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Friday, December 17, 2021

Democrats shift focus from vote buying to vote rigging.



The democrats have now made it known that while their BBB vote buying plan is languishing, they will shift focus to voting rights, which is a fancy word for ways to rig the elections in the future.This is an 800 page bill that federalizes every aspect of elections. No matter that such a law would be unconstitutional.

Some of the things in this bill are, 
1. Not requiring voter identification, automatic registration of everyone.
2. Requires 15 days of early voting, with at least 10 hours a day access. 
3, Unrestricted vote by mail.
4. Eliminates voter roll purging.
5. Takes over redistricting.
6. Restores voter rights to felons.
7. Federal financing of elections.
8. Eliminating Citizens United ruling.

This is only some of the more straightforward measures planned, there is 800 pages of changes that will guarantee democrat majorities forever.

This country had a very secure election system that the vast majority believed in, the changes started after 2000 election when democrats in Florida began stacking ballots and punching many ballots at one time. Hence the result of hanging chads and only dents because they got greedy and could not physically punch the number of cards they attempted to punch. That's when all this bullshit started.

In Pennsylvania, we scraped perfectly good voting machines that were mechanical, produced a paper record and would have lasted another 100 years. They were bullet proof and only used 2 days a year. We had results usually by the morning after the election. Now the election results are ongoing with all kinds of lost votes, found votes, delays and a general loss of respect for our elections. We have gone through numerous expensive electronic voting machines since.

Until we go back to having one election day, with sufficient polling places to handle the voting in a efficient manner, with only paper ballots or mechanical machines we will continue to loose confidence in our elections.  If there is a possibility of abuse and fraud, there will be abuse and fraud.

This "voting rights bill" is just an open door for unimaginable abuse and fraud.

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