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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Facing reality for Ukraine.



In 2008 George Bush the second proclaimed that Ukraine and Georgia would soon become members of NATO, it was the beginning of this present conflict and it will not end as long that is the U.S. policy.

Many predicted that Russia would not tolerate NATO on their border, especially in Ukraine, it was all dismissed by the war hawks in Washington and London. McCain and Graham took trips to Ukraine encouraging them to ally with the west in a military alliance against Russia. Russia views NATO on its border as Washington would view Russian bases in Mexico or Canada or Cuba. To American's, the vast majority, Russia has not right to be concerned about such things, Fuck the Russian's, after all we are the greatest military power in world history, who are they to oppose what we consider as just another step to total world dominance. That is the dilemma that the world now faces. Russia will defend its position until they are physically defeated, even it needs to be the outcome of a nuclear war. Not just Putin, but whoever is the leader of Russia. 

This conflict is not going to be decided by some new weapons delivery or even NATO or U.S. troops to Ukraine. It will be decided when the west realizes that its economic and political stability will not survive this conflict and they change their views on the neutrality option for other countries.

At present we hear the same tired, old attempts of  fear mongering that the Russians want to invade Poland, and control all of Europe, that Ukraine is pivotal in stopping Russian aggression. The reality is Russia wants a security buffer on their border, as it has for centuries, and is in the process of divorcing itself from any interaction with the west. Russia certainly doesn't need to preside over any more European countries, they have nothing they need or want. It can either be accepted or just call up the troops, man the missiles and go for it. Russia is not going to back down from this fight.

Does that make me a Russian apologist, no, it is just the plain reality of the situation and the sooner everyone understands this, then maybe there can be a resolution other than world destruction.

At present anyone talking peace initiatives is condemned as Russian or Putin Puppets. In the view of Washington, only Russian defeat is the option, a very dangerous and unrealistic policy.

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