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Friday, June 28, 2024

Presidential debate: "You shall know them by their fruits".



I watched the Presidential debate this morning, while it did shed some light on the condition of the candidates, I will say no more. If you can't make a decision on who was the most cognitive, my analysis will not matter.

We should all be making a decision based on who will  do their best to do what is in the best interest of the country. It is very simple, you have all lived in the USA under both presidents. Are you voting on the best interest of the country, or your own best interest? Are you a government worker or dependent on government contracts and believe that Biden will increase your wealth? Or can we all be objective and vote for the best interest of the country, not about some pet peeve or personal benefit?

The reality is the country is in dire straits, forget about whose fault it is, it will in fact affect everyone of us. 

Our foreign policy is a disaster, perpetual war, no diplomacy, just force and intimidation. we are on the verge of WW3 and that is not some idle speculation but the reality. Serious changes in direction need to made quickly, hopefully we can survive until the next election.

The world is changing rapidly and the question is will the U.S. adapt to the changes and co-exist with these changes or self destruct trying to live in the past.

Fiscal responsibility is non existent by both parties, we can not deficit spend our way into prosperity, only ruin.

The open border is creating a untenable situation that will erode all social services and not provide the kind of labor that this modern economy needs. This is not about the kind of immigration that this country has always embraced, it is an unarmed invasion.

This country is in the most divided condition since the civil war and it is in fact a product of political opportunism by the left. We can not survive nor address the serious problems of the country in this condition.

Whether you like or hate Trump, he has always attempted to be a problem solver, rather than a problem creator. He has survived the continuous efforts to destroy him since he came down that escalator 9 years ago. He was continually undermined in his efforts to make good long term decisions for the country.

In reality, I have questions whether this country can be saved, certainly not with one election. Only a coming together to make serious decisions that are in the best long range interest of the USA will began a rebuilding and healing process. We will see if this country can step up and begin that process.

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