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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Direct advertising by Pharma: A big mistake.



There was a time when drug companies were not allowed to directly advertise their products to the public. The first modern drug ad was aired on May 19, 1983. These regulations were further relaxed by the FDA in the early 1990's. Prescription drug advertising has risen from $166 million in 1993 to over $20 billion today. While some may claim that it gives consumers a better view of what is available, it has also created enormous distortions in several areas.

Before regulation, many drugs were direct marked to consumers, most contained addictive medications like cocaine in Coca Cola or opiates in Laudanum, which were widely used. Many drugs were later viewed with suspicion when the addictive features of these drugs were revealed. The drug industry took a great step to universal acceptance with the discovery of antibiotics like penicillin and later sulfa drugs that saved millions of lives. They mostly dealt with severe injuries and infection that was a prevalent cause of death. 

The introduction of  vaccines like smallpox 1796 and polio in 1955 and many other advances has led to the aura of miracle drugs. Many of these discoveries were indeed just that, saving many from early death and disability. 

Today's pharmaceutical industry is now very big business and it seems that its focus is now on maintenance drugs. These are drugs that people are expected to take everyday for the rest of their lives. Often these drugs replace what could be accomplished by lifestyle changes of diet and exercise. Many now have a supply of multiple prescription drugs that are viewed by prospective patients through direct advertising. Doctors are pressured by their patients to be prescribed these well advertised drugs. With the decline of independent private doctors we can expect that they will be given what they desire. 

At the same time the money received by the media has skewed their reporting on any adverse or problems with over drug use. They are unlikely to do stories that kill the golden goose. 

Then there is the large amount of money that has been injected into the medical teaching universities that recommend drug therapy for most every ill. It is also prevalent within the regulatory agencies as much of this research is paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. Then, of course, the amount of money contributed to politicians, particularly those who influence regulation.

I believe the present era of drug therapies will someday be viewed in the same way as many drugs before regulation. The reality is, Americans in particular, are becoming less healthy and are suffering from many chronic conditions that are related to lifestyle, drugs only mask or minimally remedy these conditions. Then the cocktail of many drugs are in fact a severe problem in themselves.

There is actually some hope as the internet and independent media has sprouted that is giving another opinion and showcasing therapies of diet and lifestyle changes that can be accomplished without drugs. The hope is that these ideas can be accepted before ones health has deteriorated to a point of no return.

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