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Monday, July 22, 2024

Bye, Bye Biden. Is Kamala next?



Joe Biden finally succumbed to the organized effort for him to quit his bid for a second presidential term. It was not about his incompetence, they all knew about that for some time, it was about his drag on the entire Democrat party and their fear that he would lose badly.

While he has endorsed Kamala Harris and many have voiced support, it is unlikely she will be the nominee. Harris was given a chance to show her abilities when she became Vice-President and has failed miserably. In fact, she has appeared to be partaking of a constant diet of rooms maybe with the Treasury secretary. Her speeches and interviews can only be described as uninspiring at best and down right unintelligible at worst. Kamala would bring the kind of excitement that happens with a serious bout of flatulence in a crowded elevator, except rather 3 minutes it would last for 3 months. No one can hold their nose that long.

There will most likely be an open convention with nominations from the floor. It will provide drama, excitement, Kentucky derby suspense. Just what the democrats need in this moment of anxiety. 

One might very well expect, some not heard names popping up and someone who can quell the dissent of the faithful Black delegates. After all, they also may fear a Kamala nomination will not fare much better than Biden and their political futures may also be dimmed.

One could think of say, Eric Holder, a very popular black attorney, former attorney general and a social justice warrior, much more articulate and I expect much smarter and connected than Kamala. He declined to run in 2020. He would satisfy many of the left and would trigger the right in opposition.

He may need to be matched with a Vice Presidential candidate that will bring along the Military industrial war hawks, a role similar to Biden's match with Barack Obama in 2008.

Obama has not yet endorsed Harris and has made noises about an open convention. A convention that provides the drama of numerous votes and behind the scenes deals and arm twisting that Obama and his crew will be able to provide a candidates in days, rather than a divisive primary.

Holder is a favorite of Obama and has been instrumental in reforming the election process that has made it possible to garner 80 million votes for a candidate that rarely left his basement. We will see if it is Holder or someone similar that will emerge as the next Democrat nominee.

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