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Friday, February 17, 2023

New AP poll, only 23% believe media acts in best interest of country.



The Associated Press has conducted a poll by Gallop and the Knight foundation of the public's view of the media. It is a devastating indictment on how the major media is now perceived by the citizens. 

Only 25% agreed that the media does not intentionally attempt to mislead.

Only 23% believe that the media acts in the best interest of the country.

The years of media complicity in the lies and misinformation purported by agencies of the federal government has taken its toll. Can this view of the media ever be reversed? Does the media or government really care if any one believes them? It seems the attitude is, "so what, what is anyone going to do about it"

Do these 25 and 23%  find it unacceptable for their mental health to question whether they are being lied to or misled. Do they feel more comfortable accepting the lies as just how it is?

Poll also reports that 58% get their news online. 

31% television.

7% radio.

3% print media.

So how did we get to this point in our country, the country which was based on a free and independent press.  Our first amendment supposedly guaranteed freedom of the press and speech. These rights need to be enforced by the government, which is supposed to represent the people. Sadly it seems the government and the media now have been co opted to maintain control by any means possible of their agenda, the will of the people is now irrelevant. This is in fact a world wide phenomena, citizen government is dying a slow but quickening death worldwide.

The lies are now so blatant and non believable that we have now convinced most of the country to distrust the institutions of the country. Many would have you believe that more censorship and control is what is needed. When in fact this lying has been going on and escalating for decades without any accountability.

I will start with the most obvious..

We were compelled to go to war in Iraq by lies concerning both weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq was a supporter of Al Qaeda. Known to be lies at the time.

We, with media collusion have engaged in the overthrow of governments, mostly in the middle east, have cost us trillions of dollars and thousand of our soldiers killed or maimed. It has cost the lives of millions of innocent people and disrupted the social fabric of the middle east and Europe.  Most all of it based on lies.

We were told we could keep our doctor and our insurance and now how many of us still have a trusted  family doctor.

We were led to believe that Donald Trump was in fact a Russian Agent and conspired with Russia to rig the 2016 election. It was all an obvious attempt to force a duly elected president out of office, when it has been proved, that the FBI and others knew this was a lie at the time.

We were told by 51 former intelligence leaders that Hunter Biden's laptop story was Russian disinformation. A lie repeated by most all of the media, some until this day.

We were told that the Russian's hacked the DNC computers to aid Trump, even indicted a dozen Russians, but when they showed up for the hearing, the whole thing was dropped and forgotten by the government and the media. Another lie that is now having serious consequences for our foreign policy.

The corruption between Ukraine and China and the Biden family was swept under the rug and still is being covered up at this time.

We were sold, and led to believe that an untested genetically modified medication was a vaccine, but in effect, it is not, it does not fit the classic definition of a vaccine. They have refused to accept natural immunity. They have refused to offer, real vaccines made in the tested traditional manner. Vaccines that are being used in other parts of the world. Every word was fashioned to prefer one Pharmaceutical company and one method.

We were told that the Russian's blew up the Nord-Stream pipeline that was a joint project of Russia and German investors. When in fact, the United States government at the highest levels conspired to do an unconstitutional act of war, break many international laws and then have the media and the agencies continue to lie. Then when exposed by a real investigative journalist, lie some more and attempt to discredit him.

We have been been exposed to unrelenting narrative to disgrace and defame Russia and to ignore the reality of the Ukraine conflict, how it could have easily been avoided and saved hundreds of thousands of lives. The daily lies continue.

The communications from Twitter, just one source, has proved collusion and collaboration by the federal government and the media to lie, misinform or ignore anything that they want to enhance or shut down.

The latest is the attempt to imply China or aliens are threatening the country, spending millions to shoot down weather balloons and private or scientific balloons to distract from their other lies.

I am sure I missed some lies, these are just those that are fresh in my limited memory. The lies are getting bigger, more obvious and more dangerous. They are going to cost this nation possibly its very existence. How long will the people of this country just consider these lies just part of government and media today. 

Can our government and media be trusted by leaders around the world? Does anyone doubt that the credibility of the federal Government in both domestic and foreign affairs is at an all time low. We can and must do better than this.

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