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Friday, June 24, 2016

Hip, Hip, Hooray for Britain




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The United Kingdom voted yesterday to regain their sovereignty as an independent nation. They were able to put aside the threat of short term financial pain and vote in principle to preserve their nation. Whether we agree with all of the history of the British Empire, no one can deny that in its heyday it was the greatest nation the world has ever seen. This vote in no way is an attempt to regain that kind of power, but for a nation that sacrificed every bit of it strength to resist losing its freedom in WW2 to now just give it away to a bunch of bureaucrats in Brussels would have been a disgrace. In the long run they will have a better opportunities to be a free, proud people again.
Prime minister David Cameron has agreed to resign. While he seems to be a good honest person his commitment to stay in the EU would make him an ineffective leader. They need a new leader who will be able to encourage the people with a renewed spirit and patriotism to make things better for their nation. There will be many opportunities for this country to prosper and not be bogged down by this alliance. It will not happen overnight, but in the long run they have made the right decision. The leaders of Britain who refused to give up their national currency should be applauded and revered for setting the stage for this to be a possibility.

Many of the people interviewed expressed the view that when they agreed to a common trading market, they had no idea that they would lose complete control of their destiny as a nation. This was a slow subtle incorporation into a foreign power that did not have the best interests of their country as a priority.
Again , congratulations to our brothers across the pond for their courage and pride to resist global mediocrity.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Dems distract from Obama's failures



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Using the usual tactics, the democrat activists, with the assistance of the media, are shifting the debate about the failures of the Obama administration concerning Islamic terrorism to gun control. This is an attempt to shield Hillary Clinton, who needs to support the Obama Legacy. This cover-up on terrorism started with the shooting at Fort Hood, which was labeled workplace violence, then Benghazi, which it was blamed on a internet video. Next, the San Bernardino shooting was characterized as "just an isolated incident" and then Orlando. They edited the 911 call transcripts, claiming it was a hate crime against LGBT people, and the rhetoric has now moved to "we have too many guns." There were many other lesser incidents that have been labeled as workplace violence and attributed to a "mentally unstable" person including slashing's in New York City, the beheading of a woman in the mid-west and others - all in an attempt to minimize the terrorist threat. 
Barak Obama and his policies have been the cause of the worst division in recent American history, not only at home but around the world. I ask, could anyone have created this much unrest and division by accident?  Race relations in America are worse now at anytime since the 1960's. But then Oh! the glory days of the 1960's. If you listen to the older media people, Hillary Clinton, Chris Matthews and others, they remember with great nostalgia when they were students who organized and participated in sit-ins, demonstrations, no bras, and pot smoking. It was the best days of their lives and they are getting their chance to relive their youth...though I bet they will skip the bra part.

The problem is many people are dying - a dozen every weekend in Chicago alone. Police officers have been used as foils for their political agenda and are being assassinated at the greatest rate in history. The police have drawn back from customary crime control methods, due to fear of jail or lawsuits from an activist Attorney General's Office. The borders have not been secured and immigration law has not been enforced, and illegal criminal felons have been released back into society at an alarming rate. The Obama administration has allowed over 800,000 immigrants (the true number if you count illegals is probably over 1 million) from the Middle East and predominantly Muslim African countries and is proposing to bring in more. If only a small fraction of these people are jihadists, it may very well send this country into a downward social spiral. But that type of chaos and crisis is an opportunity for political revolutionaries, who fundamentally want to change America. Their answer, of course, is more gun control for American citizens. On a border where heroin is being brought in by the truck load, does anyone doubt that any amount of guns that someone wants can be also be brought in. As far as the price of heroin being so low and more easily available for underage youth than beer. Is this just an accident?
We have a private sector economy that has the lowest growth rate in history, the lowest worker participation rate (62% - which means almost 4 out of 10 Americans are not working!), the largest number of families on food stamps (almost 50%). Regulation and red tape have hamstrung small business and sent larger businesses out of the country. While the government sector has been protected, how long can that last?
We have no-fly lists and terrorists watch lists with millions of names. BUT the process that places people on the list - how people are selected to be on this list- and what you do if you are on the list, are secret. What has been revealed is that over 90% of the people on the list are not U.S. citizens. Why in the world do we allow suspected terrorists who are not citizens to remain in the country? I know that federal law allows guns to be sold not only to green card residents, but also to temporary visitors. If we deported all non-residents on these lists, this would cut the number of people the FBI needs to monitor to a manageable level and maybe they would have a better chance to follow up on the real terrorists. But that is not the intent of political opportunists who want to disarm the American public.
We now see that these activists who have attacked law enforcement and Americans' constitutional rights, and who have failed to enforce most laws that define us as a country, have now set out to disregard the rules of the Congress and to disrupt the workings of Congress. Their intention is chaos and division in the quest for more political power.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Politicians pass laws dealing with results and effects



