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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Northampton Republican committee enters yard sign war?



The election year yard sign wars are underway, but this year it turns out to be an internal war over who should profit from yard sign sales.

In the past two election cycles there has been a grassroots effort to show support for Donald Trump. This of course was demonstrated by the large number of yard signs that sprouted all over this state and in many other states. These signs were privately purchased and distributed by unpaid volunteers who transported them and often paid for them and gave them to family and friends. The price of these signs was the made up of the manufacturing cost and transportation cost. It was truly a grassroots endeavor that often resulted in new friends and a feeling of comradery with like minded citizens. 

Well, now something new has been added, while these signs often provoked anxiety from democrats who sometimes showed their displeasure by obscenities and even vandalism, this year the anxiety has actually become and internal dispute in the republican party, at least in Northampton county.

In fact, it may be a purely Northampton county thing as many of the other county committee's have purchased these signs and distributed in their counties, as did Northampton county in the past.

But this year it is reported that the leadership of the Northampton county committee has declared war on grassroots yard signs by demanding they be taken down and even complaining to facebook about them being advertised for sale.

It seems the Northampton committee feels that their plan to sell the free signs paid for by the National campaign for $5.00 each will be hindered by the grassroots signs sold for under $2.00. 

The idea of yard signs is mostly about showing support for the candidate of ones choice, it is not about profit or control by some hierarchy, it is just one of the aspects of free speech that is part to this country's history and should be respected and protected by not only both parties, but especially within a party that is supposedly supporting the same candidate.

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