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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Russian peace plan rejected: Again.



While the much celebrated, but mostly media event, for peace was held in Switzerland, Russia thought it appropriated to revoice their positions on Ukraine. It was, as expected, immediately rejected, as only Russian defeat is still the hope of NATO and Ukraine.

This proposal was the third time that Russia has put forth a plan to insure its security concerns and also peacefully co-exist with Ukraine.

The 1st proposal was offered in Dec. 2021, when Russia put forth a plan to Ukraine and NATO and the U.S. that would have addressed the most pressing issues.

1. Ukraine would be considered a neutral non aligned country, not part of the NATO military alliance.
2. The Russian population in eastern Ukraine would be assured their civil rights concerning language, culture and religion.
3. Ukraine would have defensive military numbers, not an ability to engage in offensive operations.
4. Ukraine would have guarantees for border security and national sovereignty.

This was considered a framework for negotiations, it was rejected by the United states, NATO and Ukraine, without any consideration for a negotiated settlement.

The second peace proposal was made during serious negotiations in Turkey in March 2022 several weeks after the beginning of hostilities. It is reported and verified by outside participants as agreed upon by Ukraine and Russia.

It again would have resulted in a neutral Ukraine, no NATO membership, civil rights for Russian population in Ukraine and security and border guarantees for Ukraine. Russia would withdraw from Ukraine and to show good faith, they did withdraw from the Kiev area. This agreement was stopped by the UK and the U.S. who pledged to support Ukraine in victory over Russia.

This latest proposal was similar except Russia is not going to withdraw or reintegrate those 4 oblasts that have voted to become part of the Russian Federation. 

We can expect that Russia made this proposal in an effort to be put on the record, before the next phase of escalation in Ukraine. It is unlikely that there will be any more offers from Russia.

NATO is individually pledging support for Ukraine for the next 10 years, planning on erecting NATO bases in Poland, Romania and Slovakia to adequately supply Ukraine with weapons and supplies. Hungary has made it clear they are opting out of using their territory for hostilities in this conflict.

At present, Russia has escalated by attacking the electrical generation of Ukraine to the point that much of the country has only intermittent power. They may soon begin taking out the road and rail bridges across the country to make commerce and supplies very hard to get into Ukraine.

Ukraine is running out of willing military personnel and has even begun to mine its border with Romania to keep young men from leaving the country. While weapons and supplies can be supplied from the west, men are not that easy to provide.

So it seems that Russia believes that NATO membership for Ukraine on their front porch is an existential threat to their security and is willing to go to great lengths for this to never happen.

NATO and the West believe that any victory for Russia is an existential threat to their pride and standing in the world community and is willing to encourage this war until Ukraine has expended all its abilities.

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