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We see a never ending list of laws and regulations enacted to address some sort of problem in our country. It seems that problems are really only an opportunity to fulfill some political agenda. One good example is the recent allocating of $1.1 Billion in new money to address Opiate addiction. It appears that most of this money is dedicated to rehabilitation. Only a small part to deal with drug interdiction or prevention. Watching the talking points on C-Span and other political commentary, it is obvious that a large government funded industry is being created. There is the talk of the underpaid counselors and not enough treatment centers. If you are able to uncover the results of rehab for opiate addiction, of which there are few available, it seems they are vague and inconsistent at best. In a study in Australia it was found that after 3 years the positive results are less than 15 % for in house treatment, out patient treatment is around 5% and with no treatment near 0 results. The problem with opiate addiction is that most people don't really want to quit. They just are in love with the effects of this drug. Of course there are some who do manage to overcome this addiction, but it is a very low positive result.  Government money would be much better spent by providing a series of video presentations to be shown starting in middle school and continued for all grades. These should be viewed several time a year while in school. Providing the scientific information on what happens to an addicts brain and the consequences of this addiction. These should be shocking hard hitting videos. They should be intended to scare the pants off kids before they experiment with drugs. It should not be exaggerated, but nothing should be held back. Instead the trend looks like it will go something like this, we will be encouraged to accept addiction as a disease, as such rehab will be mandated to be covered by health insurance. We will also see rehab mandated by the courts. So it will be the industry of the future. An industry that will emphasize more money for treatment, very little for prevention. With this approach, it will be a dismal failure. The answer should be 90% prevention and 10% rehab. There will be a lot more money in rehab so you can guess where the money will go. It would be best that addicts would have to apply for rehab and have to convince someone that they are sincere in their hope of quitting.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Northwestern Lehigh shool board approves building plan



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The Northwestern Lehigh School board voted 5-4 to approve the expansion of the High School Building and the renovation of the existing building. The vote was 5-4, voting to go ahead with the plan was,  Willard Dellicker, Todd Hernandez, Joe Fatzinger, John Casciano, and Todd Leiser. Voting against the plan was Paul Fisher, Darryl Schafer, Phil Toll, and Charlene Rauscher. The plan will begin next year and is estimated to cost over $14.5 million, the Administration  has recommended planning on allocating $18 million for the plan.  It is not clear why the difference in costs, unless they are planning on using the excess allocation to pay for Astro turf and other renovations at the athletic field or they may also be allowing for new furnishings for the new offices of the administrators.  These plans have been pursued for several years and the present majority of the board is on board with the increased spending.  While the board has voted not to raise taxes this year. It will now be inevitable that they will return to the annual tax raises that were the norm before the 2011 election. School taxes have not been raised since that time. The residents can now expect taxes to be raised in 2017. The Administration has been recommending 2% tax increases every year. If they get their wish, taxes on a 200,000 assessment will go from the present $3200 this year to $3464 in four years. This is at 2% increases each year, this could be more depending on the index approved by the state. This will amount to $654 for the 4 years. They can also request a waiver to raise taxes more if they think necessary. It was also reported that mailers informing members of the community about this project did not get out to everyone.
The board also approved by a 6-3 vote to tentatively approve the Circle of Seasons Charter school. This vote will be officially voted on at the August meeting. There were issues in dispute that now seem to be resolved. The school district is charged with regulating the charter school. Voting to approve the Charter School was Paul Fisher, Phil Toll, Todd Leiser, Charlene Rauscher, Darryl Schafer, and Joe Fatzinger. Voting not to renew the charter school charter, was Willard Dellicker, Todd Hernandez and John Casciano. The Circle of Seasons parents and teachers have come out in large numbers in support of their school.  They seem to be very happy with this school.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Politcal opportunists now in feeding frenzy in Orlando



