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Thursday, July 11, 2024

House passes Bill to require citizenship to vote in Federal elections.



Yesterday, the House passed the, "Safeguarding American Vote Eligibility Act" or SAVE, it is house bill 8281. The bill passed 221-198, largely on party lines. Five Democrats voted for the bill 3 of which are hispanic. The bill will require states to require proof of citizenship to register to vote. With near 30 million illegal migrants in the country, this population is a possible source of election fraud. I do not doubt that Democrat NGOs are actively registering non-citizens to vote.

This will now go to to the Senate and it will pressure Democrats in close elections to make a hard choice, this may become a serious wedge issue in the upcoming election. It may also be amended in the Senate.

President Biden has already promised to veto this bill. Either way, it is promising to be a win, win strategy for Republicans.

Voter registration rules are lax in many states, many now issue drivers licenses to non-citizens and in effect make them eligible to vote. Such legislation is way overdue and it is clear that it is being introduced now as an election tactic. Such legislation should have been pushed years ago.

We can expect that some Democrat senators may actually vote for this and rely on Bidens veto to stop it. Either way, it will be used as an election issue in a big way.

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