their belief on the state. The state is the religion of the left. The state will decide what is moral or immoral, what is good or bad. This has now progressed into open hostility to traditional religion.

Democrats have been pushing unlimited immigration and an open border policy, many Spanish speaking left their natural homes to legally come to America and understand if this policy is successful they will be living under the same conditions that forced them to leave.

The Democrat strategy of victim hood, is a recipe for failure. If you feel you are a victim, you will likely never be a valuable or productive employee. Good employees can advance, make more money, own homes and have pride in their accomplishments. Often then venture out on their own and build businesses and provide jobs for others.

People with a victim mentality are destined to poverty, failure and unhappiness, the natural Democrat constituency, that is used to keep the elite in positions of power and wealth. 

Citizens with a pride in their work, self reliant, with a strong family network and positive attitude are the natural Republican constituency. The majority of the Spanish community have those cultural traits that will lead them to a future of success and happiness.

Originally published 11/10/2020


Thursday, December 9, 2021

Opportunity for Biden to be a real President.



After his conversation with Vladimir  Putin, Joe Biden hinted that an accommodation could be possible in the Ukraine. Just the hint of a change of direction in U.S. foreign policy has already brought out the naysayers. So far it has been the Republicans who have criticized the possibility of an agreement satisfactory to all parties. You can bet you will soon hear from the left who still consider Russia a traitor to their cause.

Then there will be the behind the scenes viscous undermining from the Bureaucrats in the state department and CIA. 

Biden could change the direction of our foreign policy if has the backbone to take on the opposition. He could also prove that he really is the president rather than just a cut-out for those behind the scenes. Most of all he could engineer a deal that would be in the best interest of Ukraine, Russia and Europe.

Some of the possibilities are that in exchange for the sovereignty and border integrity of Ukraine Nato would pledge not to include Ukraine in their military alliance. Ukraine would be granted trade status with the EU and also Russia. This would allow Ukraine to prosper economically as never before, it would also enable Russia to continue to have Ukraine as a security buffer. This could allow for normalization of relations between these two interdependent countries. Ukraine could become sort of a new Switzerland.

A U.N monitored referendum could be held in Crimea to determine the future status of this contested region. It would have to be without foreign interference. All polls have indicated that the citizens of Crimea would choose to stay part of Russia.

If such a deal could be put together it would allow for more cooperation between the EU, the U.S. and Russia. This would be a giant step in dealing with our true threat Communist China.

To pull off such a deal Biden could expect some support from some Republicans like Rand Paul, the progressives may see it as a way of saving a sinking Biden presidency. The EU should be willing to allow trade with Ukraine as this would assure their energy needs and eliminate the possibility of military conflict next door. Such a deal would contain the Russians who do not want any more NATO expansion.

The biggest opposition will be the architects of our decades long failed foreign policy. They would rather see war than admit their policies have been a dismal failure.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Biden Administration: symbolism over substance.



We see the attempt to rehabilitate the Biden presidency. The Media allies have been upping the ante on positive headlines and talking points, but accomplishments or new thinking is non-existent.

We see images of his video phone call with Putin. It is messaged that he gave Putin a strong warning. WOW. This is not about warnings or threats, it is about finding a solution that would be in the best interest of Ukraine and all of Europe. Biden has no plan or option to get off this track to war. He cannot re evaluate our containment policy for Russia and come to an agreement that all can accept. He cannot go against the thoughtless decades old policy developed by our state department. 

Then there is our problems with China, wow, we are going to politically boycott the Olympics, just more symbolism over substance. Talk about rights for their minority population, more symbolism, but nothing to change the direction of the chinese communist party.

Nothing about stopping their theft of out defense and technology. Nothing about making our country self sufficient from Chinese products. Nothing about bringing manufacturing and real jobs back to the United States. China is a creation of the United States trade policy, not a word, except reversing any inroads the Trump administration might have gained. He would rather focus in making Americans more dependent on Federal government handouts, Why would they need jobs?

Biden has accepted that fossil fuels must go, with no plan to replace these energy sources. He is placing us in a very vulnerable economic and security position, then acts as though he is doing something by begging Russia and Opec to up production, at the same time threatening to cut off the use of Russian gas. The Europeans must be shaking their heads in amazement.

He claims he is returning to the remain in Mexico policy, but likely it is just a talking point to ignore the crisis on the border. He will not stop the flow of immigrants into this country.

His plan for a nuclear Iran is a rehash of the last failed plan that even Iran is not interested in redoing, all the while his administration and his media allies are ignoring the Israeli preparations for war. We may be on the verge of an all out conflict in the middle east and this country is focused on build back better, forced vaccinations and a continuing political fishing expedition into their political enemies.

Is this administration truly fiddling as the world is about to erupt in flames?

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Ukraine will not become a member of NATO without WAR.



