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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Is there a new media giant in the future?




Image result for world satellite system

At present it seems to be only in the discussion stage, but there is a combination of passion, ability and a view of the future that is combining to lead some to believe this idea will become reality.

There have been discussions by some forward thinking entrepreneurs who have the ability and technical resources to form a new media conglomerate that would offer internet and television service, along with original programming, objective news, and documentaries. This and its affiliates would also offer social media options, a market place and financial payments. 

It would compete with existing companies and has a view to expand into the many underserved regions of the world.

One unique idea that is being considered is a new way of financing such a huge project. It would be called "The network of the people". It would offer direct investment for all as shareholders in the new company. This would be offered after the details are secure and the company is organized.

This company would have the ability to build and launch its own satellite system. It is rumored that some very able leaders in media, marketing and technology are very excited about this possibility.

Many believe the media and social network is vulnerable to some serious competition.

Possible launch time within the next 30 months.

originally posted 12/10/18, More relevant than ever.

Update, 3/30/22  

There is now open talk by Elon Musk that he sees a need for a free speech alternative to the present choices of social media. His new satellite based internet service, "STARLINK"is now up and running and expanding service by the week. This system could be easily expanded to do everything that the present systems  are doing. He has the financing and he seems to know how to hire competent people. It would be a breath of fresh air for those who believe that freedom of speech is more important to democracy and self government than censorship.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The war on capital.



We are in the process of labeling any accumulation of wealth as an evil and an exploitation of those who have no net worth. Sadly more and more Americans have little or no net worth. Net worth is of course the difference between their assets and their liabilities or debt. Much of this behaviour has been encouraged by recent government decisions. Saving is discouraged, spending and accumulating debt is encouraged.

Historically we have been encouraged in saving a certain amount of our earnings and accumulating money or capital to take care of unexpected emergencies, save to purchase a home or other assets. And God willing, give our children an opportunity for education, maybe help start a business or leave them with an inheritance which has allowed families to grow, and prosper over generations. Capital assets are a great source of stability in ones life. Being without any assets is a very tenuous and insecure situation that can go from bad to worse.  Most people at one time or another have been in that situation. It has historically been accepted that you work and save to avoid getting in that predicament. 

It seems now the new ideology is that we should all rely on the government to supply our basic necessities and accumulating wealth is a symptom of greed, privilege or some other negative term. The government will provide food, housing, education and medical care and we will accomplish this by supplying the resources from our earnings. We no longer need to save and pass on wealth to future generations as the government will take over that role. This pretty much is the basis of socialism. They in effect destroy the need to be responsible and be self reliant.

Every government policy discourages saving. Interest on saved money is now almost non existent. Most elderly depended on savings interest to supplement their retirement. The government has in effect taken over more and more lending with money created with a data entry. Money is continually being devalued by deficit spending making it a losing proposition to save money. Government would be in a very difficult situation if they would have to pay historically normal interest rates on government debt.

As government spending increases they now are going after saved assets, increasing taxes on dividends which are mostly under 3% to begin with.  Again, with the devaluing of the currency it may be losing proposition to buy stocks for dividends. The stock market is booming because there is no alternative to put money to work. Increased taxes on dividends and capital gains may just take away the last investing opportunity. The new ideologs will be happy, because it is in their opinion, immoral to earn money without labor. They also believe it is immoral to pass on wealth to your descendents.

So, while they claim they will only be taxing the rich, these policies will affect every working person in the country. Their savings and pension plans will all be at risk. This will of course be an opportunity for government to save them from financial ruin with more deficit financed government programs.

One thing to remember, the rich did not get that way by being dumb, they have navigated government regulation and adapted. If investing becomes too risky, many can just quit and live off what they have, this will take money out of the system and create less government revenue. Of course, the next step by government will be annual asset taxes, this will be followed by a flight from paper assets to hard assets, one can put in the basement. This is when it it all implodes and everyone will be entering a period of decline and survival.

Originally published 5/5/21

We now hear the Democrats are indeed hoping to tax assets, unrealized capital gains, making inheritance taxes to be paid on capital gains from when acquired. This is actually just confiscation of wealth, which they don't believe anyone should be able to acquire. While they claim it is only on the very rich, these ideas always soon pertain to everyone. 

Everyone who has saved and been responsible hope to pass on what they no longer need to their families. This is a no no in Marxist theology.  People worked and paid taxes on the money used to acquire these assets, did they really grow in value, or have they just increased in dollars due to government induced inflation. Now they want you to pay tax on the increased dollar price.

If someone bought a stock when they worked at a company for $30 a share in 1970 and now it is $130 has it grown in real dollar buying power, not likely, but now they want to tax $100 of this asset, before your heirs can have access to this. All in an effort to discourage saving, investment and personal responsibility and to encourage being dependent on the state. This just more vote buying and increasing the power of the government over the power of people. Beware, it will end in chaos and poverty for everyone, except the politically connected.


Today, taxing wealth and assets is now back, after traveling to Europe and handing out money as if it was candy, someone has to come up with money. Of course, the so called rich is an easy target. Problem is, we will all soon be the rich.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Of course, regime change IS U.S. policy.


EXCEPT FROM 2016-2020

Much is being made of Joe Biden's comment that Putin must not be allowed to be in power in Russia. He is only stating what has been U.S. policy for the last 20 years, except during the Trump years. Sanctions have always been a tool to create chaos and dissent in a country and hope that the citizens will overthrow the existing government. This has been the overriding foreign policy of the United States in the Obama years and now again in the Biden administration. It is all the same people in both administrations who are the architects of this policy.

