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Monday, August 5, 2024

Time for real political debates, not media productions.



We are again in the election season where debates have became a media event, dominated by media personalities and shifting rules and agendas.  It is time to eliminate all the nonsense and go back to real debates, a debate between the two candidates, where they develop and ask the questions of each other. 

They could agree on rules that would decide which policies to debate, the time for answers and responses and a moderator that could enforce these rules. Very simple, not subject to biased abuse or the risk of someone leaking the questions beforehand.

This would be a valuable tool for the electorate to actually see the candidates in a real life situation, not rehearsed or compromised by media personalities who believe they should be the star of this process. All media should be invited to cover the event, from a distance, without spectators or a audience to distract from the debate. 

This actually should be a series of debates with actual policies discussed and debated. The real things that will affect all the citizens when one of these people are elected. In fact, they should become mandatory, to be clear about one's policies and their vision for the future. Let's skip all the nonsense and meaningless slogans and have real debates.

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