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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Presidential immunity ruling, correct ruling.



Yesterday we saw the political posturing by Joe Biden, someone who may be in need of presidential immunity, by attacking the current supreme court decision. We hear talk of kings and other claims, but the fact is presidents have always been immune from legal actions concerning their decisions while in office. It does not give them immunity from prosecution from acts that are not part of their duties. 

This all has to do with the attempted prosecution of Donald Trump concerning the riots that occured on Jan. 6, 2021. The "so called" insurrection. The "so called" attempt to overthrow the government.

What actually happened on Jan. 6 was the president, and many others, had very solid reasons to believe that the 2020 election was filled with irregularities. Attempts to have these irregularities investigated were denied by the courts, without ever addressing the concerns. So Jan. 6 was the day that the Vice-President was to certify that these votes were all in fact acceptable and verified. The reality is, votes in Arizona, Nevada and Georgia are still under question with substantial proof of irregularities. Now, some claim that the Vice President cannot not certify this election, which is not true. What would be the purpose of certifying the election, if it is not possible to withhold certification. Not certifying the election would not have overturned the election, but may have been used to further address the irregularities that the courts refused to look into. 

The rally and protest on Jan.,6 intended to lobby the congress and the Vice President to withhold certification until the concerns were addressed.  It was, as is the right of the citizens, an attempt to have their concerns heard. 

The president made his speech and told the crowd to peacefully and patriotically to make their concerns heard to the congress, which was in session. We all know what happened next, that some of the protesters overstepped their peaceful protest and pushed their way into the capital and the rest is history.

So the democrats have made this into a political opportunity to claim that it was an attempt of overthrow the government, all orchestrated by Donald Trump, a gross exaggeration for political advantage.

The limits on presidential power are defined by our constitution and that's why we have 3 equal branches of government. Congress has been derelict in its duties to limit the powers of the president. They have abdicated their power to declare war and many other of their duties. Criminal prosecutions after the fact, by the opposition party is not the remedy. The remedy is for the people to demand that congress assume their responsibility for limiting the power of the president in the future. And the court can then decide, based on the constitution, if their restraint is appropriate. 

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