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Monday, July 1, 2024

Biden fraud exposed live on national television.




Thursday night finally confirmed what many have believed for the last 4 years. Joe Biden is a paper cut-out or figurehead president, he is just a shill for those who are really running this country. Joe Biden wanted to be president so bad, that he sold his soul to insure his legacy for history. As any such fraud should receive its just rewards, it may indeed be a legacy of shame.

The real question is not who will replace Biden for the Democrat party, but who is actually running this country. The leadership of the democrat party knows who is running the country. The media heads know who is running this country. Many of Republican leadership know who is running this country. It is only fair that the American citizens know who is running this country. Whatever investigation needs to be done this fraud needs to be exposed for all the world to see.

The foreign policy of this country has not changed since 1990. It is a foreign policy of threats, intimidation, rĂ©gime change and perpetual war. It has now brought the country to the precipice of WW3 and nuclear Armageddon. While we know that Joe Biden was deeply embroiled in Ukrainian corruption, it was all displayed again on national television, when he threatened to withhold money unless Ukraine fired their prosecutor, he is not the architect of this foreign policy. 

At home, we have seen the intentional avalanche of a migrant invasion unprecedented in this country's history, we can only speculate that is to replace the present population with those more inclined to vote for those who will promise benefits for life, not based on race but on dependence. All for the hope of retaining perpetual political power.

We have witnessed the perversion of the legal system to silence and punish the political opposition. A descent into fascism and third world standards, again, all for the hope of insuring permanent political power.

It appears that there is indeed a behind the scenes unholy alliance of Neo-conservatives who desire world domination and Marxist revolutionaries who desire to destroy what is America and replace it with some neo-feudal system. I doubt that many Americans really want to vote for either reality.

It is clear that the media has been a willing accomplice of this fraud. It is also clear that many highly placed elected officials of both parties know who is really running this country. We can only assume that a combination of sticks and carrots keep them all silent, the age old practice of fear and greed. 

So now we will see the new narrative, how they are concerned for poor old Joe. Maybe even push forth a new cut out or figurehead. You can bet that there will not be any change in policy. They are so close to realizing their goals that they will take the country down before they will relent. We can expect they will double down and keep propping up old Joe or find another willing shill.


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