We hear that Biden is going to talk to Vladimir Putin today. He has stated that he does not recognize any red lines placed by Russia. If he continues to insist that Ukraine will become member of NATO, he  may as well not call.

Volodymyr Zelinsky campaigned that he would improve relations with Russia, but it was not long that he was spouting demands and and has adopted the U.S. policy toward Russia and Ukraine. The best situation for Ukraine is that it would be an independent, non-aligned nation with an ability to trade with the EU and Russia. It could prosper economically and not be a threat to the security of Russia. If he continues to allow his foreign policy to be dictated by Washington it will likely be a disaster for Ukraine.

It is clear that most of the career Washington bureaucrats are unwilling to entertain any other view of foreign policy than the one this country has been stuck in for decades. Many are still engaged in a cold war mentality of the past.

After the break-up of the Soviet Union, there was a sincere effort by the Russian federation to become a part of the world economic and political system. Just look at the State department's list of treaties signed in those days. While the political leaders of the time, Reagan, Gorbachev and Bush were committed to moving in that direction, the entrenched bureaucracy decided the cold war must go on. 

NATO was established in 1949 as a counter to the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact, a cooperative group of communist countries. It originally had 12 members, 4 members were added between 1949 and 1982. this brought the number to 16.

When the Berlin wall was taken down and eventually the unification of Germany was agreed to by the Western countries and the Russian federation there were 16 NATO members. There was an agreement, but not a treaty, that Germany could be part of NATO but further expansion would not happen.

After the Soviet Union break-up the NATO confederation's reason for existing was less clear. There no longer was a serious threat of an invasion of western Europe from the unified Soviet Union. The Russian Federation was going through a peaceful transformation to a more open and free political and economic union.

The Russian federation was no longer a communist country and had given up on their goal of establishing a world communist revolution. While they struggled to transform themselves from inside, U.S. and Russian relations were at a high point.

Then it was argued by some, and sometimes openly touted, that the U.S. was the only world Super Power and that we should use this opportunity to enforce our economic and political will on the World. Russia was often disdained and insulted by politicians on both sides.

In 1997, 3 former Warsaw pact members were invited to join NATO. Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia were admitted to the union in 1997. That is exactly 24 years ago. Today NATO has 29 members, 17 more than at the critical time of the cold war. 

Did anyone consider that this policy of "Containment" of Russia, which is now the official policy of the United States, would be cause for concern to the leaders of the Russian Federation and its citizens. This is really were the deterioration of relations with Russia took a turn for the worse.

In 2014 a revolution in the Ukraine was instrumental in the removal of Victor Yanukovych from the presidency of  Ukraine. The main issue was that many wanted Yanukovych to become a member of the European community. The United States was heavily involved, with Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admitting to funneling $5 Billion in support for the overthrow of Yanukovych. Tours and speeches by John McCain and other politicians encouraged the Ukrainians to revolt.

The problem was that 50% of all trade of the Ukraine was conducted with the Russian Federation. As a member of the E.U., Ukraine would be forbidden to trade with Russia. The other issue was that much of Russia's military industry was located in eastern Ukraine. There was even talk of replacing the Russian Naval base in Crimea with a NATO naval base.This was a serious threat to the economy and security of the Russia federation.

Within days of the coup, parts of eastern Ukraine revolted from the new government and Crimea held a referendum to be reunited with the Russian federation. This led to sanctions and the beginning of the intensified cold war.

This was just the first of the U.S. policy of support of revolution or regime change, it was followed by U.S. involvement in revolution in Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq and the interference in the elections in Israel and Russia. Not one of these interventions resulted in a positive result for the countries in question or the United States. These interventions have resulted in the death of 100's of thousands in these countries. It has also cost the U.S. over $7 Trillion and thousands of deaths of U.S. citizens.

Having created chaos in much of the world one must wonder if they have now turned their expertise in chaos to their latest project, right here at home.

In April of 2019 Volodymyr Zelensky, a non politician, won the election over Petro Poroshenko the incumbent and the favored candidate of the U.S. establishment. In May President Trump recalled the ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, after reports that she was an ardent Poroshenko supporter and had refused to talk to the new president. One must wonder what the establishment experts had in mind for poor Zelensky.

Ukraine is now a partitioned country. If anyone believes that Russia will allow Ukraine to become a member of NATO and be a hostile player on their border is delusional. Just as we would feel if Mexico would decide to join a union opposed to our well-being. This is the policy supported by the U.S. foreign policy experts.

So today, Biden is likely to warn Putin that we will impose sanctions and other economic penalties on Russia, if they invade Ukraine. What he should be doing is considering a peaceful transition of Ukraine into an independent, non-aligned nation with trade ability with all its neighbors. Biden is likely to spout the policy of his entrenched advisors and insist on Nato membership for Ukraine. The U.S. has not encouraged a relationship of cooperation, but constant derision and animosity toward Russia, who now understands that short of submission, there is no other option to be offered.

