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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Undemocratic Democrats may be stuck with Biden.



While many have finally realized that Joe Biden is a figurehead president, the reality is there really hasn't been a real Democrat primary since 2008. That was when Barack Obama was able to push Hillary Clinton off of her quest to be president. 

2012 there was no primary and in 2016 is was clear the favorite of the Democrats was Bernie Sanders, but that was irrelevant since even with getting more votes in many primaries Sanders was defeated by a rigged Super-delegate system that was all in for Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton was the endorsed candidate of the bureaucracy and the presumed heir of Barack Obama, actually often publicly stated that it would be Obama's third term. It seemed that between Obama and James Comey, FBI head, it indicated that Hillary was on Obama's leash and would be forced to obey or face indictment on several charges. Hillarys expected victory was cancelled by the populist candidate Donald Trump and all hell broke lose in Washington and around the world. It seemed the new world order was now on hold for four years or until they could force Trump from office.

In 2020, Sanders was again the favorite of the rank and file but it was clear that Joe Biden would be the candidate. After winning the first few primaries by large margins, Biden was able to win in South Carolina and the primary was essentially called in Bidens favor. While Biden seldom left his basement he was able to garner over 80 million votes, an unbelievable number.

In 2024 Robert Kennedy Jr. challenged the incumbent, but the Democrats decided to cancel the primary completely as Biden was going to be the man again, even while the country was struggling in many areas. While there could have been others to take up the challenge we can assume that they would, in effect, be ending their political future.

So here we are, Biden has been exposed as the paper cut out figurehead that he has been since he took the oath of office. We still don't know who is running the country and the country is on the verge of WW3, the end of the dollar dominance and a debt that will likely end in some sort of great reset that could wipe out most of everyone's savings and investments.

No matter, it seems the powers that be, both Democrats and some Republicans believe they can push the fraud again and by hook or by crook, make Biden a two term president. I would not bet a lot of money against them.

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