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Thursday, August 15, 2024

No attack from Iran, Now Israel attack on Iran imminent.



It seems an Israeli attack on Iran is coming, the only way of stopping it is for the U.S. to publicly announce they will not defend Israel after such an attack. A very tough spot for the Biden administration. 

Israel has attacked Iran before, but most believe it is far more dangerous than ever before. Iran has been holding off on responding to Israel's attack in Tehran last week, but they do have the capacity to seriously damage Israel, if it comes to all out war. It could very possibly create a situation were Israel is forced to use tactical nuclear weapons to insure its survival. It can also solidify support for Iran from Turkey, Russia, China and even nuclear armed Pakistan.

While Iran has not fulfilled its promise to respond to Israel's attack, just the threat of such an attack is taking a toll on Israel. The cost to its economy is escalating. Many workers are activated into the military, its airspace is restricted. and many of its citizens are considering taking advantage of their duel citizenship status and actually leaving the country. It is reported that near 500,000 have left the country.

While most claim that Iran does not have nuclear weapons, it cannot be assured. Iran does have the ability and the weapons to inflict devastating damage to Israel, without the use of nuclear weapons. It seems that this confrontation is on a road to being realized if no deescalation comes and very quickly.

A widespread regional conflict will trigger repercussions around the world, without no one being able to predict were it will end. It will entail, economic, social and military destruction on a very large scale.  Hard to imagine any winners.

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