Once the dissent turns into outright revolution, then they use social media to fan the flames and then supply arms and even surrogate fighters to further the goal of regime change. This is a policy that we witnessed in Ukraine in 2014, also in Egypt, Syria and Tunisia. The U.S. also meddled in the Russian elections of 2011 and later in the elections in Israel under the Obama administration. It is very likely they they also attempted these policies in Georgia,  Chechnya and Kazakhstan. Today most everyone is aware of these policies except the citizens of the United States.

The Bush administration just used the fear of weapons of mass destruction as an excuse to overthrow the government of Iraq, by using raw military power. Since then it seems a more subtle approach works without the use of military power. 

Many of our allies were alarmed at Biden's statement, because most would like to see a negotiated resolution to the Ukraine crisis. It is very likely that the U.S. state department would rather have a long drawn out conflict that weakens Russia and places Putin in a position that there is actually a revolution in Russia to remove him from power. While media cooperates in fanning the flames of dissent in Russia and stokes the emotions in favor of war with Russia, it is a very dangerous gamble.

It has always been a weakness of political people when they have the mindset that their opposition thinks in the same fashion as themselves. They must be able to put themselves in the position of their opposition to be able to understand their point of view. When they cannot do this, errors of policy can lead to disaster.

So far, Russia has not retaliated against the west. While some may assume that they have no ability to do so, it is false idea. The change in attitude of Russia since the Ukraine revolution in 2014 is when they fully understood that there is no place in the present economic and political system for Russia without it being subservient to the United States economic, social and political demands. The result is really an existential conflict between the United States and Russia.

Ukraine is just another battle field with surrogate fighters to further the hope of regime change in Russia. While the political thinkers in Washington are sure that no one would ever use nuclear weapons, even when they feel their existence is threatened, is a false way of thinking. There are numerous nations that would do so, Russia, Israel,China and Iran are just a few and possibly even the USA.

This conflict could have been avoided, by just some humility and empathy for the concerns of others, but it was an arrogant elitist attitude that had the opinion that we had the power and others will submit to our demands. Time may be running out, as soon the opposition may decide that there is no solution unless complete submission is given. If that decision is made it will not be an escalation, but an all out battle for survival.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

"New World Order", 1991 vs 2022



Joe Biden reached back in history to again use the phrase "New World Order" to describe the unified alliance of the western countries against Russia. He touted that this new order would be lead by the United States. While this phrase was used originally by Woodrow Wilson shortly after WW1 as an indication of a promised period of peace, it was followed within 2 decades by WW2.  It was again used by George Bush on Sept. 11. 1990, this was followed by 30 years of death, destruction and regime change brought about the idea that 1 nation or a group of nations could fashion the world in the image of their desire through power politics.

The dream of controlling other countries by an all powerful alliance of countries is a dream in the making for over 100 years. Its record while often touted, has a very mixed result, especially when viewed from the prism of those countries who have been the object of that control. 

It is clear that the alliance that orchestrated the treaty of Versailles set the stage for WW2 which led to the greatest volume of death and destruction in human history.

Shortly after Bush's infamous touting of this "New World Order" we witnessed the intrigue, manipulation and power politics of regime change for the next 30 years. A policy that destroyed almost every government in the middle east, killed a million civilians and created the biggest migration and population  displacement since WW2, and it continues today. 

The world has changed dramatically since Bush made his famous proclamation.

In 1991, the Soviet Union was no longer a threat to world peace, it was the end or maybe just a suspension of the advance of world communism. The New Russian federation was working to find its place in the world and hoped to incorporate into the world economy. Today, in 2021 it is more alienated and separated from the western world than ever. Today's Russia is actually a product of Bush's new world order.

In 1991, China was still a third world developing country it was not a threat to the western world either economically or militarily. Today it may be the most dominant manufacturing country ever and is also becoming a world military power.

In 1991, the middle east countries were divided and unaware of the dangers from this New World Order. Today they are aware and more unified among themselves in an effort to stay clear of dangerous alliances that can only put them into the middle of global power politics. They are on their way to actually forming their alliance of neutrality from the rest of the world.

Today we see others who at one time had a great deal of trust and admiration for the United States clearly wary of becoming entangled into this New World Order. Mostly in fear that they will become and object of the order's attention in the future. You can count India, South Africa and others who are resisting becoming part of a global alliance and hoping to live as neutral countries.

Then there is the United States, the leader of this "New World Order" In 1991, probably the the world's leader in manufacturing, finance and entertainment. A positive image in the world, including with the new Russian federation. Many of our capitalist industries copied by the New China. A country with a  history of trust and fair play that was an asset better than money. Today that has mostly all been thrown away in the quest of using the position as the only superpower to fashion the world for the benefit of, it is not clear who. A military that was feared, because it was an unknown entity that was seldom used.

No longer a manufacturing economy, but consumer economy, paid for with ever depreciating dollars generated by an government who believes there is no limit to deficit spending. Divided into opposing camps of those who long for the United States of old and those who are hell bent on transforming the country into a third world type socialist disaster. A product of this new world order that no longer recognizes the rights of individuals, but instead touts the benefits to an all powerful government and new society, that desires to destroy an vestige of religion, morality and the family and replaced it with a disgusting society where the government defines what is right and wrong. Dissent is to be crushed by censoring, shunning, cancelling and denouncing now, and you can bet by violence in the future. 

