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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Price controls, More election year nonsense.



Kamala Harris and Casey of Pennsylvania are running on controlling prices in an effort to control inflation. They claim that price increases are due to corporate greed, and they will prosecute those who they deem as gougers. They actually are not talking about price controls or freezing prices, but selective punishment of those who may not be politically correct or are not donors to the democrat party. It looks like another form of using the law for political purposes. 

The last time price controls were used was in 1970's by Richard Nixon. It was not just price controls but, "Wage and Price controls". It was an attempt to control inflation that was ignited by the previous democrat administration's deficit spending on new social programs and the Vietnam war. It was a dismal failure, and like in the Soviet Union, it created all kinds of distortions in the marketplace, like shortages and actually a black market in controlled goods.  Before that, it was only implemented in WW2 along with rationing, but if you had the dollars, you could get what you wanted.

This is obviously another election year appeal to those who are envious of corporate or business profits. Some believe that profit is, in fact, something the government should control. If you think that inflation is bad, you will find something a lot worse if these policies should be implemented.

First off, who is going to decide who is engaging in supposed gouging, folks like Kamala and Casey who have never had a job or worked in the actual marketplace in their life. It can only lead to selective enforcement on those deemed not supporting their agenda or causes. it will be a disaster and will undoubtedly be used as a political weapon. Does anyone believe that big democrat donors will be charged with gouging? I suspect it will be just a further advancement of the fascist cooperation between the government and some businesses. Will the media or silicon valley be targeted? Will the Teachers union be banned from more raises and pension gouging? I suspect they will target the energy sector and the food sector, both of which operate on the smallest of margins in the economy. 

They usually point to billion in profits by some select energy company, never being objective about the Trillions of investment in plant and equipment. Many actually would like the government to take control of the food and energy sectors, a disaster of the worst kind, it would soon end in famine and freezing.

The reality is that price controls will unlikely ever be implemented and if they are it will be very short lived. The real cause of inflation is government policy. Either for restrictions on the production of energy, like the Biden/Harris team did as soon as they took office, coupled with massive amounts of deficit spending, that is continuing as we watch them engage in election years nonsense.

Kamala and Casey should look in the mirror and they will see the real causes of inflation.

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