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Friday, June 7, 2024

Russia may supply weapons to U.S. enemies.



Putin hinted yesterday that in retaliation for the U.S. giving the OK for Ukraine to use U.S. long range missiles to attack Russia, it may supply equivalent weapons to U.S. enemies. While the Houthis in Yemen and other middle east actors could use these against U.S. troops and assets in that region, it may be an empty threat. Historically Russia has not given sophisticated weapons to actors that it could not control. It is still more likely that Ukraine will suffer if any such weapons are used against Russia.

Russia has responded to attacks inside Russia by destroying the electric generation of Ukraine, they still have the options of taking down all the bridges over the Dnieper river and targeting government buildings and personnel in Kiev. Russia still has the ability to destroy the economic viability of Ukraine and then cause the west to need to increase financial support to maintain the country. Such a strategy will increase the bleeding of the U.S. and NATO in maintaining Ukraine.

Russian war ships are expected to arrive in Cuba this week, such a presence does not really offer much of a threat to the U.S.. While the Russian submarine fleet is a sophisticated and serious threat, Russia's surface fleet is no match for the U.S. navy. 

Europe is giving indications that they are preparing their populations for war. The continuous narrative that Russia wishes to invade NATO is certainly not reality, but it is using this propaganda to increase defense spending, initiate conscription and to use this threat for political opportunism. European elections begin this weekend and fear is an age old political tool. It is a dangerous gamble that may end in increasing the actual threat of European war.

It seems there is no peaceful end to this Ukraine project as both sides are determined to prevail, it is usually a formula for an increase in death and destruction.

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