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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Julian Assange, free at last, message sent.



Julian Assange has finally been freed from 12 years of incarceration. Assange. founder of wikileaks, published videos of U.S. military machine gunning civilians in Afghanistan in 2010. Shortly after, in the same year, sexual assault charges were filed in Sweden. Assange was arrested in England and released on bail awaiting extradition to Sweden. In 2012 Assange entered the Ecuadorian embassy asking for asylum. He was then charged for jumping bail, a misdemeanor. 

In 2019 Assange was denied asylum by Ecuador and then arrested by British police. The accusations about sexual assault were eventually recanated, but he remained in jail in England after charges of espionage were filed in the U.S.. It was reported that CIA director Mike Pompeo had given instructions that Assange should be kidnapped and murdered. Extradition to the U. S. was considered by many as a death sentence.  

This week after over 4 years in prison awaiting extradition, Assange was offered a deal to plead guilty to espionage and sentenced to time served in British jail.

It can be assumed that the message was sent to Assange and other journalists that leaking state illegal secrets will be very costly. It can also be assumed that there was never an intention to hold a trial for Assange, because of the risk of what else could be revealed in such a trial. I would also expect that Assange was warned that if he wants to live, he should stay out of political revelations.

We always hear slogans about democracy and the rule of law. Assange was never tried but in reality was imprisoned for 12 years, at the same time we also witnessed a true whistleblower, Edward Snowden, forced to flee the country for his life, after he revealed the fact that the NSA was illegally collecting conversations and communications by all Americans. It can be assumed that they are in the process of developing some sort of profiling of every American citizen.

We have seen FBI agents who have reported abuse being actually arrested for revealing those illegal acts.

Then we see the likes of Eric Ciaramella and Alexander Vindman who leaked recorded conversations of the President of the United States and were then called hero's by the bureaucracy and the media. 

So, hopefully Julian Assange can have a peaceful and happy life with his wife and children. We can also assume that the corruption and unlawful behaviour will also continue until a wholesale flushing of many in this government is accomplished.


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