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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Opportunity for Biden to be a real President.



After his conversation with Vladimir  Putin, Joe Biden hinted that an accommodation could be possible in the Ukraine. Just the hint of a change of direction in U.S. foreign policy has already brought out the naysayers. So far it has been the Republicans who have criticized the possibility of an agreement satisfactory to all parties. You can bet you will soon hear from the left who still consider Russia a traitor to their cause.

Then there will be the behind the scenes viscous undermining from the Bureaucrats in the state department and CIA. 

Biden could change the direction of our foreign policy if has the backbone to take on the opposition. He could also prove that he really is the president rather than just a cut-out for those behind the scenes. Most of all he could engineer a deal that would be in the best interest of Ukraine, Russia and Europe.

Some of the possibilities are that in exchange for the sovereignty and border integrity of Ukraine Nato would pledge not to include Ukraine in their military alliance. Ukraine would be granted trade status with the EU and also Russia. This would allow Ukraine to prosper economically as never before, it would also enable Russia to continue to have Ukraine as a security buffer. This could allow for normalization of relations between these two interdependent countries. Ukraine could become sort of a new Switzerland.

A U.N monitored referendum could be held in Crimea to determine the future status of this contested region. It would have to be without foreign interference. All polls have indicated that the citizens of Crimea would choose to stay part of Russia.

If such a deal could be put together it would allow for more cooperation between the EU, the U.S. and Russia. This would be a giant step in dealing with our true threat Communist China.

To pull off such a deal Biden could expect some support from some Republicans like Rand Paul, the progressives may see it as a way of saving a sinking Biden presidency. The EU should be willing to allow trade with Ukraine as this would assure their energy needs and eliminate the possibility of military conflict next door. Such a deal would contain the Russians who do not want any more NATO expansion.

The biggest opposition will be the architects of our decades long failed foreign policy. They would rather see war than admit their policies have been a dismal failure.

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