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Monday, July 15, 2024

Attempt on Trump's life, not surprising.



The shocking attempt on the life of Donald Trump is now worldwide news, it is no surprise to anyone who has witnessed the last 8 years of presidential politics in these United States. We have seen a continuous coordinated attempt to malign, discredit, imprison, humiliate and  financially destroy this man. It has been an unprecedented campaign endorsed in high places and the media. It has been perpetuated by many people in high places in the U.S. government, from John Brennen head of CIA., James Comey head of FBI all in cahoots in propagating a story of Trump being a Russian agent, one that they knew was untrue, but continued the investigation for over 2 years. In fact, they are again resurrecting this discredited fabrication.

We have witnessed 2 impeachments, again coordinated by the democrats, some republicans and the media and people in high places in the government.

We watched the 2020 election were Joe Biden hardly left his basement and received a record 80 million votes, and was able to edge out Trump in democrat controlled states with big city democratic controlled votes. Any attempt to question this election was immediately dismissed as just more conspiracy theories.

We witnessed the 2022 election were the Republicans were far ahead in all polls, actually exit polls indicated a Republican landslide, but in the end they gained nothing.

And now in 2024, we see Democrat Attorney generals and politically biased judges engage in numourous bull shit legal attempts to have Trump removed from the ballot or become ineligible to run for President. So far, Trump is still running and is a viable candidate in an honest election.

We can speculate that many would have celebrated and rejoiced if this assassin would have been successful. He may even have fantasized that he would be a hero.

On Saturday, I was attending an outdoors event in Northeast Pennsylvania, when I received a call that Trump has been shot, when I relayed that information to others at this event, none who I personally knew, the overwhelming reaction was this, F.....g government. This was sadly the first reaction, as most Trump supporters hear the phrase, whatever it takes, from the bureaucratic deep state and we can only assume, that if all else fails only death will be able to eliminate Donald Trump.

Then there is the actual details that we know so far about this incident. It is reported and verified that attendee's saw the shooter go up on the roof with a weapon and attempted to notify law enforcement. This moving to the roof was well timed with Trump coming to the stage. Within minutes shots were fired and Trump was grazed in the head and in seconds the shooter was taken out by the secret service.

The questions are, how was this person able to take that position on that roof, a perfect elevated position for this attack? Then how was it that people on the ground saw this happening, but the secret service on the roof, did not see a man with a gun on a roof below their position and around 130 yards away? Why did the secret service refrain from firing until after the shooter fired his weapon? Some are reporting the secret service was not given permission to fire unless the perpetrator fired his weapon. If this is true, it is very telling about how this happened.

As for the shot, 130 yards, firing from a prone position is a no brainer for most any experienced shooter. While an AR-15 is not the best choice, it is accurate enough to hit a human at this range. Some claim they witnessed a miracle in Trump not being killed. Many claim that Trump turned his head at the moment of the shot and was saved by that movement. This could be true, there is the question of lock time, it is the milliseconds from the time the sear is disengaged and the firing pin under spring pressure moves forward and strikes the primer which fires the propellent and forces the bullet down the barrel and to the target. When this all happens while the target is moving it can end with a displacement of inches, just enough to save Trump's life.

Some claim to have a picture of the bullet after it passed though Trump's ear. It is not the bullet, but blood that is carried along the path of a bullet as passes through living matter. 

There is no indication, that the attempts to disqualify or eliminate Trump from being president will  not continue, probably more subtly and quietly, but we can only assume that there will be doubling down to accomplish the agenda, "Whatever it takes"


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