A divided country is a weak country. If we objectively take stock of our country we are a shadow of our former self. We are not trusted by much of the world, we are not respected by much either. We still have the power of force and free money, but even that is now becoming in question. 

Yes, it appears we are on the verge of a "New world order", but I believe it will not be the alliance of 1991, but a new alliance made up of the manufacturing, natural resource wealthy countries with young eager populations who are focused on transforming work into wealth and watching the self orchestrated decline of the former. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Goodbye hot war, Hello cold war or maybe not.




Have the architects of our foreign policy decided that Americans are tired of the last 30 years of middle east war and it is time to refocus on a new money sucking endeavor? While many have been demonizing and poking at Russia for some time, they have now added China, at least in a half hearted way, as our new adversary. 

Donald Trump viewed China as an economic threat, mostly by creating an environment of lost American jobs and dependence on China for many of our necessities. There was much push-back by the corporate world who was making trillions on cheaply produced goods being sold for high prices in the western world. Trump also proposed bettering relations with Russia.

China's prosperity is a creation of American diplomacy. We were willing to allow them to sell us the proverbial rope to hang ourselves. The Chinese now feel that they have come very close to fulfilling this goal. China could be dealt with by restraining our dependence on Chinese products and encouraging home grown competition to Chinese goods. A new cold war will add a new dimension of profit alongside continuing to import Chines products.

Russia on the other hand was not destined to be our enemy. Russia is an easy target since many were still living in the cold war days and no one was making any money on Russian goods or investment. When the Soviet Union disbanded, much of it in the hope of incorporating into the world economy, the United States was not viewed as an enemy by the Russian people nor much of their leadership. They welcomed advice on transforming their economy into a free market. They negotiated dozens of arms reduction treaties. They no longer supported the expansion of communism around the world. They allowed the reunification of Germany.

Even when we reneged on our promise that we would not expand Nato, they hoped to become part of and accepted into the world community.

We then expanded Nato from 15 countries to 30, including many former Warsaw pact countries. In effect we have literally surrounded Russia with Nato members. While Russia complained about this expansion, it did little to push back until we engineered the Ukrainian revolution with the goal of including Ukraine, on the border of Russia, as a Nato member and taking their only warm water port, Sevastopol, and making it a NATO naval base. This is was the end of Russian passivity and has now ushered in an era of becoming our enemy.

Our genius foreign policy specialists squandered the opportunity to actually have Russia as an ally, as they actually were in the fight against terrorism and have cooperated in other areas. Now we actually forced Russia to do business with China, Iran and other adversaries. Since the continuous and false allegations against Russian interference in our internal affairs, which we have engaged in their part of world, Russia is now likely to take an active role in making the world more difficult for the U.S.

Russia does not have to match us weapon for weapon, but can use its cyber capabilities to in effect neutralize many of our expensive and sophisticated weapons. It can also just make our lives more difficult without making any overt hostile acts. Russia is a creation of our own foreign policy.

At the same time we see this administration withdrawing missile defense assets from Saudi Arabia and kissing up to Iran, a country that continues to chant death to America, and they mean it. 

It appears we are setting the stage for a new global cold war that we most likely lack the resources to engage in. Are we going to actually increase our military budget for new high tech weapons and provide trillions of dollars to our perceived allies?

As we watch the incompetence and delsional view of the world from this current administration, it is likely that they will blunder into a predicament that they will not be able to spin themselves out of.

Originally published 9/17/21


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Lets see the transcripts of Biden's calls with Zelensky and Xi Jinping.



It is interesting that now that Biden is president, the leaks from the National security team have all been plugged. The whistleblower/traitors are now all retired and living well. I guess they fulfilled their role in the service of the country or whoever they work for.

It would be interesting to learn what Biden has been telling Zelensky for the last few months. What was his instruction in the lead up to this war? What was his advice since the beginning of the war? Is he still telling him to just hang on, that the He will take care of him? Is he still assuring him that the calvary is on the way? Or is telling him that the people of Ukraine are just so much collateral damage in the big picture war between the U.S. and Russia. It is likely we will never see the transcripts of Biden's communications with anyone.

Then there is the much anticipated call with the president of China, we hear how Biden told him there will be consequences if he does not condemn Russia. I guess Xi is really worried now. What exactly are the possible consequences? Are we going to stop buying things from China? Good luck with that. If anyone is giving warnings it is likely Xi warning Biden. Be careful, or we will cut off your essential goods and may even expose all the money they funneled through Hunter. It is clear who has the leverage in this relationship and who has the ability to do damage to who.

So, the era of leaks of communication are over, it must be that they just have a much tighter ship. The reality is they are all on the same ship, just continuing the steady decline of the country, both materially, morally and socially. Putting in place the infrastructure for the new America after the orchestrated collapse.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Jets for Ukraine, more political posturing



We continue to hear all the political opportunists declare that Ukraine should be provided with more aircraft. Problem is, Ukraine now has around 60 fighter jets that they are not flying. This is probably because Russia has good air defenses around their troops and they would most likely be shot down in short order. No one has yet explained how 30 more would change the equation. If considered, it is clear that this is just another opportunity to draw the U.S. and NATO into this conflict. U.S. politicians know better, but they cannot resist the sound bite or video clip.

