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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

NATO's Ukraine dilemma.



The proxy war is now at at a turning point, NATO now admits this is their war. Are they ready to take charge and go all out to defeat Russia? NATO, Biden and the war enthusiasts in the U.S. wanted this conflict, believing they could engineer regime change in Russia, fragment the Russian federation and send a message to the world that they are the masters of the universe. 

With Biden now in decline, either through the electoral process or the natural effects of aging, he no longer will be deciding the fate of the world. It seems NATO now owns this project and has labeled it an existential threat to its survival. They have made it so, and that is their dilemma. Either for old thinking of hatred for the Soviet Union or viewing Russia as a traitor to the socialist world revolution, they have come to the deciding end of this journey. 

Are they going to admit they have failed, swallow hard and decide to try co-existence or are the prepared to go to an all out war footing in a conflict with Russia, China and whoever they feel is now their enemy? Was NATO expansion really worth this? Are they ready to explore this reality?

While they continue to bluster and threaten, open a command center in Germany, send all the messages that they will go to all out war to insure NATO expansion, we really see little material evidence that can or have the will to go to all out war.

Have they now lost control of this situation and are they destined to self destruct rather than admit this Ukraine project is a failure that can only lead to more death and destruction, but unlikely a victory?

It seems they may only have several months to make a very serious decision. It is uncertain that this mob of amatuer diplomats can make any decision at all.

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