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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Hey, Romney and friends, you have the power to declare WAR



We hear a continuous litany of congressional backbenchers, showing how tough they are or would be if they were president. A lot of hot air, and one good reason that none of them should ever be president. That goes for Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham and host of others. This list would also include lots of has been military and intelligence officers, all who get paid to bloviate on the present circumstances in Ukraine. They would all be much tougher in supplying Ukraine so they could defeat Russia. Not one of them dare talk about a serious resolution that could have been had if only they had a little empathy and less hubris concerning how the world should be ruled.

I am no fan of Joe Biden, I believe he and his advisers could have prevented this war, if only they had an original thought and open mind in the consideration of Putin's concerns with the national security of Russia. Today any such discussion must be the result of Russian sympathizers, this applies to anyone who questions the wisdom of our foreign policy.  A foreign policy that has killed near a million and displaced tens of millions in the last 3 decades.  A foreign policy that must be defended as, so righteous and just. 

Back to the backbenchers, they have positions in Congress, and Congress has the power to declare war, why dont they put up or shut up and put forth a declaration of war if they are so tough? It easy to spew hot air all over the airways, less easy to actually put their reputations on the line. They are all hot air and I hope that the voters remember them when it come to the next election.

It is very sad and creates a lot of emotional empathy from watching the destruction of Ukraine every day on national Television. The Ukrainian people are taking the brunt of this conflict between global power centers. They truly are the victims. It is unlikely that the real cause of this conflict will be considered, It is just white hats against black hats.

While the death and suffering in Ukraine is terrible, it is insignificant when compared to the death and suffering in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan and a host of counties that we have saved from themselves.

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