A free independent Ukraine, that would have the ability to trade with who ever is in its best interests. If this is not possible there will be a permanent partition of Ukraine, with the eastern part, who has mostly a Russian population, closely aligned with Russia. 

It is likely that if the pressure to squeeze and encircle  Russia continues and if it feels its national interests are severely threatened, War may be viewed as their only alternative.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Roe vs Wade hysteria.



Much is being made of the coming decision on a Mississippi law that limits abortion to the first 15 weeks of pregnancy.  Many are anticipating that the court is going to reverse the infamous 1973 abortion ruling. While abortion has probably been practiced for several thousand years of human history, this ruling found a constitutional right to abortion. The justices claimed that this was part of the fourth amendment right to privacy. The fourth amendment reads: 

 "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized"

While the court has a lot of work that they should be doing to protect this right, the right of abortion has never been a constitutional right. Whether the court will overturn Roe is not clear, if that should be the case, it will not stop the ability to obtain an abortion in this country. There are four possible outcomes in this case.

1. The court may limit its ruling to upholding the Mississippi law and go no further, that will result in the court having to hear more state laws forever.
2. The court may reverse Roe and that would result in many state laws, eliminating, restricting or expanding abortion.

3 and 4. If Roe is overturned then there is the proper and legal method of proposing a constitutional amendment to either legalize abortion with clear rules or outlaw abortion. It is unlikely that such an amendment could be passed to legalize or outlaw abortion. So, the result would be, as it should have been from day one, that is falls into the 10th amendment situation were it is left up to the states.

That would be the best ruling for the country, it would remove abortion from federal politics, both parties would now possibly be able to focus on more pressing issues that are constitutionally federal issues.

The states would work out their own ways to deal with this issue and relieve much of the internal battling over abortion. Individuals desiring an abortion will likely be within several hours of finding a state to satisfy their needs. 

States rights is the great pressure relief valve for the country, it should be re-invigorated if we all desire to peacefully preserve the union. It gives us a 50 state laboratory to see what works and what does not. We should all insist that the federal government retreat into those functions given it by the constitution and bill of rights. A federal government with total power and control will be an oppressive government and will destroy America as we know it.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Murder facts USA.



After 25 years of declining murder rates the last few years have again seen a rising number of murders in the USA. Major cities are the source of a large percentage of the murders. 10 cites account for 25% of all murders. These cities are Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Houston, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Dallas, Kansas City and Indianapolis. 

Of the over 14,000 murders, 39% resulted from arguments and romantic triangles.

24.7 % were committed during a felonious act.

782 by law enforcement.

429 of those killed by law enforcement were felons.

353 killed by private citizens during a felonious act and  self defense.

52% of victims were African american.

43.5% of victims were white.

54.7% of perpetrators were black.

43 % were white.

28% of victims knew their attacker.

12.5% were family members.

80 % of white victims were killed by white assailants.

16% of white victims were killed by black assailants.

88..5 % of black victims were killed by black assailants.

8.9 % of black victims were killed by white assailants.

These numbers are from FBI statistics. Hopefully it will add a little perspective to what we see in the media.

Originally published 4/12/21

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Democrat politicians responsible for death and mayhem.



We see the racist domestic terrorism act in Wisconsin, which killed 6 and injured over 4 dozen, pushed to the back burner, but the fake January 6 investigation is the daily talking point. We see where there is a no  prosecutions policy for retail theft or vandalism that has cost private business millions, but no bail and solitary confinement for anyone who is considered a political enemy of the left. 

Democrat elected officials, Governors, Mayors, District Attorneys are all responsible for hundreds of lives and uncountable million in property losses. Protecting the lives and property of citizens should be their first priority, but it is clear political prosecutions and any other activity that enhances their political advantage is their only priority. 

The black, black lives matter advocate, who was out on bail, and should have been in jail for decades was able to kill and maim innocent white folks in a christmas parade, due to their intentional goal of creating as much chaos and instability as possible. 

The policies of big city mayors have cost hundreds of lives and destroyed much of the business in their cities, allowing unlimited retail looting, letting violent criminals out on bail or no bail and emptying their prisons of violent felons. This can only be intentional, no one is that stupid or incompetent.

We see them look away as rioters and looters who they consider their constituents and supporters are given a free reign, then watch as they threaten parents at school board meetings and other protesters who oppose them as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.

First they need to punish all violent offenders severally, keep them locked up and build new and more prisons if necessary. The statistics are all there from when they passed, "3 strikes your out"  laws in the 1990's, violent crime plummeted and stayed down until recently when Democrat elected official embarked on their policy of creating death and mayhem. the politicians in Wisconsin responsible for letting the parade attacker out should all be fired or remove from office.

This recent increase in violent crime can be stopped, but the longer it is encouraged by Democrat politicians the harder it will be and the more innocent live lost.