We are continually bombarded with images of the horrors of war. Some real, some manufactured, all in an attempt to draw others to the rescue of Ukraine's perilous situation. We have heard of the dangers of Russia controlling nuclear power plants, that there could be another Chernobyl melt down. Of course, we are to believe that is just what Russia would want. 

We are continuously led to believe that Russia is intentionally targeting civilian targets. This may be true, but if you arm civilians and have them firing from civilian positions they are now fair targets by the rules of war. Again, war is hell and the longer it goes the more people will die.

It is also clear that the hope of our leaders is that the war continues for a very long time, all in the hope that Russia and Putin will be damaged. Hopefully damaged to extinction. The Ukrainians are the collateral damage in this power play between the U.S. and Russia.

We also hear that we are sending more arms to the rescue of the Ukrainians. We were able to get arms into Afghanistan by mule and on human backs, much of through thousands of miles of remote terrain. I am not convinced that is possible in this situation. I am sure Russia has ways of knowing were and when these supplies will be entering the country, it is inconceivable that there will not be a serious effort to interdict these supplies.

Finally, although many have died in the last weeks, the solution for Ukraine has not changed, they could prosper as an independent, non-aligned country, able to trade with whoever they like, both to the east and the west. As long as they are a chess piece in an east/west struggle, their future will remain uncertain. Will the whole country have to be destroyed before their leaders can make decisions in the best interest of their citizens.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

TRUST, a fragile commodity.



We are continually being bombarded with appeals to increase vaccination compliance. It seems the more insistent the appeals, the more apprehension is aroused. I often hear, why do they want it so much? What is the ulterior motive? It seems today, much of the population assumes that whatever the government wants and is conveyed by the media has an ulterior political motive. The cynicism is at an all time high. It is all a matter of Trust or lack thereof.

So, I can assume if one raises questions about trust in government and the media, you must be a Trump supporter or a delusional conspiracy theorist. We are told if you don't trust what they are peddling, you have a problem, you are misguided, you are an aberration. I suspect distrust of the government and media is far more widespread than anyone can imagine. 

Disrespecting someones wariness of government and media proclamations will actually increase and widen distrust. Trust is indeed a fragile commodity. Ask anyone who has witnessed infidelity in a relationship. Forgiveness is given after repentance, but trust is only restored after decades of good behaviour. We have never, nor do we expect to see repentance from government agencies or the media for the blatant lies they have been telling for the last 5 years.

Do you still believe that Trump is a Russian agent? Do you still believe that the government did not engage in a myth for political purposes? Do you actually believe that most government agencies are not politically compromised? Do you believe that many judges actually rule on the law and constitution or are politically biased in their decisions? Can anyone who believes these things be convinced by force to not believe them? 

Does anyone any longer believe the stories relayed by anonymous sources? Yet at the same time we are told to reject testimony from sworn witnesses. 

The major media is no longer a watchdog on government, but any ally, why would anyone not suspect that everything they tell us is political propaganda?

Endlessly crying wolf really does lose its effectiveness, even when there may be a wolf.

Now we hear blatant open consideration from the Biden administration to ally with social media to block any discussion or stories they determine to be misinformation. We can assume this will be anything that questions their policy.

Do you democrats support that kind of authoritarianism? The same thing you falsely accused the last administration for doing. 

If you want to see a perfect example of a fascist cooperation between government and the media, it is right before your eyes everyday. 

Originally published 7/20/21,   

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Hey, Romney and friends, you have the power to declare WAR



We hear a continuous litany of congressional backbenchers, showing how tough they are or would be if they were president. A lot of hot air, and one good reason that none of them should ever be president. That goes for Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham and host of others. This list would also include lots of has been military and intelligence officers, all who get paid to bloviate on the present circumstances in Ukraine. They would all be much tougher in supplying Ukraine so they could defeat Russia. Not one of them dare talk about a serious resolution that could have been had if only they had a little empathy and less hubris concerning how the world should be ruled.

I am no fan of Joe Biden, I believe he and his advisers could have prevented this war, if only they had an original thought and open mind in the consideration of Putin's concerns with the national security of Russia. Today any such discussion must be the result of Russian sympathizers, this applies to anyone who questions the wisdom of our foreign policy.  A foreign policy that has killed near a million and displaced tens of millions in the last 3 decades.  A foreign policy that must be defended as, so righteous and just. 

Back to the backbenchers, they have positions in Congress, and Congress has the power to declare war, why dont they put up or shut up and put forth a declaration of war if they are so tough? It easy to spew hot air all over the airways, less easy to actually put their reputations on the line. They are all hot air and I hope that the voters remember them when it come to the next election.

It is very sad and creates a lot of emotional empathy from watching the destruction of Ukraine every day on national Television. The Ukrainian people are taking the brunt of this conflict between global power centers. They truly are the victims. It is unlikely that the real cause of this conflict will be considered, It is just white hats against black hats.

While the death and suffering in Ukraine is terrible, it is insignificant when compared to the death and suffering in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan and a host of counties that we have saved from themselves.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

More damage from U.S. Bipolar foreign policy.



It is with some amazement that we see a U.S. delegation travel to Venezuela to meet with the unacknowledged president Nicolas Maduro. While there are denials that it was about possibly lifting sanctions to increase U.S. access to Venezuelan oil, no one, especially Venezuela's neighbors, believe that is true. What does this administration believe will be the conclusion of all those neighbors we have coaxed, intimidated and threatened to support the U.S. position in their view of our reliability in the future?

