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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Israel will not insure its security through war.



The Israeli, Palestinian issue has now reached a critical point that may end either in regional war, world war 3 or the end of Israel. Israel cannot solve this issue by war, by retaliation, or the hope to kill all its enemies. We have seen regime change wars in Iraq, and Syria that have not reduced Israel's threats. some believe that regime change in Iran will solve this issue or eliminating Hezbollah in Lebanon will provide more security.

There as yet has not been a serious effort to solve the dilemma of the west bank and Gaza with a population that is near equal to that of Israel. It is no secret that many in Israel hope to make Israel's borders those of the old testament times. This cannot happen under the present conditions. 

The world community has been pushing a two state solution, which most likely now can never happen, after the last years death and destruction, the divide between these people is deeper than ever.

There is indeed no easy answer to this question, but war with even the back up of the United States will not solve this issue. I suspect that Netanyahu's visit to the United States was to gain assurance from the United States that it would receive back-up of the United States in an all out war with Hezbollah and possibly Iran. An Israeli war with Hezbollah is not an a sure thing for Israel, a war with Iran could possibly end Israel as a functional state.

Then there is the trash talk by Israeli officials threatening Erdogan of Turkey with regime change threats. Telling Erdogan that he may receive the same fate as Saddam Hussein, which very much insinuates that Israel can persuade the United States to accomplish this task. as Israel does not have this capability.  Many of the leaders in the region are under enormous pressure by their citizens to intervene in the Gaza, they hope to keep that under control and Israeli threats may make that increasingly impossible. 

The answer to this problem is a solution, not war, and so far we never hear proposals for a solution. One would be to bypass the prevailing governments of Hamas and the Palestinian authority and deal directly with the present population to buy their real estate, even at a premium price, that would be far less costly than war and would give these people an option to leave the region. At present these people have not option but to live in constant fear washout any hope of a different life. I suspect that most would take any option that would get them out of the present situation.

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