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In the aftermath of the tragedy in Orlando, we see the usual attempt to use emotional arguments to further the political objectives of the socialist and progressives. Hillary Clinton and her cohorts bring out their anti-gun, anti second amendment playbook that they have been pushing for 25 years. The only change has been, it is now, "common sense gun safety measures". If you study the writings of these activists, their objective is, as it has been for years, to completely disarm the civilian population. The LBGT community, sadly devastated by this act of terrorism have labeled this a hate crime, singling them out personally for this attack.  While this may be true, it has also been reported that the perpetrator had been looking at several targets including Disney world. It may have been more likely that this was the easiest target of mass murder. A large crowd, over 300, in a confined place with only 1 entrance and exit, at 2 AM, where people have been consuming alcohol and possibly drugs. A mostly liberal leaning group, who most likely are not armed. This was a very easy target for a mass murderer. This is really very similar to the targets in France. I am sure after the LGBT community gets over the trauma, it will be looking to see if they can turn this into some expansion of rights or special protection.
Trump wasted no time reminding everyone that this is the consequence of allowing immigrants who may not assimilate into the American culture. Also restating his plan to limit immigration of Muslims without being able to screen them for being jihadists. While it also was political opportunity, it at least has some validity to limiting our risk in the future.
The atheist anti-Christian, anti-religious crowd could not resist pointing out that religious beliefs are the cause of bigotry and mass murder. It is amazing that such shallow thinking in defense of their own bigotry is unable to see that without religion there is no moral grounding, and humans usually quickly descend into some sort of pagan tribalism or totalitarian Government who will decide what is acceptable. This usually ends like WW2 Germany, Stalinist Russia, Mao in China, Pol-Pot in Cambodia. Of course I guess it is better if mass murder is done  in the name of the atheist state.
We can be assured, this will not be the last terrorist attack, we see the pattern worldwide, it is expanding and will become more sophisticated.  Any imaginative Terrorist will be able to figure out how to kill in a more efficient manner than with guns.  If we allow ourselves to be caught up in distractions, rather than focus on real solutions, this situation will become worse. Our whole relationship with the rest of the world needs to be re-examined. While many of these terrorists are citizens and second generation immigrants, their ideology is rooted in other parts of the world.  We have dealt with the Muslim world for many centuries,  mostly in a peaceful manner. They have rebelled and rejected our influence through Hollywood, and liberal cultural evangelism. It has now escalated beyond those simple facts. Our President does worldwide tours, pushing the gay agenda on a world who does not embrace these values. Only 14 countries embrace gay marriage and openly gay behavior. We are the minority in the world.  At one time American was a light to the world, and we encouraged and assisted the world to accept democracy,  We now have many other agendas. We often hear how great multiculturalism is, but do we really have tolerance for other countries culture if it is not ours? Do they not have the right to their own self determination in their own country? Is it  really possible for the adherents of all cultures to co-exist in the same country under the same laws?  It may not be political correct to ask such questions, but we will need to get to the root of these problems if we will ever have peace. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Why are Mexican flags displayed at protests?




Proposed Mexican Reconquista map

Watching protests on TV, it was hard not to notice many Mexican flags, signs protesting the 1848 Guadalupe Hildago treaty,  and signs stating, " make America Mexico Again". Looking into this further we see that these protests, while most visible at Donald Trump rallies, have been going on in the southwestern United States for many years. These protests have been associated with other candidates and often are in protest to U.S. immigration laws.