While our flip-flopping on Venezuela is a serious problem, it is overshadowed by our relations with the gulf countries. One of the first acts of this administration was the suspension of sales of missile defense systems to Israel, Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries. These were an important defense system to counter missile attacks from Iran, and their proxy Yemen. It helped Israel protect itself from missile attacks from Gaza.

This decision, coupled with the rush to re-implement the Iran Nuclear deal that would give the Iranians the right to nuclear weapons in as little as 5 years has undoubtedly raised the question, is the U.S. is a reliable partner? The snubbing of calls to these countries by this administration is an indication of their concern.

It has been acknowledged that this administration is considering removing sanctions on Iran with the hope of having access to Iranian oil. A country whose motto is " Death to America" A country who refuses to engage in face to face negotiations with the U.S. A country who still vows to eliminate Israel as a country. This is considered a more reliable partner than decades of cooperation by other nations in the region. Oh, what polls on domestic policy will do to the U.S. foreign policy.

Right now, Russia is the top enemy and any policy change that facilitates the diminishing of this enemy seems to supersede any alliances of the past. We hope that soon this present crisis will pass for the well being of the Ukrainian people. How long, if ever, will it take to mend the damage done in the rush for political expediency. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Is Kiev a distraction from the real fighting.



While there has been a lot of speculation about a column of trucks and equipment north of Kiev, it is not likely that there will be a war for the capital. Not a war in the usual sense, but eventually it will probably be more like a medieval siege, where the electric, gas, water and communications are cut off and the city will be waited out.

In the meantime the war in the south and east is moving forward, slowly, but it is entering a stage were some of these targets will be falling. Again, it is unlikely that there is a plan to control the whole country or even to overthrow the existing government. It will likely end with a partition of Ukraine into two Ukraines. 

If you look at the map and look at the Dnieper river it may be the future dividing line, everything east of the Dnieper will be Eastern Ukraine. In the south it will then extend west to near Odessa, it may or may not include Odessa. The southern part is mostly already under control. The distance from the eastern border to the Dnieper is not all that far once those cities presently under siege surrender.

As far as Kiev, it is not clear that it will be part of the East or West, but will be encircled and cut off, at least until a negotiated settlement is reached. 

While many hope that Ukraine will win this war, it is pivotal for Russia to not let that happen. In their mind they must win no matter the cost to lives and property. This is really a proxy war between Russia and the United States.  Ukraine is just the battlefield. The Ukrainian people are just so much collateral damage.

This is just part of a showdown that has been under way since 2008, when the U.S. planned NATO expansion to the borders of Russia. While Russia has been severely damaged economically the damage to the world economy is not yet known. Russia has not yet used some the resources at its disposal nor cut off gas to western Ukraine and Europe. 

You can bet there is more communication between Washington and Moscow than is made public. It is probably clear that any expansion of this war will not be taken out on Warsaw, Berlin or Paris. The real  expansion will probably be the coastal cities of the USA. While to Americans this may seem far fetched,  we are really in WW3 now. It is presently all out economic and political war, it is not a huge leap to an all out hot war.

It is time for real diplomats to be considering the consequences of the direction of this conflict, rather than stoking the emotional necessity for all out war. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Russia China alliance a product of failed U.S. foreign policy.



We recently have watched as Communist China has openly aligned itself with Russia. This is the culmination of the decades old failed policy of the United States.

The friendly overtures to China which began 50 years ago were partly intended to be a way of isolating the communist Soviet Union. It was also hoped that if they experienced the benefits of capitalism and free trade that they would become a good member of the world community. Both those objectives were realized until the Soviet Union broke up and there was a change in the world political environment. The  policy was now in need of a rethinking and it seems it all became overshadowed by economic opportunity and no clear direction.

The Soviet Union was at that time no longer a military threat. It was an opportunity for much improved world political relations. Remember, the much touted peace dividend, the U.S. almost balanced its budget, something that will now look like a dream indeed.

At a time of increase environmental and other regulations on business, China was in a position to provide lower cost products not only to the U.S. but to the world. In the U.S. building a plant, going through all the hoops just to get it built and under production and then dealing with more taxes, regulation and labor problems was becoming an ever increasing risky proposition. It was much more enticing to be able to engineer a product, get bids from China on production and delivery and skip all the mine fields here in the USA. Then the product could be distributed from a warehouse here. Obsolescence and a change in demand could be dealt with much more efficiently and with less risk.

The U.S. made China into the greatest manufacturing center in the world, while we let our ability to manufacture fall into disrepair. It was all a matter of huge profits of buying from a third world producer and selling to a wealthy developed country. Simple economics. 

At the same time Russia engaged with the west, negotiated nuclear treaties for the downsizing of nuclear weapons. Financial experts helped them shift from a controlled economy to a free market. There was much cooperation. Russia could have become an ally, but this was taken by the U.S. as an opportunity to consider Russia as insignificant on the world stage and that it was an opportunity to use our only super power status to shape the world in the image of those who thought they knew what was best for the world. We then took a duel effort, to on one hand keep Russia economically and politically isolated and then set out on shaping the world to our design.

