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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Chaos result of electing those without practical knowledge.



If we pay attention to what people in elected office and their staff are saying we get the real impression that most don't have a clue about how the economy works, basic tenets of human nature and how a free market works. If confronted with the chaos and failures that have resulted from their policies, they come up with the most lame brained excuses. Many just complain about basic human nature, people should not behave the way they do, they should understand that we know better than you.

One example is Jen Psaki claiming that higher poultry prices are caused by greedy farmers, not taking into account that their policy of intentionally raising energy prices to cut fossil fuel emissions has raised the price of transportation, fertilizer and feed. Then there is their policy of subsidizing and encouraging unemployment which has raised the price of labor, which they think is a great thing, except when higher prices are an inevitable result, that they don't understand. 

Yesterday, Elizabeth Warren, touted by her supporters as a genius, made the remark that higher food prices are to be blamed on grocery stores. Again, all the result of their polices listed above. We have the best food distribution system in the world, it is actually a marvel, we can go to 1 store and buy any product that we desire from places all over the world. The cost of energy, transportation, refrigeration,  and then the cost of labor have been felt by these stores, they must raise prices to cover their very small margins on these goods. God help us if the government ever thinks they can do a better job. We will be starving in short order.

Then last night we hear Biden addressing the shortage of tests available. I am not going to criticize the government for their response to this virus as far as supplies are concerned, it is a big job and ever changing, but Biden's idea to order tests online, to be delivered by our failing transportation system which is again the result of this governments polices is a joke. By the time these tests arrive, it is very likely the test will be a negative, because the infected time has passed. The system in place with CVS and others worked and was timely. Testing may give us the numbers of infected, but will not likely have much effect on the transmission of this virus, which will eventually be contracted by everyone, both vaccinated and not.

The point is, as long as we keep electing the slick talking, well groomed politicians who have no practical experience, except in coffee shop debates and hot air, we are going to continue to have these kinds of policies that result in chaos and failure. Most do not have the slightest idea how the economy works, human reactions to government actions, the basic understanding of markets. When things go wrong their answer is it other peoples fault and then their is no hope of correcting and fixing anything. Remember, the practice of electing people with no practical experience will continue to get the same result. It is time for voters to stop the insanity.

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