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Monday, August 12, 2024

Ritter and Gabbard targeted for their dissent.



It seems the ruling elite is feeling it needs to suppress any opposition, it is a sign they must believe they are losing the information war. While lies often are accepted in the short run, eventually they just lead to more lies and eventually a loss of credibility. a loss of credibility is an understatement when it comes to the U.S. intelligence community and the U.S. government. The same applies to the UK government, hence the unrest that now is getting out of control in that country.

Last week, Scott Ritter's house was raided by several dozen armed FBI agents. They confiscated all his electronic equipment, his writings, his records for the last 30 years and anything else they could carry off. It appears they are going to charge him with acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign country. This is based on the fact that he has written articles that have been published on RT the Russian media company. They claim that because he is paid for his writing he is now an agent of the Russian government.

Scott Ritter has a long history with the U.S. government. He was U.S. marine and also a U.S. member of the UN nuclear monitoring agency. He was involved in the nuclear disarmament talks and monitoring with Russia in the 1990's. He was a U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq prior to 2003 war. He distinguished himself by claiming that there were no nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in the lead up to the war. He was correct, as it turned out, but he was rewarded by suffering a severe beating by unknown assailants in his home town in upstate N.Y., he spent several weeks recovering in the hospital.

Later he was arrested for having child poronograhy on his compiuter, convicted, and spent some time in jail. It seems messages were sent to shut up, but it seems he is a very stubborn man.

Since the beginning of the Ukraine war. Scott has been in vocal opposition to the U.S. proxy war and the regime change policies of the U.S.. He has quite a bit of knowledge about this issue and has conveyed that fact in many forums on the internet. I suspect that is the root cause of the FBI raid on his home.

Tulsi Gabbard also has voiced opposition to U.S. policy and has now found herself and her husband on the terrorist watchlist. She and her husband have been subjected to thorough searches and humiliation every time she has attempted to fly. It has been revealed that she was placed on the terrorist watchlist.

Gabbard is a military veteran, a 4 time U.S. congress women and a former presidential candidate. She voice her concern in the 2020 Democrat debates and was labeled a Russian agent by none other than Hillary Clinton, because she was in opposition to much of U.S. foreign policy. I assume this is just a message and if she doesnt shut up, may expect more messages.

The use of the foreign agents law has been a hypocritical tool by this government, it was used against Paul Manafort and Gen. Michael Flynn, who were never agents of a foreign government. Manafort was a campaign adviser to a Ukrainian political campaign but not a lobbyist. The Lobbyist was democrat, Tony Podesta, brother of Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta, he was never registered or charged. Flynn was accused of lobbying for Turkey, but he was never a real lobbyist, but did inquire about the position. 

Hunter Biden was paid to lobby and act as an agent of China, Ukraine, and several other countries, he was never registered or charged with a crime for this. The hypocrisy is outrageous  and is just another indication of the corruption rampant in this government.

This is just another indication of why the credibility of the government and media is at an all time low. 

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