The focus then became the middle east. First, encouraging Saddam Hussein to engage in a 10 year war with Iran. Supported and supplied with funding and equipment. When this ended, we baited Saddam by convincing him we would not intervene in any claims he had on Kuwaiti oil fields. This is all available from congressional hearing testimony by April Glaspie ambassador to Iraq. We then proceeded to destroy Saddam's military power. This war and the subsequent stationing of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia led to the 911 attack.   Then the war in Afghanistan.

Next was war with Iraq with intelligence that insisted that there were weapons of mass destruction endangering the world. Then the destruction and occupation of Iraq. Followed by revolution aided by the United States in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Libya, and Ukraine. Both China and Russia were watching. And also the middle east countries were experiencing and taking note of the duel sword of U.S. foreign policy. An ally today but maybe an enemy tomorrow. 

Our dealings with Russia deteriorated into a policy of demeaning, insulting, and disrespect with  accusations based on domestic political advantage. This coupled with a policy of NATO expansion and positioning of weapons on the Russia border has culminated in the destruction of Ukraine. Who very well was encouraged by our policy experts to never negotiate or give 1 inch to Russia. Did Ukraine believe we would back them up?

Trump's voiced hope of de escalating tensions with Russia was met with vitriol and outrage by the opposition and our foreign policy experts to the point they hoped they could force him from office. At the same time he engaged with China with a civil, friendly and respectful approach to create equality in trade rules with China. This was met as fear of reducing profits of U.S. special interests.

Our policy with China is now becoming similar to that of Russia, thinking that insulting disrespecting and minimizing China will force them to bend to our demands. The best solution to dealing with China is to make the U.S. homeland a competitive and lucrative place to do business rather than a nightmare of hoop jumping, taxes and regulation. 

China, Russian and  the middle eastern countries have watched how are foreign policy has destabilized the civilized world. Our belief that we can buy friends with grants and other monetary enticements without the trust and relationship to back it up are failing.  We have now, by our policy, created an adversary that we will find very challenging to deal with. Will there be a change to real diplomacy or a doubling down of these failed policies?

Monday, March 7, 2022

Total economic war will have much collateral damage.



Due to the West's frustration at not being able to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine, they have now embarked on a scorched earth policy to punish Russia. While these sanctions will damage Russia, no one, and I do believe no one, has calculated what the cost is going to be to the rest of the world.

We have been told for decades that the Russian economy is just a fraction of the United States economy. That Russia is an insignificant part of the world economy. Many believe that a nation should be judged by it's GDP.  I occasionally remind my children that the two most important physical things are having enough food and being able to keep warm in winter. Cell phones, entertainment and stuff soon become insignificant when these things are not available.

Today, we see that the Euro has dropped significantly against the U.S. dollar, the medium of exchange for oil and many commodities. This coupled with the increased cost of energy has made Europe especially vulnerable. It is reported that some business's have actually already closed due to the fact that energy costs have made them unprofitable. Diesel is priced as though there is no supply. European stock markets are plummeting.

It has been touted that huge decline in the ruble will cause economic disaster for Russia. This decline is only relevant to goods priced in dollars and imported into the country. The west has mostly stopped the sale of western goods to Russia. The oil that they continue to sell to the world is priced in dollars, so they are in effect getting more rubles for their oil than they were before. They are only penalized when they purchase imported goods. Gas and diesel in Russia is under $2.00 gal. It is also reported that Russian oil is being discounted to favored buyers, which will give them an economic advantage over western companies.

Oil this morning in the U.S. closed at $124. a barrel and wholesale gas without tax or costs is at $3.72 a gallon, this will translate to around  $4.69 a gal. in Pennsylvania,, more in N.Y. and California. Heating oil is at  $4.07, this will translate to $4.49 to $4.99 a gal. delivered. I saw diesel prices yesterday at $5.49. Electric costs will also be rising dramatically.

The real estate bust of 2008 was triggered by $4.00 gas. Many people buy with the view they can make the payment, but when expenses that cannot be eliminated rise by double digits, they often find they can no longer make the payments.

This was when food was not an issue. Food was rising in price and scarcity before this war. It is now going to go critical. No country will be immune except those which are not dependent on foreign food, which today may be no one. Wheat has already risen by 44% on the world market. Same goes for most all food commodities. Russia and Ukraine are biggest producers of Wheat. There will not be any planting or harvest in Ukraine this year. This morning all food commodities have risen sharply.

This coupled with the largely unknown fact that Russia is the biggest source of nitrogen fertilizer, which is already in short supply in the U.S. and prices are expected to possibly quadruple. Planting is to begin in the U.S. in weeks and some farmers are considering not planting due to the cost of getting the plants in the ground.

We hear the U.S. is expected to embargo the purchase of Russian oil and gas. While it may be a feel good response to Ukraine it will result in $6.00 gas and $7.00 diesel and home heating oil.  It may also usher in lowered allocations to distributors which may see some running out of gas. I would expect that may be offset by a drop in demand in the coming weeks. You can also expect this government to consider price controls which could end in rationing.

We expect truckers will want to be assured of increased compensation before they load and transport anything, very likely starting this week.

We also hear that longshoremen want to refuse unloading goods from Russian ships, this will mostly be important agriculture commodities like fertilizer and potash which will end up with more strain on the food supply.

We see most U.S. companies pulling all activity out of Russia, this will translate to write offs and loses that may translate into defaults for some financial institutions. These services will likely be replaced by Chinese and Indian companies.

