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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Focusing on effects not causes.



As the number of crisis multiply around the world, it is time to rehabilitate America or witness its death.  A constant attempt to deal with self imposed problems is destroying the future of this country. These problems will not be corrected by threatening and intimidation both at home and around the world.

The dollar is in trouble, not because of competitors, but because of fiscal irresponsibility by both parties. It will not be corrected by attempting to force other countries to accept a continually declining value of the dollar.

We cannot have credible positive relations with diverse cultures and religions around the world, if we continue to attempt to force social policies that many find aborhorent. 

We no longer can engage in hypocritical foreign policy that is willing to abandon international law when it suits our desires.

While many still understand the military power of the United States, it can not be the only tool in an attempt to control the world. Our leaders better face reality that we are not the only superpower in the world, as it was in 1991.

This country is weak in so many areas, because this country is weak at home. Intentional division to increase or maintain political power, fiscal spending that is unsustainable in an attempt to hold on to political power. Debasing the legal system to punish and suppress descent. Cooperative efforts to censor free speech. All the hallmarks of an empire in the process of expiring.

This country was never meant to be an empire, one of the reasons for its success was because it refrained from that lust. As all empires before, they all collapse when they lose their moral authority and disintegrate from within. Only a serious reformation will save this country, it may be decided in the very near future.

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