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Monday, December 20, 2021

Manchin: Will vote NO on BBB.



Joe Manchin made his announcement yesterday on Fox News Sunday, that he will not support the "Build Back Better" omnibus bill. He was very clear that he is done talking about and negotiating it, it is now a dead issue for him. He stated that the approach of cutting the time for funding to cut the perceived cost was just an accounting gimmick that he will not support. He did say that he could support some parts of the bill individually, if presented with a honest calculation as to the cost. He stated that inflation, debt and covid were all undetermined dangers for the U.S. economy and now was not time to exasperate those problems.

He also stated he would be very reluctant to change the rules of senate concerning the filibuster to pass any important legislation. He really seemed that he has now put these questions to rest as far as he is concerned. While many say that one senator is standing in the way of these measures it is actually 51 or 52 who are opposed.

Joe Manchin has made a good decision for the country, he will likely receive lots of incoming from his fellow democrats, but it is time to stop pushing transformational legislation with only 1 party support. That could apply to both parties. It is time to stop the whipsawing of the emotions of the American people with legislation with only narrow support, particularly when it comes to legislation that will make major changes to the country.

If all elected official would take their oath of office seriously and only vote legislation that falls within the guidelines of constitutional authority it would be a good first step. The constitution is the law for the federal government, if elected officials refuse to be bound by the law created for them, why should anyone adhere to law created by lawless politicians.

There is no constitutional authority for congress to mandate family leave, or free child care, maybe they could give a tax credit, but any of these federal programs tend to grow every year, they never go away. If congress would just adhere to the limits in the constitution, it will greatly limit the amount of legislation proposed.

If something is deemed that important, but not now granted by the constitution then we have the ability to legally make that happen, by passing a constitutional amendment. It requires a 2/3 majority and if that should happen there would likely not be the division and animosity that we are now experiencing. Trying to shortcut the constitution by congress voting, then the court striking it down or not striking it down, when it clearly is not in the governments authority, is the cause of much of this division.

We often hear that these bills are supported by the vast majority of Americans, OK, just pass an amendment to the constitution and it will be acknowledged as true.

The next step is to then criticize the court for following the guidelines of the constitution, That is their purpose to make sure all legislation is within the authority of the constitution. If we all concede that we are willing to adhere to the constitution we will be able to preserve the union, if not it end in the failure of this self government.


  1. Manchin's democrat colleges are saviging him, using words like betrayal,coward etc. They refused to listen to what he has been telling them for months, just blowing him off as engaged in some kind of political grandstanding. If they would have listened, instead using accounting gimmicks they could have come to an agreement.

    it seems the most left of the party is still insisting all or nothing, issuing threats against him and his family, publishing his home address in an effort to intimidate him.

    They forget, that Manchin's future in West Virginia does not require him to have a D. behind his name.

    They should take notice that he sent them a not so subtle message when he made this announcement on Fox.

  2. Manchin is not the lone democrat ranger on this NO, but he is the only one in a position to take this stand and survive. they are threatening a vote next year, there will not be a vote unless they redo the bill.

  3. The left is now out of it on social media, everything from adding more states so they can get more senators, to confiscating the coal mines in West virginia as punishment. Rewriting the constitution to do away with a Republic and make it straight democracy and allow voting on the internet. They are so crazed with Manchin that we can soon expect him to re register as an independent and caucus with republicans. The governor of W.Virginia is a republican so they cannot even win by taking him out.


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