These energy prices will translate into double digit inflation, some business closings, possible layoffs and a possible plunge into an incalculable decline. An economy that has debt levels never before seen in human history can not withstand a severe economic decline.

I could go on with more repercussions of this economic war, but suffice to say an economy that is largely made up of insignificant products that do not satisfy the need for the basic necessities of life is a very vulnerable economy. It is likely that the financial and trade world will never return to what we consider normal. Having enough food and keeping warm in winter are the most important things for physical life.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Dangerous calls for NATO intervention increase.



Watching the news can be dangerous to your health. It does give you a window into the mind set of some our legislators and experts. One Florida representative stated that we needed to demand Russian surrender and the confiscation of their nuclear weapons. Many have demanded NATO intervention because the Russians are committing war crimes. There are calls from many to give the Ukranians air support. Then there is the new danger of a destroyed nuclear power plant. All in an effort to put pressure on the NATO members to take military action in Ukraine.

It is way too late to stop this war. Many of these same people po-poed Russia's concerns about NATO expansion and their belief that they were being encircled by a imposing military alliance. We have heard all the reports of Putin's desire to reconstitute the Soviet Union. We have heard all the analysis that he is certifiably crazy. Lindsey Graham has stated on TV encouraging the assassination of Putin by the Russian people. All this will likely just escalate the timeline and the death of more Ukrainians. This war will not end until it is complete. 

Then we hear that the west must forget about economic peril and embargo all import of Russian oil. Germany stated if they did it would end in economic disaster and social unrest. So far, western leaders, including Biden have decided that will just spread this disaster from Ukraine to the whole western world. While denying Russia sale of fuel to the west would likely be an inconvenience to Russia, they would still have a market in enough of the world to get by. The west would be plunged into an economic collapse that would be compounded by high debt levels and revealing of all the underlying financial insecurities.

The best hope would be a negotiated peace as soon as possible. A peace that would not include a narrative of a Russian defeat. Hopefully, a deal could be made within the framework originally proposed before the war. If after this war is concluded it will have only 1 side to make all the terms. 

We also see an economic escalation by seizing assets of, so called Russian oligarchs. This could be a very dangerous idea, as we have oligarchs too, like Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos. Are we going to create an environment were they will no longer be able to travel freely without looking over their shoulder for some retaliation. These kind of actions should be going through some legal process not just a proclamation from heads of state.

While bloviating solutions on TV may be considered tough talk on Russia or appealing to their constituents that they are a strong leader it will do nothing to help the Ukrainian people. Leadership needed to be done in the past when it may have been unpopular. Leadership that would continue with energy independence and diplomacy of the highest order.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Pivotal moment in world economic and political history.



It is obvious that the post cold war era is now over. This is an era were the United States was relegated to the role of the only remaining superpower. It was an opportunity to spread democracy and freedom around the world. It could have been successful, if by example and statesmanship we could have persuaded the world that we had the answers to prosperity and peace. Looking back we can objectively conclude that this era was a failure to move the world into a era of peace and trust. While the United States was the beacon of freedom and opportunity, the world has watched as it has moved to era of authoritarianism, censorship and the demonization and punishment of political opposition.

While the Ukraine war is the latest symptom of the real economic and political war that never really ended it is likely to be the pivotal moment were the divisions will be deeper and be possibly permanent. 

We see now that Russia is being intentionally relegated to a separate place in the world community. Most will claim that is the result of their aggressive actions in Ukraine. The policy of pushing Russia out of the western world economy has been ongoing for 20 years. It is now just blatant and obvious. Russia has understood this for at least the last 10 years, and now feels that they will engage in aggression to support their interests as the other super power has been doing for 30 years.

While the western world, Europe and the United States and the NATO members have been unified in their opposition to Russia on one side. We also see the other half of the world population is not so sure that they trust or feel secure in joining into this coalition. Many would be happy to stay out of the business of economic or political alliances whereby they lose their freedom to make choices in the best interests of their citizens. Trust is a fragile thing and many no longer feel that they trust the decisions of these alliances to be in their best interest.

China, while not a real ally of Russia is in some ways in the same political alienated boat. They have been considering for some time an alternative economic system not grounded in the United States dollar. They have also been engaging in a policy of  economic colonization of many countries with resources. 

The Middle East countries, which have all suffered from aggressive regime change policy in their region are reluctant and also interested in an alternative economic system. They are often feel cheated by selling their oil in exchange for ever devalued U.S. dollars. U.S. inflationary spirals in the past is what created OPEC. This coupled with the U.S. support of the nuclear deal with Iran for oil is very dangerous.

Even Israel is uncomfortable tying their future to just one source of support.

India, a neighbor of Russia with a positive relationship, is fearful of taking any irreversible move to join a political or an economic side.

While in today's world any positive view of our perceived enemies is considered treasonist, Russia under Putin has been engaging in a diplomatic campaign around the world that has created a positive view and trust with many countries not part to the European coalition. Many of those countries do not view Russia as a threat.

At the same time, the U.S.  policy of regime change around the world has created a entrenched fear and distrust in many countries. This coupled with out insistence on social revolution in Muslim and other religious orientated societies has left the world with a void of a desire to form lasting alliances with the United States. Much of the support for cooperation has been based on positive economics of that cooperation. Many may now view that as a fragile situation in the future.

The hope of the United States foreign policy is to crush Russia into submission, regime change, and allow them to dictate economic and political policy.  

