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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Debt forgiveness, Supreme court reform: Election year nonsense.



With not a single positive to campaign on, the democrat's have resorted to their age old method of offering things they can never deliver. The latest is to make the supreme court an elected or term limited position. Talking about a threat to democracy, a supreme court that is constantly under attack because they have upheld their oath to follow the constitution, the law for the federal government.

The reality is it is not the supreme court that they consider a problem, it is the fact there is a constitution which is a restraint on the federal government. It was instituted to protect the states and the people, the citizens, from the possibility of a corrupt federal government, just like the one that exists right now.

First they resurrected the idea of cancelling student debt, an idea that was struck down by the supreme court because the president does not have that authority. Of course, then they attacked the court because they actually did what they are supposed to do, protect the constitution and the separation of powers. These attacks are undemocratic and a threat to democracy.

Now the latest is a plan to change the court from lifetime appointments, so that politicians do not have power to intimidate the court, to some other system where politicians can change the court when they don't like their rulings.

The constitution provides a process to make changes to the constitution, it is very simple, get 2/3 of the states to approve the changes, and presto it is done. It can be changed at any time. 

If you want abortion without limits, pass a constitutional amendment that is then real law.

If you want to change the court pass an amendment and there it is. The problem is, much of the country will not approve these changes, so then you have the ability through the the tenth amendment that allows the states to control things that are not designated as in the purview of the federal government. That is what we have now, it has worked quite well, when it is implemented.

So now, after 4 years we have a new crop of students who are being lied to and made to believe that if you vote for these compassionate democrats they will cancel their debt. Just more lies and fraud. A sad fraud on the young and naive, all in an effort to hold or expand their political power. 

I assume the abortion cult will also line up believing they will get a federal law to make abortion unlimited and free, just another fraud they will believe, because they want to.

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