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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Has NATO already entered Ukraine war?



There are reports that all the equipment in the Kursk incursion are new NATO hardware. It also has been reported that there are communications being surveilled in Polish, French and English. There are indications that his incursion was practiced for in Germany, the Uk and Poland and is now manned by some western troops. If this is the case, how long until this becomes an all out NATO war.

This incursion is now 2 weeks old and there has been little advances made in the last 6 days. While the Ukrainians have destroyed the 3 bridges over the Seym river in an effort to slow the Russian reinforcements, everyday that passes is to the Russian advantage. If there are in fact western troops there, they will soon be identified by bodies and prisoners. This will create an incentive to rescue this operation by escalation. 

The Russians are being effective at destroying supplies on the way to the front, both in Ukraine and now possibly Poland. It is suspected that Russia would like to annihilate these invaders rather than allow a retreat. We can expect to see within days which way this action is going to end. If the Ukrainians can manage to hold on it will require a large commitment of men and supplies, a drain on what is needed on the eastern front.

In the eastern front, the Russians are making accelerating gains every day, the Ukrainian pivotal cites of New York and Chasiv Yar have fallen and others are losing ground by the day. It is unlikely that this Russian momentum can be reversed without western troops on the ground for assistance. 

While talk of negotiations is reported, it does not seem that any serious negotiations are underway. It appears that this conflict is going to be decided on the battlefield.

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