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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Free speech being attacked everywhere.



It is amazing that so many seemed outraged that Elon Musk engaged in a conversation with Donald Trump, the republican candidate for president. It is a indictment on the state of real democracy in this country. Free speech is the bedrock of a free people. The reality is, free speech is under attack everywhere in the western world, the supposed defender of democracy and self government. 

We see the UK trying to introduce criminal penalties on anyone who offends or opposes government policy. they, of course, call it misinformation or could cause distrust among the population. The reality is, most western governments are losing the trust of their populations because they have been caught lying about almost everything.

Remember when the Mueller investigation indicted near a dozen Russians as being responsible for hacking the DNC. When these same Russians sent attorneys to prepare for a trial, it all disappeared without any further action. Later Crowdstrike testified that the hack was not a hack at all, but a download from the DNS by someone on the inside. This testimony was buried by shifty Adam Shiff. Of course most, especially democrats, would like to believe the Russians did it to aid Donald Trump.

Then of course, there is the infamous, " weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq. A lie so the U.S. could spend 20 years at war in Iraq. 

Then there is the 51 former intelligence agency officials who signed a letter swearing that the Hunter Biden corruption was all a product of, you guessed it, Russian disinformation, a blatant lie during an election.

Now we are told that that the Iranians are hacking the DNC and RNC and the Trump campaign, I suspect the worst will be the Trump campaign. There also  seems that there was some kind of an attack on X last night. Will it be the Iranians, Russians or Chinese who will be blamed? 

With the history of the U.S. intelligence community, they should be the first suspect. Truly a serious threat to democracy.

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