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Friday, December 31, 2021

Biden concedes, states better at dealing with Covid.



Joe Biden seems to have now thrown in the towel in the federal government's handling of Covid-19. Sometimes more is not better, more rules, restrictions, lockdowns and mandates all have been shown to be futile in erasing covid-19 cases. It doesn't matter if you are in Italy, Sweden, the UK, Florida, New York or Texas, the end result is mostly in the eye of the beholder or the political spinners. The virus is not regulated or ever eliminated, the first advice was never to eliminate the virus, but to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm the hospital system. Good Advice, and supported by most everyone everywhere.

Then it became a political opportunity. We were told Trump just didn't take the threat seriously. We were told we needed a federal government policy. Trump believed the same policy for New York and South Dakota did not make sense and was not likely a federal function. He did all that could be done to make ventilators, PPE and finally, an all out effort for a vaccine, while not perfect, has slowed the spread. It was all spun as inadequate and a poor response.

CNN stoked fear and hysteria by its daily postings of the numbers of dead and dying, all in an effort to increase viewership. Never encouraging any unity or optimism except to adopt the talking point that MRNA vaccinations were our only hope.

Biden said he would eliminate the virus and take massive government action to do what Trump did not do. He has now publicly admitted that Trump's response was the best anyone could do.

Biden should follow the lead of Trump and do what may be a federal government response. Make sure that there is adequate materials available. Instruct the FDA and CDC to study natural immunity and also study all possible therapeutics to treat this disease. Encourage development into a real vaccine in the old fashion variety, one that works, without political spin and political opportunity. Also he would do well to encourage optimism and faith, not tell the country to expect a winter of sickness and death. All the contradictions and focus on vaccination alone has just created a lack of credibility and hysteria. 

Thousands of people standing in line to get tests that will not make any real difference in overcoming the virus. I would expect that many, as soon as they test positive, rush to the hospital for care, even if they have few symptoms. 

While many have died from this disease or have been hastened along when in poor health, I personally wonder about the accuracy of numbers in a hospital system whose usual source of revenue has been curtailed by cutting many procedures, having patients fear getting normal care and a great disruption of their economies. This coupled with an open government wallet whenever covid is a cause of death or hospitalisation is a great incentive to focus on the only game left for financial reimbursement. It is just a matter of a path to economic survival.

So, we will see if more responsibility is passed to Governors and health providers to have the freedom to make decisions and try new therapeutics that are not part of a political agenda, but an avenue to find things that will work as we learn to live with this new virus.

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