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Friday, August 23, 2024

Is something big coming in Ukraine?



It is a fact that much of war is disinformation and out maneuvering your enemy. It seems that there is either an escalation of  psych ops or something is changing on the Ukraine battlefield. 

There are several reports of large numbers of Ukrainian troops massing south of Kursk. It is reported that many of these troops have been redeployed from the eastern front where Russia is making large gains every day. At the same time there are reports that NATO airfields in Germany are on high alert and have evacuated non-essential personnel. So, what could be going on?

One option would be that Ukraine has given up defending the eastern field and are hoping to make a major offensive into Russia. This could be real or a ploy to force Russia to re deploy troops from the east where they have the momentum. 

Another is that Ukraine, aided by NATO, is going to attempt a major assault into Russia. This could entail NATO air support that would be essential for any serious attack into Russia.

Then possibly Ukraine has word that Russia is going to start a major offense to capture Kiev and end the conflict. These new troops movement would be an attempt to defend such an attack.

It can be expected that Russia knows all about these movements since it seems to be common knowledge. The reality is that Ukraine is in retreat all along the eastern front and after a few more major positions falling, may be in full retreat. 

There may be a possibility of some sort of final all out battle that will end this conflict.

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