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Friday, July 19, 2024

Musk to leave California over Trans law.



The attacks on children and families continue in the trendsetting state of California. Several years ago they lowered the age of consent to 14 for consensual homosexual sex. This year they have made it illegal for schools to inform parents about their children embracing the transexual life style.

It is indeed a very slippery slope that seems to be advancing at an accelerating rate. Parents no longer have the right to be informed when their children are experimenting with ideas that may be very dangerous to their future. Encouraging minors to contemplate changing their sex at any age below maturity is child abuse and should be considered so. Not in California, and sadly I suspect in other places where the woke segment of our society has control of the education of these young vulnerable children.

Parent should be aware of the policies endorsed and supported by this nations teachers unions, which often are at odds with their values. When these teachers unions endorse these policies, there is much pressure put on teachers to submit to their agenda. These teachers unions are often the point of the spear in the present social revolution, Anti-family, Anti-children and Anti traditional values and religion. All paid for with your tax dollars.

In response to the latest law in California, Elon Musk has publicly denounced this law and has started the process of exiting the headquarters of both X and Tesla from California to an effort to protect the children of his employees.

We can expect that the attacks and demonization of Musk will follow.

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