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Thursday, March 17, 2022

TRUST, a fragile commodity.



We are continually being bombarded with appeals to increase vaccination compliance. It seems the more insistent the appeals, the more apprehension is aroused. I often hear, why do they want it so much? What is the ulterior motive? It seems today, much of the population assumes that whatever the government wants and is conveyed by the media has an ulterior political motive. The cynicism is at an all time high. It is all a matter of Trust or lack thereof.

So, I can assume if one raises questions about trust in government and the media, you must be a Trump supporter or a delusional conspiracy theorist. We are told if you don't trust what they are peddling, you have a problem, you are misguided, you are an aberration. I suspect distrust of the government and media is far more widespread than anyone can imagine. 

Disrespecting someones wariness of government and media proclamations will actually increase and widen distrust. Trust is indeed a fragile commodity. Ask anyone who has witnessed infidelity in a relationship. Forgiveness is given after repentance, but trust is only restored after decades of good behaviour. We have never, nor do we expect to see repentance from government agencies or the media for the blatant lies they have been telling for the last 5 years.

Do you still believe that Trump is a Russian agent? Do you still believe that the government did not engage in a myth for political purposes? Do you actually believe that most government agencies are not politically compromised? Do you believe that many judges actually rule on the law and constitution or are politically biased in their decisions? Can anyone who believes these things be convinced by force to not believe them? 

Does anyone any longer believe the stories relayed by anonymous sources? Yet at the same time we are told to reject testimony from sworn witnesses. 

The major media is no longer a watchdog on government, but any ally, why would anyone not suspect that everything they tell us is political propaganda?

Endlessly crying wolf really does lose its effectiveness, even when there may be a wolf.

Now we hear blatant open consideration from the Biden administration to ally with social media to block any discussion or stories they determine to be misinformation. We can assume this will be anything that questions their policy.

Do you democrats support that kind of authoritarianism? The same thing you falsely accused the last administration for doing. 

If you want to see a perfect example of a fascist cooperation between government and the media, it is right before your eyes everyday. 

Originally published 7/20/21,   


  1. I have been following the Federal Government's news on Covid and it i8s all over the place.Me and My Wife are vaccinated and wear our masks when WE go out

    1. You may also want to remove any US flags and religious articles from your home in case of random searches. Stay safe!

    2. I received My 47th and final radiation treatment Tuesday. The staff and patients were all wearing masks.My Urologist and Oncologist and the V.A. all agree My prostrate cancer was caused by Agent Orange. Who am I to say


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