The most well known group is "La Raza",  which means "The Race". This group has received $15.2 million in government grants, $7.9 million for grants for charter schools and undisclosed amounts for get out the vote efforts.   Another group is the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MECHA), this group is represented on many college campuses in the southwest since the 1960"s. These groups teach that, Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, and Nevada make up an area known as "Aztlan", the ancestral homeland of the Aztecs before Europeans arrived in North America. As such, it belongs to the followers of MECHA. These are all areas America should surrender to "La Raza", once enough immigrants, legal and illegal, enter to become a majority. This plan is referred to as the "Reconquista" or reconquest of the western United States. They reject the idea of assimilation into the United States. They do not want any border between the U.S. and Mexico and espouse an open immigration plan. It has also been reported that some in the government of Mexico have encouraged this movement and has given duel citizenship to many who are American citizens.

While not all members of "La Raza" are espousing the more radical agenda, this movement seems to have grown. It is diametrically opposed to the proposed policies of Donald Trump, as they all want an open borderless region with Mexico. Personally , I doubt that the majority of Mexican immigrants would want to be repatriated back under the Mexican Government. This idea is not only being espoused in the United States, but also in some South American countries where there is a movement to repatriate all land back to anyone whose ancestors were the original inhabitants.

So now you will be able to view the protests with another point of view, I believe this will be a long hot summer.


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Northwestern Lehigh District suspends Live streaming



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One nice thing about public meetings at Northwestern Lehigh school district is that they have been live streamed for several years. These meetings also are archived and can be watched by those that have not been able to attend meetings. This has been a very valuable service to not only the community, but also Board members who seem to often be absent from important board meetings. I believe the last meeting to be live streamed was May 4, 2016. Since then, the meetings show up 5 or 6 days later and often in several parts. This appears as though the meetings are now being edited before being made available to the public. While all meetings are by law open to the public, in todays era of the need for transparency in all public proceedings, these videos should be protected. These videos of meetings should not be edited as they are the only record of these meetings.   After viewing these latest meetings, I have not seen any board action that has been taken to suspend live streaming of these meeting. If these actions where taken without board approval, it should be made public, who and under what authority they have taken this action. 

Friday, June 3, 2016

Media furious that their honesty questioned



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On Tuesday, Donald Trump held a press conference to announce  the recipients of  money raised for veterans groups. Trump was upset that some of the media was suggesting that Trump was not distributing the money. He said that they have been dishonest in their reporting, they claimed, of course that this was not true. So, I thought about this for a few moments and began to recall several insistences where the media has put out intentionally false information.
1. NBC news intentionally edited the George Zimmerman 911 call to make it appear his interaction with Travon Martin was racially motivated.  When it was pointed out that Zimmerman was half Hispanic, he was called a white Hispanic by the media. 
2. Brian Williams was suspended by NBC for exaggerating stories over the years. 
3. "Hands Up Don't shoot", is still be used by many in the media long after it was determined to be all a lie from the start.
4. Candy Crowley intervened in a debate on National Television to defend Barak Obama, by interjecting false information, when asked by Mitt Romney about Benghazi.
5. When Trump announced his candidacy, his statement about building a wall to stop ILLEGAL immigration was changed to immigration and is still being repeated till today.
6. When Trump stated that Muslim immigration should be TEMPORARILY suspended, until proper vetting could be done. It was changed to a Muslim ban and is repeated daily.
7. In the last few weeks it was revealed that Katie Couric 's documentary on gun control, was intentionally edited to make the opposition look foolish.

While it is acknowledged that the national media is mostly from the liberal side of politics and almost an extension of the government. Their credibility has taken a  beating in the last few years. There was a time when the media thought it was its duty to report events as honestly as possible. That idea has mostly vaporized in the recent past. If they believed that their political ideology was the most reasonable  line, you would think that manipulation would be unnecessary. By their actions they must believe their philosophy is losing the debate.