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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Russia preparing for war with NATO.



It appears that there is no resolution to the Ukraine conflict, without a winner and loser. NATO is determined that Russia will be the loser and Russia is never going to accept NATO expansion in Ukraine. There is tremendous internal pressure in Russia to up the ante and finish this war in Ukraine. When this happens, NATO will only be able to save Ukraine by NATO direct intervention. It seems that Russia understands this and is making preparations for a direct all out war with NATO. The question is whoever the loser will be in such a conventional war, will they resort to nuclear weapons? Russia, viewing this conflict as an existential threat, will. Will the west also believe that this is an existential threat to their global dominance and consider nuclear war acceptable? Once this war starts, no one may be able to stop it.

On the NATO side we see Hungary making it clear they will not participate in a war with Russia, nor will they allow their land to be used for a staging area. One can bet that, while they have made no declarations, Turkey will also opt out of war with Russia. There may be others that will also opt out of such an undertaking.

We see Russia now making agreements with North Korea, and also indicating that some other Asian and central Asian countries also will ally with Russia, I will not venture to name those other countries. Iran must understand that they will also be targeted if Russia is defeated, as will China. The situation is shaping up that these other countries may also see this conflict developing into an existential threat to their future.

Much of the world wants to be independent of western dominance both economically and politically, they are making steady progress in that direction, with 59 new countries interested in joining the BRICS economic alliance. This is a direct threat to western world dominance, which is coming to an end, either peacefully or with a devastating war.

Peaceful co-existence can be possible, but not with the curent crop of amatuer diplomats who only understand force, extortion and intimidation as a negotiating tool and are deluded in thinking that they can rule the world.

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