While this may be a possible outcome, the fact is that world is now forever to be changed. The United States has a strong, but fragile, influence on European politics, but a diminishing power in many parts of the world. The United States has been the overwhelming source of economic power since WW2. It was once the arsenal of freedom, but now is dependent on much of the world for basic necessities.

I don't know what the world will look like with 2 economic and political alliances. Can they be cooperative alliances or must they become adversaires for resources, influence and social values?

Note: I want to make it clear I am not an apologist for Russia, but feel I am an observer, who believes there is a need for an objective view, void of the propaganda and misinformation everywhere. My analysis may not be perfect, but it is an opposing view that everyone who believes in free speech should  defend. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Sad times for Ukrainian people.



Watching the coverage of the Ukrainian war it doesn't take long to see that the emphasis of the media and our intelligence people is on the hoped for destruction of Vladimir Putin more than the well being of the Ukrainian people. We hear them hoping for a long protracted conflict that will take a toll on the political future of Putn, not considering that it will costs thousands of Ukranian lives. 

The best outcome would be a quick negotiated peace that would preserve the infrastructure and lives of the citizens of Ukraine. It is very unlikely that Ukraine can prevail in this conflict. While it is too early for any real negotiated settlement, it should be the focus of everyone. 

It is clear this conflict has placed Ukraine in the middle of an EAST/WEST conflict that could have been avoided, but is now past that time. Hopefully it can come to an end without the complete destruction of the infrastructure of Ukraine. Prolonging this warfare will set Ukraine back decades.

While it may be damaging to Russia and Putin, that will be decided in the years after this conflict ends. It will not be decided by the spin and continued vehement hate and division stoked by the media and the intelligence community.

The idea of small countries continually having to take sides in the big power conflicts of the cold war days should be a thing of the past. It is the small countries that usually take the destruction and loss of lives and are never winners. Continually having to make decisions not in the best interest to their freedom and prosperity to please the powers on both sides of these struggles.

WW1 was the result of alliances that required assistance from neighboring countries without much regard to a reasoned settlement. Once set in motion they take on a life of their own and any hope of de escalation ends. Obviously, we have not learned anything in 100 years.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

What is the state of the Union?



So tonight, Joe Biden, will give his first State of the Union address. Will it also be his last?  We can expect a description of the country that is not based on reality, but a manufactured story that will be sworn to by most of the media. We can also expect that rather than unity it will be hard to resist a shot at his political opposition.

While the country may be united for their compassion and support for the people of the Ukraine, the country has made little progress in Biden's first year as president.

Lets start with Ukraine, Biden's first act after being sworn in was to target fossil fuel production in the cause of global warming. He stopped pipelines, drilling and has gone as far as encouraging banks not to provide investment money to fossil fuel producers. Just another fascist collusion way above his authority.  The result is oil prices soaring to near $100 a barrel and that was before the Ukraine crisis.

The increase in world oil prices created a desperate situation in Europe, which had made the decision to shut down their nuclear plants, close their coal production and depend on wind farms in the north sea. When there was not the hoped for production from these wind farms, Europe became dependent on Russian gas which now supplies 40% of European energy.

The Ukrainian crisis has been brewing for over 8 years and really longer. There was no effort by anyone to address the complaints of Russia concerning NATO expansion and missiles on their border. Biden's response was to immediately inform the world that the U.S. and NATO would not militarily intervene in this dispute. This was his first mistake, while he should not have promised military intervention, there is something called "Strategic Ambiguity" a strategy that could have put some doubt into Russian plans.. 

Then he publicly stated that there may be little response for a  "minor incursion".  Another policy error that encouraged a military dispute. 

Then he killed any hopes of a negotiated settlement by insisting that there would never be any compromise of NATO on expansion or positioning of missiles on the Russian border.

Make no mistake, this dispute is not about  a concern for the wellbeing of the citizens of Ukraine, it is result of the long standing dispute over economic and political power of major counties and their allies.

Sometime I wonder if our Intelligence and state department geniuses wanted in fact to bait Russia into this conflict in an effort to crush Russia once and for all. A high stakes game of Russian roulette.

The rise in oil prices coupled with massive amounts of government spending and social stimulus resulted in the highest inflation in 40 years. It also resulted in the inability of the economy to have enough qualified workers which is beginning to result in shortages of food, cars and basic necessities. 
It is a cycle that looks like it will only get much much worse.

He immediately reversed policies and laws to control a literal invasion across the southern border. An influx of unskilled labor that will put a strain on social services, health care and create instability in many states.

He has presided over a party that has targeted law enforcement and now crime is becoming a crisis in most democrat ruled cities. His administration has engaged in and encouraged political prosecutions of his opponents.

His response to the pandemic was just so much authoritarian mandates, while dismissing science data that contradicted his authoritarian approach. His administration silenced any scientific studies or others that attempted to have a reasoned response.

His policies have resulted in a massive decline in the morale of law enforcement and the military. This has resulted in large numbers of retirements and coupled with vaccine mandate firings, will have long lasting negative effects.

He has endorsed social experimentation, racist teaching in schools and even endorsed child abuse by encouraging gender transformation for minors.

Sadly, I can't see one instance of a policy that has resulted in unity. I see no legislation that was not fashioned to increase democrat political power and even nationalize elections. The country is without a doubt the most divided and in the process of entering the worst financial crisis in 40 years. 

I don't recall any president whose policies have done so much damage in just one year.