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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Executive order abuse escalates.



President Biden seems to believe that executive orders are his path to buying more votes. First he continues to tell students that he will cancel their student debt by executive order, something that has already been ruled as unconstitutional. Yesterday he proclaimed that certain illegal immigrants can remain in the country. His policies on immigration are mostly in contradiction of existing law. 

Legally, executive orders are used to enforce existing law and they are enforceable on executive branch employees, not on individuals or states. The move to authoritarianism continues by this abuse of executive orders. We do not legally have an imperial presidency. Interestingly many of the existing laws are ignored or diluted by these executive orders.

Again, where is the senate and congress to point out these abuses, and take action to cancel this abuse?

The United States has the best system of self government in human history, but sadly, it is slowly being diluted and transformed into a system of privilege and authoritarianism.

War powers situation is another example. The United states has not declared war since WW2, yet we have been in almost perpetual war for the last 30 years. Only congress has the legal authority to engage in war and they have been delinquent in their responsibility. Much of this abuse is covered by some illegal congressional action to give the president blanket power to go to war.

It is a time, as we are on the precipice of WW3, a war that once started, no one will control, congress needs to be more interested in actually engaging in the rule of law rather than a lot of narrative about their concern for democracy and that law. Real action counts more than nice sounding distractions.

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