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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Do Democrats have any campaign without demonizing Trump?



The new Democrat dilemma, besides Joe Biden showing signs of incompetency, is can they engage in a campaign based on their record and their policies? Do they have ANY positive accomplishments, both at home or abroad, in the last 3 years?

They have descended into the negative narrative or demonization of their opposition, whether it is Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin. It has become very old and stale and they have actually embraced many of the characteristics with which they have labeled their opposition.

It is this administration that has become authoritarian, it has used the legal system to persecute and punish their political opponents. It has engaged in fascist cooperation with the media and social media to suppress dissent and opposing views. It has used every tactic to enhance their electoral advantage by all kinds of creative changes to the election system. I can't think of one positive accomplishment in the last 3 years. 

We have witnessed high inflation, particularly in the necessities of life, like food and energy. we have witnessed lie after lie, telling us all is well, everything is good, all reinforced by the complicet media.

We have seen the overriding foundation of our foreign policy and social policy at home encourage the dissemination of perverse sexualality to very young children. The country has become a horror to many other diverse cultures and religions who view this country as corrupt and degenerate. Any concerns of parents or those that advocate traditional roles are demonized as the enemy.

We have seen the intentional and blatant disregard for the social safety net and quality of life of all Americans with a border policy that focuses on shuttling as many migrants into the country as quickly as possible, without regard for their ever being an asset to the country. It is just another blatant attempt to tip the scales of the election system to maintain their political power.

We have seen the intentional disregard of the law, the acceptance of government advocated redistribution, through open public theft. Punishing those who would expect by their own actions to preserve their wellbeing and their property. It is recipe for chaos and disintegration of social order. 

Again, we see the same old tired lies about destroying social security and health care that are in fact being destroyed by their inflationary policies.

Is this a policy that they will openly run on as a campaign issue, no, they will just demonize the opposition by lying about how authoritarian the others may become, when in fact, they have already become that which they accuse others.

Democracy is a simple idea, compare the vison and hope of the future of the choices and vote in a fair, secure election, not able to be corrupted by the corrupt. Very simple, yet so avoided in this corrupt age.

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